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Funny, I saw Deer Today. Could It Be The Cold?


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On the way to and from work today I saw more deer than I have in 7 months of my commute, especially the afternoon drive home.


Do you think it was the cold temps, getting them up and moving? I mean heck, it was 12 degrees and a slight breeze.  They were probably getting hungry and cold so needed to get up and move then grab some fuel for their furnace??



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saw a over a dozen out in a couple fields mid day over the weekend.  others getting trail camera pictures of them flocking in fields around mid-morning.


plenty cold out right now that's for sure.

Edited by dbHunterNY
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 I have started to see them coming into a big cut soybean field in the afternoon. Last night I saw a few under in a small clump of apple trees that are part of a hedgerow on the property I hunt. The last time I walked by those trees there were still plenty of apples under them.




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A very nice buck (looked like an 8pt) walked across the back field of my office on Transit Rd (Clarence side) in northern Erie County.  It's just a great thing to see a buck this time of year, really a wonderful sight IMO.


He stopped once and glanced the 120 yards towards the office, just standing there; knowing we were all good.  I'd dare he say he winked at me.  :)

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Saw deer in four different fields today, mid day 40 and sunny. Two doe feeding in woods as I hung a camera , tons of tracks as well.

Got about 30 deer pics off the one camera I hung the last week end of gun.

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