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What the Hay?????


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I remember a while back seeing a guy in Texas set up a rifle on the internet for people to shoot deer on a private ranch.  I think he was charging money to do it.  It got a lot of negative publicity and the guy had to take it down.  So this set up is not the first to use this idea.  It's a very bad idea though and should not be legal if it is.

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This is not something new. When the concept was initially going to be put into business, there was a huge uproar. I am surprised that there are sportsmen and women who don't recall all that controversy that went on when this kind of activity first came to light. I believe that there were a whole pile of states that wrote laws outlawing the practice, but I don't think they all did. Anyway, the "anything goes" mentality has raised its ugly head once again.

Those that complain about ethical discussions and that have said that "as long as it's legal. it's ok with me", should keep a picture of this rig taped above their computer for the next time those discussions come up again  ;) .

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Good setup for peppering tresspassers with rock salt. But you would have to have several setups over watching one another or they would just walk up behind the setup and take the guns and computers. A 1000 dollar bennelli is an expensive gun to be leaving in the woods unattended. I would have used mossbergs atleast. :D

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On second thought, I'm not sure I would object to this when used to kill hogs in areas where they do a lot of damage.  As long as it's private land, heavily posted and properly regulated, it might have a huge impact on reducing the population of these destructive critters.  Even for use as a deer deprivation tool on private farms might not be a bad idea.  It might not be wise to throw out the idea completely for the above uses.

We can't use poison or traps because they are arbitrary.  This set up has a human online behind the trigger making a decision to shoot.

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What would you do if you came across that get up in the woods? That's some kind of dangerous if you ask me, but it does make for an interesting video game like hunt lol.

Well if it was my land and not my set up I would most likely attempt to disarm it and take the guns, and call in the cops.

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Either way some one has to be there to push the buttons, why not just hunt live and in person. Thats a whole lot safer and more fun anyway.

In a practical sense, can you have a hunter in the field 24/7 doing the job on a farm?  That's expensive.  Besides there is the issue of scent, movement, weather, etc.  Lets face it, technology can do things manual labor can not.

There is no sporting purpose for such a set up, but I'm sure a lot of farmers with wild hog, fox, coyote and deer issues can see the benefit.  I believe this article actually stated it was set up to control hogs.

Anyone object to the military use of armed predator drones in Afghanistan to kill terrorists?  There are similarities here.

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This is not something new. When the concept was initially going to be put into business, there was a huge uproar. I am surprised that there are sportsmen and women who don't recall all that controversy that went on when this kind of activity first came to light. I believe that there were a whole pile of states that wrote laws outlawing the practice, but I don't think they all did. Anyway, the "anything goes" mentality has raised its ugly head once again.

Those that complain about ethical discussions and that have said that "as long as it's legal. it's ok with me", should keep a picture of this rig taped above their computer for the next time those discussions come up again  :D .

Doc, I know you an advocate for the disable hunters. How about this instead of crossbows? Just saying.



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What I get from the article is all of the "what if"s and "it could be"s they threw in there.

Im with VJP on this, it might be a pretty decent tool for getting rid of hogs when they are a problem and such a setup would be legal for use on them. In Texas they hunt hogs with helicopters, why not shoot them remotely? Its about killing pigs, not having fun or being a "sportsmen".

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"In a practical sense, can you have a hunter in the field 24/7 doing the job on a farm?  That's expensive.  Besides there is the issue of scent, movement, weather, etc.  Lets face it, technology can do things manual labor can not."

True in that sense it would make sense to at least entertain the idea, but this case was not on private land as I understood. Hogs are nearly impossible to control once they get a footing it seems and I would think some one some where would have a better working plan to get rid hogs. Of course that would be to dramatic for any animal lovers I'm sure. I'm talkin dynamite or something real crazy...

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"In a practical sense, can you have a hunter in the field 24/7 doing the job on a farm?  That's expensive.  Besides there is the issue of scent, movement, weather, etc.  Lets face it, technology can do things manual labor can not."

Somebody still has to man the controls on a 24/7 basis somewhere .... right? However, a couple of tweaks and we could get the manual labor element right out of it. Perhaps the guns could be hooked up to motion sensors that would blow everything flat that moved out there ..... lol. That would save some man-hours of hog removal time. You might even be able to pick up an occasional trespasser or two as well. Add in a couple of full-auto rifles, and a reciprocating sweep mechanism that allows the lead to cover the whole field, and you could have a doozy of a high-tech varmint eradicator.

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