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New to forum from Pa


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Welcome aboard Buckman4C!  Love Pennsylvania!  Use to vacation as a kid at my Uncle Mert and Aunt Mats house in summers and winters if we did not go to Maine.  As a matter of fact I believe that is where my whitetail passion started!  Listening to stories of how my Uncle always got a deer every year and seeing them on the farm was a thrill! 


Great site with some really cool and experienced hunters!  Join in the conversation but don't get upset we like to argue a lot, lol.  Any questions just start a new topic.  To attach a picture click on more options below.  Again welcome aboard, great to have you!  We are not bias we love Penn State! 

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Welcome to the site. No doubt you have experienced some of the best hunting and fishing in the country here in NY. Thanks to liberal DMP tags and some great fishing, it does not take much in the way of skill or knowledge to keep your family fed off the fat of the land up here. After watching many of those Alaska shows on the TV, it looks like they struggle more up there with that than we do here. Also, our scenery is nearly as good or better, especially up in the Adirondacks.

PA is not bad either as far as the scenery goes. We travel across that fine state for a few nights in Gettysburg on our way down to Virginia each year. Now there is a state that is fine to visit, but where I would never want to live. The same holds true for Florida, California, Alabama, the Carolinas, Oregon, Colorado or many of the other states I have spent some time in the last few years.

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