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Damage wildlife Permit


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Got a call last night from a farmer in Webster . I was talking to him last spring and he asked me if I was interested in using a Damage wildlife Permit on his property . I told him that I was interested so I stopped by this am and picked one up . I had to sign some papers and he showed me a map of the properties involved . I was hesitant at 1st but figured if I get my foot in the door , I just might be able to Bow or Gun hunt his property .

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Got a call last night from a farmer in Webster . I was talking to him last spring and he asked me if I was interested in using a Damage wildlife Permit on his property . I told him that I was interested so I stopped by this am and picked one up . I had to sign some papers and he showed me a map of the properties involved . I was hesitant at 1st but figured if I get my foot in the door , I just might be able to Bow or Gun hunt his property .

Why would he not let you hunt if he is willing to let you blast them at night with a light?  Not sure how good the hunting would be if you went the night shooting route anyways. Does he allow other hunters on to thin the herds?

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That can be a huge step towards gaining access to some primo property, and maybe making a friend in the process.


OTOH, I've had some problems in the past regarding these permit situations. Mostly involving some of the 'qualities' and attitudes of the other hunters. When phrases like "fill the truck" and "stack 'em like cordwood" become the MO, even normally decent folks can become a little whacky.

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Why would he not let you hunt if he is willing to let you blast them at night with a light?  Not sure how good the hunting would be if you went the night shooting route anyways. Does he allow other hunters on to thin the herds?


I guess I should have expected this from someone . I have taken deer in the past with the Damage permits in Mendon but I don't hunt at dark with a spotlight even though it is legal . It doesn't make sense that a person would be allowed to take deer up to 11pm . I sure wouldn't want to hear someone shooting when it's dark out . He has several guys shooting deer on the properties . The guy owns / farms several hundred acres and has a lot of bean crops , christmas trees , etc ..

I havn't know the farmer for very long and I don't doubt that he has people hunting his land during Regular Seasons .

By the way --- the land isn't fenced in either ............


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a lot of times they don't want hunters out during regular hours because the deer problem exists on working farms, which means workers out in the fields and customers at farm stands and out at the "pick your own " farms during daylight hours........the farmers aren't usually too concerned with offering a quality hunting experience and if you don't do it someone else will...I've been on a few and the landowners wanted nothing to do with guys who didn't produce, they were asked not to come back.

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Years ago when I first moved to the area I live in now I was looking for a place to hunt.  So went to the region 6 office and asked for the names of farmers who have been given nuisance deer tags.  I got 3 names of farmers near me and the second was glad to let me hunt on his property as long as it was does only.  I was more that glad to oblige because I'm a meat hunter.

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I guess I should have expected this from someone . I have taken deer in the past with the Damage permits in Mendon but I don't hunt at dark with a spotlight even though it is legal . It doesn't make sense that a person would be allowed to take deer up to 11pm . I sure wouldn't want to hear someone shooting when it's dark out . He has several guys shooting deer on the properties . The guy owns / farms several hundred acres and has a lot of bean crops , christmas trees , etc ..

I havn't know the farmer for very long and I don't doubt that he has people hunting his land during Regular Seasons .

By the way --- the land isn't fenced in either ............


Really!! What kind of knee jerk answer is this? I guess you need to do your homework on the permit systems of Ny state and what farmers can and can not do with the permits they get!


Coming from a Mod, your last statement shows just how guys like you can ruin a site. Your post or my reply had nothing to do with high fence or farming yet you find yourself childish enough to throw in a comment about something that had no bearing on the thread.


Cant wait till the owner gets some real men to overlook this great site before it goes all the way down the drain!

Edited by Four Season Whitetails
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Really!! What kind of knee jerk answer is this? I guess you need to do your homework on the permit systems of Ny state and what farmers can and can not do with the permits they get!


Coming from a Mod, your last statement shows just how guys like you can ruin a site. Your post or my reply had nothing to do with high fence or farming yet you find yourself childish enough to throw in a comment about something that had no bearing on the thread.


Cant wait till the owner gets some real men to overlook this great site before it goes all the way down the drain!

It's kind of freaky how this Four Season guy flips out over nothing these days. It looks like he is on a campaign to alienate as many people here as he possibly can. Just take a look at this reply and see if there is any way that it makes any kind of sense other than the fact that he is simply losing it .... lol.

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Well go enjoy your self and be careful...now how many are you personally allowed and are you going to use them or do you have some place to donate? is he or you set up with a cooler?


Grow --- I have a single permit that allows me to take one anterless deer . If I do well , he has more to give out . The property is only about 10 miles from my home . I am not crazy about doing the shooting in the summer but , if it isn't me , it would be someone else . It might be an opportunity to hunt closer to home during regular season once I fill a tag or two . .............


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Grow --- I have a single permit that allows me to take one anterless deer . If I do well , he has more to give out . The property is only about 10 miles from my home . I am not crazy about doing the shooting in the summer but , if it isn't me , it would be someone else . It might be an opportunity to hunt closer to home during regular season once I fill a tag or two . .............




you cutting it up?

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Really!! What kind of knee jerk answer is this? I guess you need to do your homework on the permit systems of Ny state and what farmers can and can not do with the permits they get!


Coming from a Mod, your last statement shows just how guys like you can ruin a site. Your post or my reply had nothing to do with high fence or farming yet you find yourself childish enough to throw in a comment about something that had no bearing on the thread.


Cant wait till the owner gets some real men to overlook this great site before it goes all the way down the drain!


