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Do gun laws make us safe?

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12 minutes ago, ....rob said:

No offense, but be specific on these matters. It does make a difference. A huge difference. An AR is not for all intensive purposes, an "assault weapon". It's a semi auto sporting rifle. Just like the 10/22 or others. It just looks different. But, you just did the same thing everyone else does. Put the AR or other platforms of the like in the the "bad gun" category.

If this is how you read it it's not what I meant. Essentially I think banning categories of weapons makes no difference on a country's crime rate. But at the same time I don't personally see much use in an AR in my everyday life. You may feel differently and I have no problem with it.

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4 minutes ago, Stormshadow said:

I don't have strong feelings about this and I don't advocate banning any type of weapon. But really after firing thousands of rounds In my time in the army with a full auto rifle I just don't find much fun in it anymore. But that's just me.

I can buy that.  That's certainly not me though.  

Yes AR stands for Armalite Rifle, but he said he was using those letters as an acronym for Assault Rifle.  Not an issue.

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Actually, I do have use in my every day life. My current AR is .22LR, and it took many years to show my g/f they aren't the "bad guns" many think they are. After shooting and being around it she realized it's just a .22LR that looks different. She loves shooting it now. As soon as I get the cash you can bet your butt I will be getting the big sister in either. 223 or .308.

Plus, I do plan to use my M&P 15 for small game this season. So it will put some meat in the freezer.


Not to mention yes, they are a good home defense weapon.

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Many many  rifles started as military arms, the bolt action rifle was the standard issue rifle of two World  Wars . Should those military weapons of war then never made it to civilian hands ? U.S . Soldiers  killed more in wars with them  ,then  ARs after all.

What civilian needs a gun as powerful as a 30,06 ? 


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The pistol grip makes it easier on my arthritic hands, and the collapsible stock means I can shoot the same gun whether I'm wearing five layers of cold-weather gear in a tree-stand in December or a t-shirt lying in a bean field in August. The semi-auto function means I don't have to move much to take a shot at the second woodchuck that pops up. The entire argument is political BS, and I'm not swallowing it.

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But that's just me.

Storm Shadow, if you don't follow the beliefs of the paranoid, right wing conspiracy spewing, NRA loving wackos who post here, you, like me, will be branded unfit. As if the majority of the people here have the slightest ability to think for themselves. Most who post here simply recite the garbage and non-sensible thoughts they gleam from Fox News and the NRA. But never the less enjoy your time here with the Second Amendment, Right-Wing, Hilary hating, lets defend every murdering criminal cop wackos.   

Edited by Uptown Redneck
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1 hour ago, Uptown Redneck said:

But that's just me.

Storm Shadow, if you don't follow the beliefs of the paranoid, right wing conspiracy spewing, NRA loving wackos who post here, you, like me, will be branded unfit. As if the majority of the people here have the slightest ability to think for themselves. Most who post here simply recite the garbage and non-sensible thoughts they gleam from Fox News and the NRA. But never the less enjoy your time here with the Second Amendment, Right-Wing, Hilary hating, lets defend every murdering criminal cop wackos.   

Now this guy is a true troll, who hates the 2nd Amendment, free thought and patriotism.  

A man who calls us paranoid, when he's the one afraid of some firearms and their owners, while supporting statism.  

A "tolerant" Leftist who hates the right and all they believe.

A man who hates freedom as evidenced by his hatred of the NRA, the country's oldest civil rights organization, and premier defender of ALL of the US Constitution.  An avid supporter of Big Government, and more of it, to fix any problem, even when it created it. 

A man who's posts are either insipid or just rude, never containing any logic or factual evidence to support his positions.  

A man who claims others cannot think for themselves, while constantly spewing the Leftist talking points we all hear from Progressives all the time, no matter how completely debunked.  

A man who loves Hillary Clinton, even though she is the biggest liar and lawbreaker ever to run for President.  After Obama, that's a huge accomplishment.

But most of all, he is the biggest hater of the police on this forum, and has called them all criminals, murderers and thugs, no matter how the law handles their actions after a thorough investigation.

A man who remains unique on this forum for his notorious opinions, that he fails to see do not echo the sentiments of the majority of American citizens, just the one's living in the Leftist faux utopia cities controlled by, and being destroyed by, the shepherds of his flock.

