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Draggin a Bear??

sits in trees

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If I bag one on my property it will be a project getting it out but doable. But I also love getting out on the wide open tracts of state land where there is a good chance of getting a shot at a bear. What do you do if you bag a big Blacky way out?

If you were caught on state land by the DEC with your ATV and you explained that you have a 300lb bear laying up on a mountain and have no other way to get him down? I wonder if you contact the DEC after shooting one and explain the situation if they would make an exception?

Any state forest hunters here with solutions, I mean I would hate not taking the shot because I have no way to get him out but that might be what I'm up against.

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The best thing to do would be to skin it to get it cooled as fast as possible, then quarter it and take the pieces out one at a time.  It's a lot of hiking and very time consuming, but without extra people to help you drag it, you have no other option.


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Do what Mr VJP says and be glad it's not a MOOSE.

I can relate to that, Shot a 700 lb cow in Vermont, Too high up on the mountain to get the atv. We had to cape and quarter that  beast and carry it out...I Loved every moment of it.

Edited by ANTLERS
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Yea I guess skinning and quartering would be the way to go and then hope the taxidermy man doesn't give you hell.


I'd say some quality time with some Youtube skinning video's are in your future..................................better do it while it is fresh in your mind.

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I ran into.this problem when I got my bear over 500lb female bear she was shot on.private land and expired on state land I had to.cut it in half so I figured out the way that I would want to have it mounted and I cut it a few inches behind the front legs just the front legs and head weighed 174lbs me and my buddy tied that part to a sick and carried it almost a mile out for over a week both of our shoulder were black and blue really bad but it was well worth it

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My solution would be to take as many quality pictures as possible and wave bye-bye as he kept on walking. I don't need some stroke or heart attack over a bear that I'm not even sure I could eat. I say that because I have already done the stroke thing, and I have never tasted bear meat and don't even know if I would like it.


A man's gotta know his limitations .... lol.

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When we hunted a friends property on the side of a mountain which had trails to get up pretty high to level ground, I asked  how do you get an animal down from here. He took me to a spot on the side and said we tie them up with the head tucked inside and roll them down the side , which wound up in his neighbors property.

He said we did 2 bears and 5 deer that way.

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