What's to know . There is a sheet that must be signed by the Agent and the Permittee . It explains what has to be done and what is legal . If the rules / regulations are not followed with all conditions it could result denial of future permits and may be considered violations of State and local laws .


Your little remark about blasting them at night with a light pretty much set me off . Even though permit holders are allowed to take the deer 1/2 hour before sunrise and up to 10 pm , I don't hunt in the dark .


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What are you packing for a gun? Have you ever hunted this property before, or are you going to have to do some scouting first? Did he give you any tips on where the highest concentrations of deer are?


I think it sounds like fun and an opportunity to get out there in the near future and check out some of that warm-weather hunting. Keep us posted as to how it all goes.

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you cutting it up?


Yes , I am cutting it up . It has to be done quickly in this weather . I have been doing my own butchering for several years . The processors would most likely be closed in the evening ( after 5 or 6 pm ) and I wouldn't want to wait until morning .   It would probably take me longer to drag the deer than driving the 10 miles to home .

I have an electric hoist in the garage and it doesn't take long to skin and cut up the deer . Once the meat is in the fridge , the processing doesn't have to be that fast ( within a reasonable time ) .

I'll keep an eye on the weather and look for a cooler am or pm day to do any shooting but I realize the farmer wants some quick results  . It is amazing how fast the flies can get to a dead animal . They can get to a dead animal before you can so everything has to be done rather quickly .  .


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Yes , I am cutting it up . It has to be done quickly in this weather . I have been doing my own butchering for several years . The processors would most likely be closed in the evening ( after 5 or 6 pm ) and I wouldn't want to wait until morning .   It would probably take me longer to drag the deer than driving the 10 miles to home .

I have an electric hoist in the garage and it doesn't take long to skin and cut up the deer . Once the meat is in the fridge , the processing doesn't have to be that fast ( within a reasonable time ) .

I'll keep an eye on the weather and look for a cooler am or pm day to do any shooting but I realize the farmer wants some quick results  . It is amazing how fast the flies can get to a dead animal . They can get to a dead animal before you can so everything has to be done rather quickly .  .


I think you need some quick access to some game-bags to try to stay ahead of the flies. I think you are probably right. This guy won't be wanting you to fiddle around too much waiting for the best weather.

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What are you packing for a gun? Have you ever hunted this property before, or are you going to have to do some scouting first? Did he give you any tips on where the highest concentrations of deer are?


I think it sounds like fun and an opportunity to get out there in the near future and check out some of that warm-weather hunting. Keep us posted as to how it all goes.


Doc , I have a NEF 25-06 single shot to take deer . I have never hunted the properties  .  I don't want to go in blind without not knowing what the surroundings are . The farmer gave me an 11"X17" Satellite map and marked off the fields he wants hunted . I plan to at least check out the areas in the next couple of days .


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This isn't about ethics, its about a farmers ability to make money to pay his taxes, buy pesticides, buy herbicides, pay the fuel bill and put clothes on his kids. If you want to ensure this new relationship with the farmer remains healthy, you will need to produce. When damage permits are issued, its because there is a pest problem - the pest being the deer.

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Doc , I have a NEF 25-06 single shot to take deer . I have never hunted the properties  .  I don't want to go in blind without not knowing what the surroundings are . The farmer gave me an 11"X17" Satellite map and marked off the fields he wants hunted . I plan to at least check out the areas in the next couple of days .


Good rifle. I envision watching fields for deer feeding at the edges ..... Not that I know a heck of a lot about hunting ag country .... lol. That whole thing would be as completely different from any kind of hunting that I am used to, it would have to be an interesting hunt. Some good Google map investigations or something like that would probably be handy so you could zoom in on some likely looking areas and then out to see some general over-all patterns.

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It's kind of freaky how this Four Season guy flips out over nothing these days. It looks like he is on a campaign to alienate as many people here as he possibly can. Just take a look at this reply and see if there is any way that it makes any kind of sense other than the fact that he is simply losing it .... lol.

This post just shows how bright you really are. You make a post to try and degrade me when in fact you show how stupid you really think!  Everybody but Steve can read the post,look at my reply and then look at his reply back. He had to be childish and throw the last sentence in there that its not fenced in land. That shows one thing and one thing only!


There is no flipping out and i am not worried if i alienate some people like yourself that have no meaning to me or this site!  Now  back to your easy chair and read up about how Andy is going to take our toys away!

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What's to know . There is a sheet that must be signed by the Agent and the Permittee . It explains what has to be done and what is legal . If the rules / regulations are not followed with all conditions it could result denial of future permits and may be considered violations of State and local laws .


Your little remark about blasting them at night with a light pretty much set me off . Even though permit holders are allowed to take the deer 1/2 hour before sunrise and up to 10 pm , I don't hunt in the dark .


The damage permit is givin to farmers to get rid of deer. Hence kill the problem. By you going out and:hunting: 1 deer during the off season will do nothing to help his problem. If he only has very little damage then he needs DMAP's to give out to hunters during the open season. If he has massive deer problems then he needs a damage permit and someone to go in and 'kill' the problem regardless of the time of day or night. Thats what their made for and he very well could lose that permit if its not used correctly.


You will also gain no friends from the other hunters using that property by helping this farmer out by killing deer in the off season and does with fawns will make it worse. But i guess you already know that!

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For Cripes sake ...STOP already!!! every freaking subject...walk away.... Eddie go get your self a deer and enjoy helping the guy out and possibly get a new place to hunt


FSW stop reading into stuff and if ya do. pull up that lip and just walk away..... what is the point!

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