I'm sure you will soon figure him out for yourself, as well as the other members who always like and defend his posts.

It does make for lively debate at times, if he can keep from descending into incivility during the process.  Sadly, most times he cannot.

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2 hours ago, Rattler said:

Now this guy is a true troll, who hates the 2nd Amendment, free thought and patriotism.  

A man who calls us paranoid, when he's the one afraid of some firearms and their owners, while supporting statism.  

A "tolerant" Leftist who hates the right and all they believe.

A man who hates freedom as evidenced by his hatred of the NRA, the country's oldest civil rights organization, and premier defender of ALL of the US Constitution.  An avid supporter of Big Government, and more of it, to fix any problem, even when it created it. 

A man who's posts are either insipid or just rude, never containing any logic or factual evidence to support his positions.  

A man who claims others cannot think for themselves, while constantly spewing the Leftist talking points we all hear from Progressives all the time, no matter how completely debunked.  

A man who loves Hillary Clinton, even though she is the biggest liar and lawbreaker ever to run for President.  After Obama, that's a huge accomplishment.

But most of all, he is the biggest hater of the police on this forum, and has called them all criminals, murderers and thugs, no matter how the law handles their actions after a thorough investigation.

A man who remains unique on this forum for his notorious opinions, that he fails to see do not echo the sentiments of the majority of American citizens, just the one's living in the Leftist faux utopia cities controlled by, and being destroyed by, the shepherds of his flock.

I'm sure you will soon figure him out for yourself, as well as the other members who always like and defend his posts.

It does make for lively debate at times, if he can keep from descending into incivility during the process.  Sadly, most times he cannot.

Now allow me to discredit your nonsense..

I do not hate the 2nd Amendment but I do want to see sensible gun regulations and the banning of assault rifles and because of this in your NRA tainted mind you falsely believe I am for the banning of all guns

Yes I complete;y detest the Right Wing way of thinking, their thoughts are the thoughts of bigots and as can be seen a lot of their policies and passed laws are and are continuing to be found to be unconstitutional by courts throughout the country. So who really is the party of unconstitutionality, oh, let me guess, your twisted view of things will lead you to blame the courts.

The NRA, the group with the blood of thousands of victims of gun violence on their hands for their unwillingness to back sensible gun control laws, which a majority of Americans, some of the NRA's own members (at those possible of rationale thought) included support are the furtherest thing from defenders of the constitution, the only thing they defend is the profitability of gun manufactures. They like the murderous criminal cops you also support deserve no respect at all.

As for being a "statist" not quite sure how that thought took hold in your twisted mind, but hey, I;m sure any sort of rationale idea would have a hard time taking root in your delusional mind.

And no I have no love for Hilary but you can rest assured I will be voting for her over the Republican clown Little Hitler Trump. It will provide me tons of enjoyment watching the paranoid reactions of the Right Wing crowd not only when she wins but when she appoints liberal leaning judges to the Supreme Court, that in itself should drive the majority here completely insane.  


Edited by Uptown Redneck
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7 hours ago, Uptown Redneck said:

But that's just me.

Storm Shadow, if you don't follow the beliefs of the paranoid, right wing conspiracy spewing, NRA loving wackos who post here, you, like me, will be branded unfit. As if the majority of the people here have the slightest ability to think for themselves. Most who post here simply recite the garbage and non-sensible thoughts they gleam from Fox News and the NRA. But never the less enjoy your time here with the Second Amendment, Right-Wing, Hilary hating, lets defend every murdering criminal cop wackos.   

That's not true. You are unfit because you agree with killing LEO's. Not all of them are bad, but you come across as wanting no police at all. That's just flat out stupid. To have the mainstream of criminals, the ones who murder, steal, sell drugs, rob, rape, and most of whom get illegal guns from the streets running rampant seems like a goal of yours. 

4 hours ago, Uptown Redneck said:

Now allow me to discredit your nonsense..

I do not hate the 2nd Amendment but I do want to see sensible gun regulations and the banning of assault rifles and because of this in your NRA tainted mind you falsely believe I am for the banning of all guns


What is your reason for wanting sporting rifles banned? Don't try that "It's the chosen weapon of criminals." BS with me either. It's Not. Most criminals use handguns! Even the recent terror attacks here the perpetrators also had pistols. That is a fact! It's these nut bags who want to kill us "Infidels" who are using the AR and other same style sporting rifles. It's flat out unconstitutional to make law abiding citizens pay for a criminals stupidity. Many a criminal have used sawed off shotguns, so lets ban shotguns and hack saws as well.

