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A boy and his gun


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So our son has been working his tail off for us doing all the poultry chores we throw at him and then some all summer (including 5am wake up call) on top of putting in hours at another small farm that go towards getting into the Junior National Honor Society, and 4-H and being a kid.


I decided that he needed some type of reward and I had a good idea of what to get him. I already had the caliber in mind and all that was left was the gun choice. Being his first rifle and that fact that he is 12 I figured a 7mm-08 and a Tupperware stock would fit the bill nicely. I ended up with the Savage Axis and had to special order it because he is a southpaw like me and no cares about us leftys, lol. 


We we surprised him with it today, made him close his eyes and open them when I placed the gun in his hands. Of course we ran out back and fired a few rounds and he loved it. He is on the hook for the scope, I always teach my kids that hard work is rewarded and that you are responsible to earn the things you want in life. He saves every dollar he earns walking dogs and what not and has enough for a serviceable scope already. So proud of my boy, this is a big day for a dad. 


Now we we are off to a minor league ball game! 



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2 minutes ago, kpkot said:

Great read. Sounds like your doing it right, I would be a proud dad if I were you. Keep up the good work. Are you a lefty as well?

Yes sir, he is actually left eye dominate and right handed but has learned from the beginning to shoot left handed. 

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GREAT stuff, Doe...!!

Nice to see that your boy is better looking than YOU are !  Must take after his Mom...

When you get ready to load, give me and Lawdwaz a holler...We should be able to get you going with some pretty specific  component  suggestions.

I'm sure there are other 7mm08 guys on the forum that can give some good info also.

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So good to hear a story like this. It appears that you are doing a fine job raising a responsible, hard working young man. Great choice with the 7mm-08 Axis! I have one and it shoots very well. Im sure it will serve him well!

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