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When do you start guys start scouting?


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Hey guys and gals, just wanted to see when you start scouting for spring turkey. I know some folks think the turkeys stay over the fall in the same area, but from what I've seen, they move around more than most think. Do you think they'll be out by the end of the month? Already itching for May 1st.

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I never stop. I have been noting how the deer are using very similar routes right now as they did during the season. Basically heading to the same exit points on the property.

how about turkey?

I usually set cams out for turkey in March and will listen/scout in April.

Edited by phade
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I like finding them early and finding a bird and follow to where the,disputes to Esp with youth hunt in april, finding adults and groups of Jakes early shows you strutting areas that will become the "zone" finding wing drag marks in snow, with out disturbing them in april at all needing to get vlose to hear or see them

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Last year I started calling and decoying them in to the camera the 2'nd week of April.

By May 1'st I had a pretty good idea of where they were hanging from the limbs, and where they went after fly down.

I enjoy "shooting" them in April more than May, and they're always a little more cooperative early on! :spiteful:



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