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Teen coon hunters shot at...


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It is illegal to shoot a dog during hunting season,I guess this guy is not up to date with the NYSDEC laws or does not give a S#*".

 Only two instance that I know of where it is ever legal, regardless of seasons.


1. dogs actively attacking livestock

2. Attacking  a person.

Edited by Culvercreek hunt club
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The story broke about a week ago on a local radio show. The 18 y/o hunter called in as well as his father. The whole story on the radio lasted an hour or more.

Cops and Econ officers responded and would not press charges. Dogs collars have gps chips and owner could show them dog was never on the shooters land, they really did not care......

Man fired and reloaded and kept firing despite kids yelling to stop that people were over there,that and they had on headlamps. All as pellets whizzed by and hit all around them.

Responding officers still did not care,said he could protect his livestock, which the dogs were never near......and they could have looked at the gps tracking to confirm.

Finally after public pressure,due to,the news picking it up they rethought things.

Once I yell and someone keeps firing,well I'm in fear of my life and have been forced to respond.

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The story broke about a week ago on a local radio show. The 18 y/o hunter called in as well as his father. The whole story on the radio lasted an hour or more.

Cops and Econ officers responded and would not press charges. Dogs collars have gps chips and owner could show them dog was never on the shooters land, they really did not care......

Man fired and reloaded and kept firing despite kids yelling to stop that people were over there,that and they had on headlamps. All as pellets whizzed by and hit all around them.

Responding officers still did not care,said he could protect his livestock, which the dogs were never near......and they could have looked at the gps tracking to confirm.

Finally after public pressure,due to,the news picking it up they rethought things.

Once I yell and someone keeps firing,well I'm in fear of my life and have been forced to respond.


absolute bs that it had to get media pressure to get anything done.


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 Only two instance that I know of where it is ever legal, regardless of seasons.


1. dogs actively attacking livestock

2. Attacking  a person.


Years ago  you might be too young to remember but you were allowed to shoot a Dog chasing a Deer during Deer Hunting Season in NYS. It was changed because it ( the dog ) might be someones pet dog.

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Years ago you might be too young to remember but you were allowed to shoot a Dog chasing a Deer during Deer Hunting Season in NYS. It was changed because it ( the dog ) might be someones pet dog.

I remember it being the custom and accepted but I was never able to have anyone show me a law or regulation that said it was ok. I also expect it still goes on I am 49
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The two hunters should call their assembly rep and state senate rep and fill out a form for a "legislative inquiry". Ask why the charges were not immediate, guns seized, and an arrest made. Don't complain to police supervisors - go to the legislature. I would also inquire as to why no charges for:


Charge for giving False statements - this was not a livestock issue


                             - assault charge  (no brainer)


                             - animal cruelty charge which is a felony


The next thing the hunters should do is retain a civil attorney and file lawsuits against all responsible parties. Let the cops do or not do their jobs in criminal court and bring this to "peoples court" (civil matters) and take all of his money you can and ruin his credit. Perhaps the police are in line for getting sued as well... They may have to make dozens of calls before they get an attorney willing to take this case, but someone will indeed take it, perhaps with a small or even no retainer fee. I will tell you what, if legal fees are an issue, enough of the sporting community will come together for this with donations and the internet makes it easier than ever.


If anyone knows how to reach these hunters, they should relay this. Or give me their names and location I will contact them....



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The two hunters should call their assembly rep and state senate rep and fill out a form for a "legislative inquiry". Ask why the charges were not immediate, guns seized, and an arrest made. Don't complain to police supervisors - go to the legislature. I would also inquire as to why no charges for:


Charge for giving False statements - this was not a livestock issue


                             - assault charge  (no brainer)


                             - animal cruelty charge which is a felony


The next thing the hunters should do is retain a civil attorney and file lawsuits against all responsible parties. Let the cops do or not do their jobs in criminal court and bring this to "peoples court" (civil matters) and take all of his money you can and ruin his credit. Perhaps the police are in line for getting sued as well... They may have to make dozens of calls before they get an attorney willing to take this case, but someone will indeed take it, perhaps with a small or even no retainer fee. I will tell you what, if legal fees are an issue, enough of the sporting community will come together for this with donations and the internet makes it easier than ever.


If anyone knows how to reach these hunters, they should relay this. Or give me their names and location I will contact them....

PM Bigreed... he said he went to school with the guys who got shot at.  hopefully they follow up with what your saying!

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