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Gotta start carrying ............


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I think seeing them while being elbow deep in a deer carcass would be more natural than a coyote trying to prevent anyone from checking their cams,lol


To me, that just sounds like an excuse to ignore season dates and take a crack at any opportunity that presents itself so why not just come right out and say it the way FSW does. At least he doesn't try to sugar coat it.

If you're approached by a pack during deer season then by all means light 'em up if it's that threatening. Season is open then and you're likely already armed to begin with. Day or night fire away!


Like I said, the odds of this yote standing guard over Eddies cams during daylight is slim to none anyhow.

It's good for storytelling to create more fear mongering about the "ferocious coyote" is about all it really is.


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To me, that just sounds like an excuse to ignore season dates and take a crack at any opportunity that presents itself so why not just come right out and say it the way


 Well because Wooly..and I just may have missed it, but I do not see where Eddie said he planned on shooting yotes out of season. He said he was going to carry....Infact can you recall where he has ever said he shoots anything out of season? I can't

.Now when you get to be his age you will understand  as I do, running isn't an option and Well life isn't blk. and white and animals do not ALWAYS play by human rule books...He goes to some rugged land..I lived in both areas he hunts and puts up cams I know .

If I am wrong in anything I just said ,I'll apologize but for now I'm think there has been some gun jumping and presumptions made...

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So when did hunters become such pussies?

When they started seeing what roams around in the dark the next day on their cams or WHAT?


SERIOUSLY, how many here can say they've ever felt threatened by a yote?

I'm not talking about being skeered by their yips and yaps 100 yards away.

I mean full blown stand offs where the only course of action would have been to shoot the beast or become lunch for the pack.

I doubt too many..... if ANY!


only once.  I checked the trail camera at night behind the house as a last minute effort to figure out a game plan to hunt the next day.  in the creek bottom I had a pack there with me less than a 100 yards away.  kept hearing them and saw one in the bushes close enough.  I didn't have anything but a larger metal flashlight.  i talked and wasn't all covert, but they just didn't seem to want to leave.  I just figured there was a deer or critter carcass nearby.  maybe i bumped them off it coming in.  before i made it out a couple more packets sounded off not far but in the distance and on either side of me.  that made them fire up right there with me.  no stand off.  wasn't needed and i wasn't feeling all warm and fuzzy.

I've been broken in pretty good with things that make noise in the night too.  first deer hunt on my own at a young age i had what i now know was a fox screaming, well within bow range.  problem was it was a new/no moon, good hour or more before any first light, and i was on the ground.


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 Well because Wooly..and I just may have missed it, but I do not see where Eddie said he planned on shooting yotes out of season. He said he was going to carry....Infact can you recall where he has ever said he shoots anything out of season? I can't

.Now when you get to be his age you will understand  as I do, running isn't an option and Well life isn't blk. and white and animals do not ALWAYS play by human rule books...He goes to some rugged land..I lived in both areas he hunts and puts up cams I know .

If I am wrong in anything I just said ,I'll apologize but for now I'm think there has been some gun jumping and presumptions made...


I must have misunderstood post #1 in this thread and what the title was inferring.

Clearly he was insinuating he'll be plinking soda cans along his route to the cams.

I'm not stupid, and I'm sure most everyone else here got what he WAS saying.


One other thing..... being old and slow does not exempt ANYONE from following game laws.

If a person has gotten to the point that they can't evade a potentially dangerous situation (real or perceived), then they need to stop putting themselves IN that situation.

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YOU WERE RIGHT ABOUT ONE THING...YOU MISUNDERSTOOD HIS POST...No not stupid..but with the beautiful picture you take a bit sensitive about your subject matter.That wasn't'a diss, just a statement of understanding where your opinion is coming...Though a bit more understanding than you are allowing for his post ...just saying

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"If a person has gotten to the point that they can't evade a potentially dangerous situation (real or perceived), then they need to stop putting themselves IN that situation."



At age 67 I can not run or climb like I did when I was 20 and as years keep going by as much as I hate to admit it  I slow down more and more. That being said I will be hitting the Timber until I croak even if I have to use a cane and I will be packing.



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I'll admit to having a deep respect for ALL of the critters I encounter, and do my best to give them their space on a case by case basis as I see necessary.

For some reason to me it seems, as soon as some guys decide to "carry", all bets are off and they loose all fear and respect for an animals space.

