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The morphing of this into a 'Ted Nugent' topic does Jordan a dis-service.

Yes, Nuge does do alot for the sport, and I am grateful he chooses to put himself out there to be a target of the loons. As an individual, yes he has make his share of mistakes, and as a public figure, his mistakes are well documented by media & detractors.. Keep this in mind a moment..  Most of us on here are older than Jordan, and had people we looked up to in our youthful years as well.. How would they stand up to today's media microscope? Furthermore, would it be better that Jordan idolize 50 Cent- drug dealer, Al Capone- gangster, or Bernie Madoff- pozni Master?? Gimme a break!

There are PLENTY of choices that could have been far worse in my book..

Jordan, good luck on the paper. Hopefully the teacher will put the standards of a what makes a good paper ahead of personal opinions...

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What does Al Capone or Bernie Madoff have to do with anything here?  He did a paper on hunting and shooting and decided to post it here.  A few of us take issue with Nugent even being considered a good representative of hunters/shooters, never mind being called "great".  If he quoted most anyone else I am sure you would not have seen the uproar you saw here.  You say you are grateful that Nugent puts himself in front of the loons, but tell me why we need a loon of our own to combat the other loons??  I myself would like us to take a higher road and not use tactics fit for the gutter.  I am obviously asking too much of my fellow hunters and shooters it seems, and that does not make me feel confident about our future one bloody bit.  If you boys have your hunting and gun rights taken away in the future, don't tell us that some of us didn't warn you.  Act the way Nugent acts at your school, job, whatever, and just see where it will get you.

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Oh, and if you guys think too much was made of Nugent here and not enough on the contents of the essay, here goes.  I would grade this paper a C.  Would have been a B, but of course the full grade deduction applies because of the unnecessary Nugent accolades.  The other major flaw it has is when he says.

Blood sweat and sometimes tears go into the hunt. Emotional and physical abuse goes into every part of the hunt.

I don't think too many people will buy this line.  Either you want to hunt or you don't.  If there are any hardships in hunting, one sucks it up or else they can buy porkloin at BJ's for $1.99 per pound instead.  No big deal really.

Hunters are not supermen, and it isn't rocket science to kill a deer.  I also don't think it was a good idea to mix the gun issue with hunting.  They are two different issues with two very different approaches in my opinion.


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I'm an adjunct professor at SUNY; Empire State College and I think you did a pretty good job on your paper (you certainly picked a controversial topic - as you can see from this thread).  I know you wrote your paper based on information you gathered from research and perceptions you possess on the subject.

If you take away anything from this experience (the posting of your paper and the confrontations you received from forum members - and their expanded conversations) remember this:  You did the best job you could on your paper (based on information you acquired and past perceptions on the topic at the time of the writing) because you want a good grade.  Also rememberthis: No matter what you do in life, there's always someone who could have done a better job, had a better experience, or fought a better fight - and they'll usually be the first to tell you so.

Now... keep doing the best YOU can young man!

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I'm an adjunct professor at SUNY; Empire State College and I think you did a pretty good job on your paper (you certainly picked a controversial topic - as you can see from this thread).  I know you wrote your paper based on information you gathered from research and perceptions you possess on the subject.

If you take away anything from this experience (the posting of your paper and the confrontations you received from forum members - and their expanded conversations) remember this:  You did the best job you could on your paper (based on information you acquired and past perceptions on the topic at the time of the writing) because you want a good grade.  Also rememberthis: No matter what you do in life, there's always someone who could have done a better job, had a better experience, or fought a better fight - and they'll usually be the first to tell you so.

Now... keep doing the best YOU can young man!

Thank you very much Muzzy. Means alot. Just think its kind of funny how many people stand up against ted. one guy said, follow ted and see where it gets you. i laughed so hard. Im 15. Im not going to date a girl thats younger then me and treid to get married, im not going to crap my pants to avoid a draft. and im not going to tell Obama hes a worthless peice of S---. But i can tell you this much to who ever it was that wrote follow him and see where it gets you... WOuld you rather me be out on the streets doing drugs and "poppin caps" at cops and shooting people like some other so called role models to kids??? IF so let me know and ill be sure to change my role and start "bustin caps in peoples A--'s".. all im saying is ted stands up for hunting just like all of us do... he may do it a different way.. but he still stands up for hunting and anyone that does that is okay in my book....

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Jordan, I like your style! Guys, for a 15 year old this kid has balls to post his essay knowing the backlash he may get. Yet he did it! How many of you would??

The long and short of this is that Ted has helped to inspire a hunter in Jordan...that is all we can ask for as our numbers are declining. Regardless of your feelings on Ted you should recognize that his influence has helped Jordan become a hunter and not a street thug. I will take that any day! Put your differences aside and look at the big picture!

