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Same stand after harvest?


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I shot a 8 pointer out of my stand opening morning 60-70 yds away while I had a doe right underneath me. She didn't care at all. I couldn't believe it. She just kept on going about her business. I had to wait for her to move out to go check out my buck. I don't think you have to wait long at all. I week will be more than enough....

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I have shot deer minutes apart from the same stand (last weekend of the season used both my buck and dmp). Also I don't think the smell if blood and guts deters them. I think its more living foreign scent. I do everything from pee off the stand to shoot coyotes. Only time I have seen it affect them is when they catch my actual odor.

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Go hunt it.


Opening day in 2007, I shot an 8pt early morning. I was out of the woods and at the butcher by 9am. My Dad went back that afternoon and passed up a 6pt sitting against the same tree I was. The 6pt was sniffing the gutpile from my 8pt.

Edited by Biz-R-OWorld
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We have shot multiple doe's from the same stand in areas, with high doe populations, day after day to the point the blood trails get complicated. We have also shot back to back bucks from the same stand. There is always a buck waiting on the edge to take over a territory when a the big buck is gone. If your hunting spot is a good spot to be and the wind is in your favor, hunt it. Happy hunting!


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