You just like to argue and post useless laughable content. You rarely have anything positive to put into this site. You don't help the hunting community, you have said you would rather be fishing, so do more fishing and less trolling.

Edited by ....rob
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What is your reason for wanting sporting rifles banned?

For the simple fact that such weapons, paired with high capacity magazines have no place in society. The killings carried out with them are all the proof one needs. Sorry if you're love affair with weapons designed for the sole purpose of killing as many people as possible in the quickest amount of time has blinded you to the facts. 

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7 minutes ago, Uptown Redneck said:

What is your reason for wanting sporting rifles banned?

For the simple fact that such weapons, paired with high capacity magazines have no place in society. The killings carried out with them are all the proof one needs. Sorry if you're love affair with weapons designed for the sole purpose of killing as many people as possible in the quickest amount of time has blinded you to the facts. 


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1 hour ago, Uptown Redneck said:

What is your reason for wanting sporting rifles banned?

For the simple fact that such weapons, paired with high capacity magazines have no place in society. The killings carried out with them are all the proof one needs. Sorry if you're love affair with weapons designed for the sole purpose of killing as many people as possible in the quickest amount of time has blinded you to the facts. 

Sad but true...In our world of wanting/needing bigger and better. Keep the military and the sportsmen weapons in their own places of need.

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On 8/12/2016 at 7:23 PM, Stormshadow said:

I don't have strong feelings about this and I don't advocate banning any type of weapon. But really after firing thousands of rounds In my time in the army with a full auto rifle I just don't find much fun in it anymore. But that's just me.

How many of these fully automatic rifles have been used in the mass shootings?

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1 hour ago, Four Season Whitetails said:

Sad but true...In our world of wanting/needing bigger and better. Keep the military and the sportsmen weapons in their own places of need.

So the semi auto rifles so popular for hunting like the Win 100, BAR and Rem 7400 should be gone?

Edited by Culvercreek hunt club
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I am currently speaking of the guns based upon the AR platform and high capacity magazines, and yes, including the BAR. As for magazine size being NYS DEC bans any semi-auto carrying more then 6 rounds for hunting the Safe Act call for 6 round magazines works for me. However, for practical purposes an exemption for a 10 round magazine for 22's also works. 

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I am currently speaking of the guns based upon the AR platform and high capacity magazines, and yes, including the BAR. As for magazine size being NYS DEC bans any semi-auto carrying more then 6 rounds for hunting the Safe Act call for 6 round magazines works for me. However, for practical purposes an exemption for a 10 round magazine for 22's also works. 

Functionally the AR platform is not different than the ones I listed so why not just ban the mags over 5?
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5 hours ago, Uptown Redneck said:

What is your reason for wanting sporting rifles banned?

For the simple fact that such weapons, paired with high capacity magazines have no place in society. The killings carried out with them are all the proof one needs. Sorry if you're love affair with weapons designed for the sole purpose of killing as many people as possible in the quickest amount of time has blinded you to the facts. 

More babble...must be sleeping in Andy's bed


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4 hours ago, Uptown Redneck said:

I am currently speaking of the guns based upon the AR platform and high capacity magazines, and yes, including the BAR. As for magazine size being NYS DEC bans any semi-auto carrying more then 6 rounds for hunting the Safe Act call for 6 round magazines works for me. However, for practical purposes an exemption for a 10 round magazine for 22's also works. 

The Safe Act is 10. It was updated about a year ago. Way to go on proving you aren't familiar with the laws there slick. LOL

There are tens of thousands of people who own an AR or similar style rifle that aren't criminals. By some of the replies in here just by owning one people are going to go crazy and kill people. That's crap and anyone with even a pea size brain knows it. If a nut job decided to kill, they will do it anything they have, knife, hammer, screwdriver, car, poison, gun ( of any kind ), or what ever. That guy who cut that womans head off didn't use a gun now did he?


Banning the AR is a stupid knee jerk reaction by people who think it will stop terrorism or mass shootings. It will not. It's just that simple. Why is that so hard for people to see?



FYI, I am against any gun being banned hat isn't full auto and would feel just as strongly on the topic.

Edited by ....rob
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