Jordan, I applaud you for taking on this subject in school where most probably have no clue!

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steve863, we all know you are a Ted hater, why dont you give it a rest. I could swear that you must secretly have some kind of crush on the Nuge, anytime his name is brought up, you get all hot and bothered.  :(

BTW, seems you are letting your hot headed nonsense get the best of you again. Go back and read what NYDeer said about 50 Cent, Al Capone, etc and youll see why he brought those names up.

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steve863, we all know you are a Ted hater, why dont you give it a rest. I could swear that you must secretly have some kind of crush on the Nuge, anytime his name is brought up, you get all hot and bothered.  :O

BTW, seems you are letting your hot headed nonsense get the best of you again. Go back and read what NYDeer said about 50 Cent, Al Capone, etc and youll see why he brought those names up.

Tough $#!+!.  If you don't like what I write, then don't read it.  Yes, I dislike Nugent and am always curious of the reasons why others think he is the greatest thing since sliced bread.  By the way, if you think I hate Nugent, you don't want to know what I think of you!  LOL

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steve863, we all know you are a Ted hater, why dont you give it a rest. I could swear that you must secretly have some kind of crush on the Nuge, anytime his name is brought up, you get all hot and bothered.  :)

BTW, seems you are letting your hot headed nonsense get the best of you again. Go back and read what NYDeer said about 50 Cent, Al Capone, etc and youll see why he brought those names up.

Tough $#!+!.  If you don't like what I write, then don't read it.  Yes, I dislike Nugent and am always curious of the reasons why others think he is the greatest thing since sliced bread.  By the way, if you think I hate Nugent, you don't want to know what I think of you!  LOL

LOL, I dont give a rat's butt what you think of me, you dont know me except from here, so your opinion is based on a pretty minimal set of facts anyway. You taking my disagreements with you so personally really goes to show just what kind of hothead you are. I just find it funny that you get so worked up over someone that you profess to not care about. Good lord man, get over it and get a grip.  ;D

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I'm taking my disagreement with you personally?  I questioned someone about calling Nugent "great" and then you had a problem with me asking the question.  We obviously know what camp you are in.  If someone has the right to call Nugent "great", others have the right to call him an idiot.  Since you can't seem to figure it out for yourself, the reason Nugent irks some of us is because he is exactly what we don't need hunters portrayed as.  Why don't you show up to work like he does at his concerts swinging an AR-15 around and babbling incoherently and tell us what those around you, especially people unfamiliar with firearms will think of you.  Good luck!

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See, there you go again, not comprehending. I wasnt saying anything about you questioning him about it, its the relentlessness I was referring to. You said you were done with it yesterday morning, and then were back at it in the afternoon lol. When you see the Nugent name, youre like a pitbull lol.

Im in no camp, I see Nugent for what he is, and thats all. While I do agree with some of the message he delivers, I certainly dont agree with it all, and I dont put THAT much into what he says or how he acts. I also dont bother attacking him for his personal life, because I look at it like the message is more important than the man. Anyone that thinks he or any other single person is a spokesperson for the hunting or gun owner community is just plain misinformed.

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kid post an excelent essay like he said he was and you  guys want to argue about the Nuge? :-\

Jordan.Great essay!i have two 16 yr old boys that are 10 months apart.And i can't get eithor one to hunt with me.One shot an 8 pt first 3 hrs hunting at 14 and now is so wraped by his gf i can't get him do do nothing.The other is all foot ball and couldn't kill a deer if it is was attacking him.HMMM go figure.275 pound 6ft3 teddy bear.LOL.I cant wait till my 10 yr old is old enough.He goes with me when ever i let him.He even out fishes me.LOL.

I like your essay.Bet you make your dad proud.

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You know what I find is that the kid has more balls than most of the "men" on this site.  He posts an essay, defends his position and doesn't sway easy.  But what I find most admirable is the fact that this 15 year old kid (which has been pointed out enough by now) has the nuts to actually sign his name to each post and not spout off and then hide behind a screen name like some "men" on here do.

-note I said some-

Jordan, I'm not a teacher/proffesor but I provide training to our new guys on report writing for courtroom purposes.  I can tell you that for your grade level, it is much better than a C paper.  I have to say you are in the B+ to A- area at a minimum.  Good luck.

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Jordan you did a very good job! I'm sure that you might get flack from your teacher about the subject. The content should give you a good grade. Now the gentleman on this site can be hurtful but, do not let it effect you. In life to be happy you need to speak your mind. Make sure you have your facts straight and believe in what you say. NEVER back down or make excuses for what you believe in. My 2 cents.

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