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Why People Hate Hunters?


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That other thread on this subject is full of assumptions.  You think people would love hunters if there were no slob hunters?


Wrong.  People hate hunters because they kill animals.  No matter how pure and ethical you believe you are, anti-hunters are going to hate you because you are a hunter.


Throwing the slob hunters to the wolves doesn't change their minds.  A sanctimonious attitude is wasted on folks who hate hunting.


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That other thread on this subject is full of assumptions.  You think people would love hunters if there were no slob hunters?


Wrong.  People hate hunters because they kill animals.  No matter how pure and ethical you believe you are, anti-hunters are going to hate you because you are a hunter.


Throwing the slob hunters to the wolves doesn't change their minds.  A sanctimonious attitude is wasted on folks who hate hunting.

exactly anti-hunters would dislike hunters if they wore Tuxedos while hunting and got dropped off in limo's.............it's other hunters that determine who and what a slob hunter and it's a hatred that is within the hunting community.

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I'd love to go hunt wolves. 8)

Good luck. Probably the hardest North American game to target and kill. They will hit the bait the day before and day after you hunt. I've gone on 2 wolf hunts and never seen one. My dad went on several wolf hunts and after over 30 full days watching bait he got 2.

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Good luck. Probably the hardest North American game to target and kill. They will hit the bait the day before and day after you hunt. I've gone on 2 wolf hunts and never seen one. My dad went on several wolf hunts and after over 30 full days watching bait he got 2.

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How was that for hijacking a thread off onto a totally different tangent? ;)

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I understand it. I don't agree with it, but I think most of us at one time or another have let a little Bambiism creep into our thinking.


We all like to talk about how we are doing the "conservationist thing" by controlling populations. But I have to confess that I have never loaded up the gun and headed out the door thinking that today I am going to control the deer population. There definitely is something other than our usual justifications at work that drives us to head out and try to kill something. It's something primal and genetic. So if there are others that don't have that need for the hunt, I definitely understand that hunting is not for everyone. The place where I have a problem with them is when they start trying to prevent me from doing my thing.

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That other thread on this subject is full of assumptions. You think people would love hunters if there were no slob hunters?

Wrong. People hate hunters because they kill animals. No matter how pure and ethical you believe you are, anti-hunters are going to hate you because you are a hunter.

Throwing the slob hunters to the wolves doesn't change their minds. A sanctimonious attitude is wasted on folks who hate hunting.

Exactly. I've been called a murderer because I hunt and I replied "if I'm a murderer, so are you. I just happen to have the balls to go after my own food. You hire a middle man that you pay to kill for you. Oh wait, you didn't know the meat in the store used to be alive?"
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VJP, you're right that anti-hunters will hate you no matter what.  The problem is that there are people in the middle who don't have a strong opinion about hunting either way.  Those people could definitely be swayed to the anti-hunter side by exposure to "slob hunters."  They could also be swayed to an accepting attitude by ethical and respectable hunters.  Does it mean we start in-fighting and self-destruct? Not necessarily.  But perhaps a little self-policing would do some good for our sport.  


I understand this will most likely get flamed by the hyper-masculine "I can do whatever I want, screw you if you don't agree" crowd, but public perception is important.  Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.  

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That other thread on this subject is full of assumptions. You think people would love hunters if there were no slob hunters?

Wrong. People hate hunters because they kill animals. No matter how pure and ethical you believe you are, anti-hunters are going to hate you because you are a hunter.

Throwing the slob hunters to the wolves doesn't change their minds. A sanctimonious attitude is wasted on folks who hate hunting.

It's never ever been about trying to persuade an anti-Hunter, just like a bleeding liberal will never be persuaded to become a conservative.

It is and always has been about the fence sitters or those without an opinion. Remember the thread last year that had a doe running around Long Island with an arrow in her jaw? Or the Hunter who litters in the park or shoots a dog or near a school. Those are the incidents which will turn those who are on the fence against us.

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Is the OP's question " would there be fewer anti-hunters if there were fewer slob hunters?". The answer is YES and there would also be less ammunition to fuel their agenda.


Not only would there be a more favorable public perception and greater support of hunting by non hunters, but more people would also be interested in taking up hunting.



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I disagree.  Anti-hunters don't change their minds about hunting.  It's not about the slobs, it's about killing animals.  To them there is no justification for that.  If you hunt, they hate you, no matter how ethical you are.


The people in the middle are there because they are more open minded and analytical about their opinions.  They can distinguish between slob hunters and ethical hunters and do not form their opinion of the sport based on a few idiots.  I'm sure they believe the slobs should be held to account, but do not blame the ethical hunters for the slobs behavior.  They're the same folks who do not hold all of Islam to account for the actions of a few radicals, or all gun owners to account for the rampage of one fool.


My point was, if you think you are protecting yourself from attack by the anti's by pointing out the bad guys for them to focus on, you're wrong.  After they feed on them, they will still be coming for you.


