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Just shot a deer could use some help


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Deersearch.org DEER SEARCH INC. is an organization of volunteers who seek to reduce the number of deer wounded and left in the woods to die during hunting season. We use specially trained tracking dogs to find wounded big game that are impossible to track by eye.

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That picture really doesn't show anything besides a dead deer chopped in half.  Inflation/deflation of lungs play a huge role here.  I believe he hit there because I have seen broad heads lodged in that area when skinning/cutting up.  Also, my dad hit one there, and it dropped right on the spot almost paralyzed for a minute.  He shot and killed it a week later.  They don't always go down on shoulder hits.  I actually don't ever remember any one telling me they went down on a shoulder hit with an arrow.  Ill guarantee you that broad head was near the spinal cord for that reaction

Edited by LuckyPickle123
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Jeez... I don't know what todo,


Did you look from a different perspective?


Go to the last blood mark. Get down on all fours to look UNDER the thick stuff, not through it from 6' above. Ask yourself, "Where would I go if I wanted to hide?" You would probably take the path of least resistance into a thick spot.


Edited for spelling

Edited by incognito
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Did you look from a different perspective?

Go to the last blood mark. Get down on all fours to look UNDER the thick stuff, not through it from 6' above. Ask yourself, "Where would I go if I wanted to hide?" You would probably take the path of least resistance into a thick spot.

Edited for spelling

I tried everything, I am young (16), so it was no problem for me to get down on my hands n' knees for 35 minutes looking for any sigh. I checked all the cover in the area.
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That picture really doesn't show anything besides a dead deer chopped in half. Inflation/deflation of lungs play a huge role here. I believe he hit there because I have seen broad heads lodged in that area when skinning/cutting up. Also, my dad hit one there, and it dropped right on the spot almost paralyzed for a minute. He shot and killed it a week later. They don't always go down on shoulder hits. I actually don't ever remember any one telling me they went down on a shoulder hit with an arrow. Ill guarantee you that broad head was near the spinal cord for that reaction

Do you think that deer will return to her normal activtys? Or will she abandon her old patterns.

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That picture really doesn't show anything besides a dead deer chopped in half.  Inflation/deflation of lungs play a huge role here.  I believe he hit there because I have seen broad heads lodged in that area when skinning/cutting up.  Also, my dad hit one there, and it dropped right on the spot almost paralyzed for a minute.  He shot and killed it a week later.  They don't always go down on shoulder hits.  I actually don't ever remember any one telling me they went down on a shoulder hit with an arrow.  Ill guarantee you that broad head was near the spinal cord for that reaction


Say what? Break the seal on the cavity and the lungs cannot expand...deer dies. There is no no man's land.


Shot appears high and non-lethal.


The big shoulder everyone is talking about is not as big of an obstacle - the scapula is penetrated by most all moden day equipment. The offside can break the arrow and happens often. The real shoulder shot issues is when the knuckle is hit, which is a much smaller object and lower in chest. Many deer shot in the shoulder simply are not found in my experience because of the lack of blood trail or they did not hit the vital/cavity. Deer are wired, entry into the shoulder area can cause all kinds of wierd things. Shot a buck parallel at 35 yds in Ohio in 2012 and the entry was into the cavity but through the scalpula and the broadhead exited darn near straight down through the heart and out the bottom of the chest. The buck lurched at the shot and the motion broke the arrow and sent the front half down. Had two holes at a 90 degree angle.

Edited by phade
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