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Official shooting times for Saturday/ gun opener


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Once... a long long time ago while walking to the spot with my father. On opening morning of gun season, on a Monday, when I was far to young to hunt. I recall hearing two shots. There was not even a small glimmer of sunlight anywhere when the shots rang out. Whomever shot that morning couldn't have used the light enough to shoot argument. It was DARK, besides the moon and starlight which really was not very bright.




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Sometimes I seriously wonder if those really early shots are dumbasses traveling with loaded gun, removing gun from front seat and touching off accidental discharge fn ing up their dash. I hear shots when it's still completely dark out.

My neighbor was out repairing the roof of his jeep, it had a giant hole in the roof right in the center. He said a tree came down and punched a hole right through it. Now I'm thinking other wise.

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Here's a question for you guys if you get to your stand with your rifle and a yote walks in front and decide to shoot it even tho your deer hunting are you breaking the law....for all we know these early shots are guys shooting yotes or other all day aeasons...probably not but we don't know

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Here's a question for you guys if you get to your stand with your rifle and a yote walks in front and decide to shoot it even tho your deer hunting are you breaking the law....for all we know these early shots are guys shooting yotes or other all day aeasons...probably not but we don't know

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

Going with NOT at coyotes

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