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No. People will form an opinion based off a few idiots. It's why every Harley rider is in a biker gang, every nascar fan is a redneck etc. if there are enough bad experiences or enough bad apples to create a stereotype then the less they begin to distinguish. All it takes is one slob to be the neighbor of a fence sitter to change their mind.

My fathers not a huge gun guy but supports them. His neighbor constantly shoots all weekend long. It comes with living with the country but it certainly doesn't help our neighbors feel like they should support his crusade against the safe act. A little common courtesy is all that is needed sometimes instead of just doing what you want because it's legal.

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You miss the point Belo.


You can eliminate all of the slobs, but the anti-hunters are still coming for you because you kill animals.


The ranks of the anti's may not be affected by those in the middle, and some in the middle may be the type to generalize all hunters, bikers, muslims, gun owners, etc., into the same category.


Regardless of their views, as a hunter, you are a target of hate, and always will be.


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No. People will form an opinion based off a few idiots. It's why every Harley rider is in a biker gang, .

No most folks figured out In The late '80's that the average Harley rider is a middle age stock broker or dentist .

In my youth if you saw Harley's out front you thought,could be a rough place, today you think they must have good lattes .

Edited by Larry302
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You miss the point Belo.


You can eliminate all of the slobs, but the anti-hunters are still coming for you because you kill animals.


The ranks of the anti's may not be affected by those in the middle, and some in the middle may be the type to generalize all hunters, bikers, muslims, gun owners, etc., into the same category.


Regardless of their views, as a hunter, you are a target of hate, and always will be.


This is ironic.  I may be wrong but from my reading of this conversation you missed his point.  I think Belo is saying (and correct if I'm wrong) that although anti-hunters will always hate us, self-control and self-policing can prevent those in the middle from becoming anti-hunters in the first place.  

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Exactly. I've been called a murderer because I hunt and I replied "if I'm a murderer, so are you. I just happen to have the balls to go after my own food. You hire a middle man that you pay to kill for you. Oh wait, you didn't know the meat in the store used to be alive?"

Funniest response I got from that's was "all the meat I buy came from animals that died of natural causes".

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Funniest response I got from that's was "all the meat I buy came from animals that died of natural causes".

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Thats like the old story about the fish that jumped into the frying pan on his own free will. 


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This is ironic.  I may be wrong but from my reading of this conversation you missed his point.  I think Belo is saying (and correct if I'm wrong) that although anti-hunters will always hate us, self-control and self-policing can prevent those in the middle from becoming anti-hunters in the first place.  


I understand the point he's trying to make, but I don't agree with it.


I don't believe people in the middle convert to anti-hunters because of a few bad apples.


Those in the middle don't hate people who kill animals.  That's why they are OK with hunting.  They do, however, hate azzholes, no matter what group they belong to.  They are not going to become anti's simply because they run into a few jerks that hunt, because they are usually open minded enough to believe the rest of the hunters out there are good people.


Self policing is good,but only if kept within the hunting community itself.  If we are going to start publicizing all of the bad apples for the general public to view, thinking we are helping our own image, I think we'll find our own image will be the one that suffers from it, because the anti's will do their best to lump us all together for political gain.

Edited by Mr VJP
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I understand the point he's trying to make, but I don't agree with it.


I don't believe people in the middle convert to anti-hunters because of a few bad apples.


Those in the middle don't hate people who kill animals.  That's why they are OK with hunting.  They do, however, hate azzholes, no matter what group they belong to.  They are not going to become anti's simply because they run into a few jerks that hunt, because they are usually open minded enough to believe the rest of the hunters out there are good people.


Self policing is good,but only if kept within the hunting community itself.  If we are going to start publicizing all of the bad apples for the general public to view, thinking we are helping our own image, I think we'll find our own image will be the one that suffers from it, because the anti's will do their best to lump us all together for political gain.

right, do people hate Dr.'s, Teachers and Priests because a few have made the News doing heinous things?..........I don't think so, I like to think that the majority of people are smart enough to separate them from the rest of the group they are part of, But, then again there are those who hate no matter what the reason and or will take one incident and that's what they use to fuel their anger.

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This is ironic.  I may be wrong but from my reading of this conversation you missed his point.  I think Belo is saying (and correct if I'm wrong) that although anti-hunters will always hate us, self-control and self-policing can prevent those in the middle from becoming anti-hunters in the first place.  


exactly. I'm not wasting my time vjp on someone whose mind will never be changed. I'm spending it on the people whose mind could be. Why do you think presidents never campaign in NY? It doesn't matter. What matters is OH, Iowa, PA, FL etc.




Self policing is good,but only if kept within the hunting community itself.  If we are going to start publicizing all of the bad apples for the general public to view, thinking we are helping our own image, I think we'll find our own image will be the one that suffers from it, because the anti's will do their best to lump us all together for political gain.


how is discussing it on a hunting forum airing our dirty laundry? Is this not the perfect place to self police?

Edited by Belo
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