Like having that extra security blanket gives them the power to make bold decisions when they had other options to end an encounter without confrontation.



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At age 67 I can not run or climb like I did when I was 20 and as years keep going by as much as I hate to admit it  I slow down more and more.



Thank you for having some common sense, that is exactly what I'm talking about.

You've adapted to your physical abilities/inabilities and made some changes to your style.


My ol' man knows as much as he'd love to hike up the hill and go deer hunting again but he'd probably have a heart attack 10 steps in.

He avoids that situation knowing that's not a position he wants to find himself in and the risk isn't worth the reward.

You see it every year when guys still think they can do what they did when they were 20 and find themselves on the hunter fatalities statistics list because they were to proud to admit they've lost a step.

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You forgot an important part of Airedales quote:



That being said I will be hitting the Timber until I croak even if I have to use a cane and I will be packing


Not to beat a dead horse, but this really bothers me. You, Eddie,and myself have been on this site about the same amount of time. Where in all these years have you seen Eddie portray the type of attitude you are trying to attach to his post in the following statement? I can answer that if you'd like...no where.


Passion on subjects is a great thing, but being Zealot to the point of accusatory , not so much.



For some reason to me it seems, as soon as some guys decide to "carry", all bets are off and they loose all fear and respect for an animals space.


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"Thank you for having some common sense, that is exactly what I'm talking about.

You've adapted to your physical abilities/inabilities and made some changes to your style".



Really not much to do with common sense more about the laws of nature, as we age we slow down. I still get around fine but like I said there is no way I run or climb like I did when 20. My age does not matter, I sure as hell won't be staying home because I can't evade dangerous situations as well as I did when young. If I can walk I will still be climbing those hills just a lot slower and if I keel over dragging out a Buck so be it. I can think of a heck of a lot more worse ways to go. Any varmints that may find my carcass better darn well make sure I am dead before they start dining because I will be packing.



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Is it likely? ....... Probably not. Is it possible? ...... http://www.cnn.com/2009/SHOWBIZ/Music/10/29/canada.singer.killed/


By the way, has anyone ever heard of coyotes getting rabies? I haven't, but I wonder when the woods is full of canines, is a rabies outbreak in the coyote population possible? Some of those puppies get pretty big, and are probably something I wouldn't want to have to wrestle with.

I have seen some sick looking yotes, shot one with my bow once that had blad spots (guessing mange) and was pretty lethargic. Another I shot with the bow was limping bad and snarling/coughing guessing it got hit by a car or something. Either way 20 yards were close enough to them on the ground and they weren't changing their path after they saw me draw.

Edited by chas0218
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I'll admit to having a deep respect for ALL of the critters I encounter, and do my best to give them their space on a case by case basis as I see necessary.

For some reason to me it seems, as soon as some guys decide to "carry", all bets are off and they loose all fear and respect for an animals space.

Like having that extra security blanket gives them the power to make bold decisions when they had other options to end an encounter without confrontation.

I have no problem with them in their space. As long as it does not overlap mine and mine is really big.  Was doing an emergency baler repair last night about 1130 at a friends place and a pack opened up a couple fields over from the field we were working in, My buddy just looked at me and said...There goes another fawn or two. lol.


Have not had that problem on this 1000 acre chunk. Strange to because you know the experts tell ya they will just come back in droves if ya kill them off?  These new ones must be the silent and deadly type!

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One thing is for sure. It is far better to carry a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not be carrying. I believe that was the whole point of Eddie's post. It never occurred to me to take it any other way nor is there really any reason to.

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One thing is for sure. It is far better to carry a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not be carrying. I believe that was the whole point of Eddie's post. It never occurred to me to take it any other way nor is there really any reason to.


Or simply relocate the camera to a less coyote infested area to avoid any unfortunate "tough decision" encounters whatsoever.

I mean that would be the safest bet after all wouldn't you think?

Arming and preparing yourself, and then throwing yourself right back into a hairy situation doesn't make any sense to me at all.


I know some guys get beer muscles when they drink.

I also think some guys get "gun muscles" when they're packing and intruding into another creatures domain.

It's when you go looking for trouble that it will most often gets ugly, even when all the warning signs told you to step off!

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Or simply relocate the camera to a less coyote infested area to avoid any unfortunate "tough decision" encounters whatsoever.

