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Crab Apples or Edible Apples?


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This is my first year living at this house and I thought I had 2 crab apple trees in the backyard. However, now I'm wondering if they are edible because they are producing some decent sized red apples. I cut a few open and they smell good but I just have no idea. So how do I tell the difference? I'll take some pics and post soon.

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Family of woodchucks eat them everyday. Guess I'll try one. If they are good, I will have hundreds if not thousands if I use a ladder or stick to get them all from up high. They are loaded

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They're good….May be a bit sour but OK to eat. The old timer, I use to hunt with, had a row of crab apple trees on his property. every once in a while he would make apple pie with them. not bad at all. Just a pain to peel and slice those little things.

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they look like regular apples.... if you want to have a good crop, prune them out in the late winter and spray them... in NY you are limited as to what chems you can buy/spray but if u cross the state line to ct you can pretty much get anything you would ever want.  If you would like advice PM me I am an aborist and take care of a lot of home orchards

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Thanks all. Anyway for me to find out what kind of apple they are? Like gala or mcintosh, etc.?

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Your best chance is to find out from the previous landowner. The tree doesn't look very old so it is probably something common that came from a nursery. Considering how red they are at this point,and that some are dropping, they may be an early variety. If they are sweet now, they are definitely an early apple. When they ripen will narrow the number of possible varieties. Do some google searches for named apples. Use the timing of ripening. And, do a google image search.


Beware, there are hundreds of named apple varieties. I've got about 2 dozen varieties. I've collected some from old farmsteads around the region and have no idea what they are. Back some years ago I was trading grafting stock with people. Some of those are a mystery too.

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Thx. I asked the previous owners and they said they were both allergic to apples so they never tried them and have no idea what they are. They bought the house in 2007 and they (apple trees) were there already.

These 2 apple trees were bright white in color back in early May if that means anything.

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Edited by Biz-R-OWorld
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