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My morning view


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Paula,  Glad your up there.  My Dad worked at Sunmount  (the big white buildings North of the Lake) when it was VA hospital.  It now a state facility for people with disabilities.    We lived in Saranac Lake.  Thanks for the picture.  Enjoy being in God's country. 

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Paula, Glad your up there. My Dad worked at Sunmount (the big white buildings North of the Lake) when it was VA hospital. It now a state facility for people with disabilities. We lived in Saranac Lake. Thanks for the picture. Enjoy being in God's country.

Most of my family does or has worked for sun mount. I was born up here. Family reunion here at beach
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Most of my family does or has worked for sun mount. I was born up here. Family reunion here at beach

Wow, that is really neat. Sounds like we are "country cousins". Have a wonderful time with your family! We are planning to be up that way in September for a late summer vacation.

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Wow, that is really neat. Sounds like we are "country cousins". Have a wonderful time with your family! We are planning to be up that way in September for a late summer vacation.


I have a few cousins that consider themselves red necks and another set hillbillys and they all were raised there.  Would love to make it back up there before winter. I was able to meet Bubba for lunch on this trip. He is not that far.

Here are a few pictures from my gopro


OH and here is a rain cloud moving in right at my tent


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