I mean that would be the safest bet after all wouldn't you think?

Arming and preparing yourself, and then throwing yourself right back into a hairy situation doesn't make any sense to me at all.


I know some guys get beer muscles when they drink.

I also think some guys get "gun muscles" when they're packing and intruding into another creatures domain.

It's when you go looking for trouble that it will most often gets ugly, even when all the warning signs told you to step off!

I could agree with that as long as it was not one of my better spots for ambushing a buck. More than likely it was a one time encounter and all will end well but that piece of mind knowing you have help in case things get hairy is nice.

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I take precautions when heading out into tick infested areas to try to avoid encounters with Lyme disease bearing ticks. That's got nothing to do with any kind of "muscles". It just seems to make sense. If people want to use the same notion of preventative defense by being armed against any potential danger, I have no problem with that. And I don't call that kind of thinking "looking for trouble". Why would you assume that?

Edited by Doc
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And I don't call that kind of thinking "looking for trouble". Why would you assume that?


Because I have only heard you and a few others fabricate stories of what they believe is going on here so I felt entitled to my own version if that's alright.

Eddie ain't giving up any explanations, so who the hell is everyone to tell me I'm wrong?


We see members here every year who are not up to speed on all the game laws even during the most popular season of all....deer season.

When those newbs come here and see that Eddie is packing heat because he got a couple coyote pics on cam, well that tells them that it's ok to kill them out of season according to the members of this community and have their full support.

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I think seeing them while being elbow deep in a deer carcass would be more natural than a coyote trying to prevent anyone from checking their cams,lol


To me, that just sounds like an excuse to ignore season dates and take a crack at any opportunity that presents itself so why not just come right out and say it the way FSW does. At least he doesn't try to sugar coat it.

If you're approached by a pack during deer season then by all means light 'em up if it's that threatening. Season is open then and you're likely already armed to begin with. Day or night fire away!


Like I said, the odds of this yote standing guard over Eddies cams during daylight is slim to none anyhow.

It's good for storytelling to create more fear mongering about the "ferocious coyote" is about all it really is.



For crying out loud . This got blown way out of proportion ! I am not going to hunt any coyotes or go looking for them . I take it that someone thinks I shouldn't have cameras to be checked in an area where coyote / coyotes have been spotted . I don't check them at night .

So , I guess the same would hold true when deer hunting . Don't take a chance by bow hunting the first 3 weeks of bow season in an area where yotes have been spotted . Coyote season was Oct 25 to Feb 15 this past season .

Get real ! I will carry my gun in case there is a need for it . I doubt that I will have the need but I will still carry  it . And I have no intention of plinking cans while walking through the woods / fields to check cameras . 


Gee , why carry a concealed weapon at all ? Just stay away from any area that might be a potential danger . That's rich ! 


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Well dang i feel weird now, all i ever carry in the woods with me is a can of bear spray. 


had a bear run and stop about 30 yards from me check me out and keep it moving. oddly enough i feel just as good with the mist that thing put out. 


now if we were in grizzly country, yeah pack away all day

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Coyote season was Oct 25 to Feb 15 this past season .

That's fox season. Yote season has been Oct 1st through til the end of March for at least 5-10 years.

Fact of the matter is why not carry. I too doubt you'd ever need it , but stranger things have happened. I'm lucky to have never tangled with a yote since I call them at night and have had them sneak in to literally 10yds behind me.

My brother on the other hand did tangle with one a couple years ago after he shot it but it was just stunned. He got bit up on his arms but finally knifed it in the chest. He said they are stupid fast.

Sent from my LGL16C using Tapatalk

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Because I have only heard you and a few others fabricate stories of what they believe is going on here so I felt entitled to my own version if that's alright.

Eddie ain't giving up any explanations, so who the hell is everyone to tell me I'm wrong?


We see members here every year who are not up to speed on all the game laws even during the most popular season of all....deer season.

When those newbs come here and see that Eddie is packing heat because he got a couple coyote pics on cam, well that tells them that it's ok to kill them out of season according to the members of this community and have their full support.

I still don't see where you are making the connection between packing for self defense and illegal poaching activity. Why are you trying to do that? Of course you can come on here and malign anyone you want, but when it is done for no reason, I think you can expect a little bit of flack for it.

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