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Lunatic Alert - Cougars Coming?


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Growalot, I'm not denying that there have been transient cougars throughout the east, but you said there was scientific evidence of a breeding population in Virginia.  Again I ask you: what is your source for that claim?

Edited by Padre86
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Transient cougars, usually young adult males, have been found in some eastern states.  But it's going to take a bit more time for breeding populations to re-colonize the east, and such populations will likely only re-occupy remote areas of the Northeast, where they'll have the required habitat to accommodate their range.

I love you wrote that and even more that phade "liked" it...for that is all I ever said

Edited by growalot
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I read it..can't find it right now... but here are some non NY lunatics from other states that have DNR's saying the same things..until they can't...


On Saturday afternoon a man was hospitalized in serious condition after being attacked by a mountain lion in Augusta County, Virginia.  He was near the Blue Ridge Parkway.  We Hunters have been reporting them for years either by trail camera pictures or actual sightings but noooooo there are no mountain lions in Virginia........

This is the same commission who denied  coyote were not in this state until about 15 years ago, now we have a 24/7/365 season on them.



Illinois DNR denied the same thing until two years ago. Too many trail cam pic's were popping up so they quit dening it.


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18 minutes ago, growalot said:

I love you wrote that and even more that phade "liked" it...for that is all I ever said

You actually seemed to be implying that cougar expansion into the east was much more imminent than what current studies suggest.  And you said that there is a breeding population in Virginia, though I've still yet to see you provide your source for that.


It's not unreasonable to think that cougars will eventually re-colonize parts of the east.  But the fragmented nature of the wilderness in much of the east means that it will take quite a while for that to happen naturally.  

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Imagine a farmer who has a chunk of his annual income that comes from some nice prime black angus or Hereford purebred beef cattle reading about this stupid study. Or maybe a dairy farmer who has to tolerate slaughtered cattle because of some newly introduced cougars which would undoubtedly be completely protected while the DEC tried to establish a thriving population. Expand that to those who count on their sheep, hogs, horses and any other convenient farm livestock that are suddenly on the menu of these introduced kitty-cats. Pets, hikers, mountain bikers, kids, you name it they could all become an entrée on a mountain lion's menu of convenience. You don't just throw a bunch of these things into the wild without some unintended consequences. There are a few other considerations beyond just having a new species to hunt. But these brilliant scientists have studies that show that it would help decimate the burgeoning deer population. Do these mental midgets ever step outside their cubicles?

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12 minutes ago, growalot said:

I read it..can't find it right now... but here are some non NY lunatics from other states that have DNR's saying the same things..until they can't...



So an attack by an unverified animal is your proof that there is a breeding population of cougars in Virginia?


Again, I think most people don't have any problem acknowledging the existence of transient cougars...but an established, breeding population is another matter all together.  And there are a whole array of methods used to determine rough estimates of animal populations (field surveys, track analysis, scat analysis, ect.).


It would also probably help if you actually provided the sources for those quotes, so we can see where where they came from and whether or not they're valid.

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One night I went to western NY. I met up with Pygmy and Larry. While Larry was smoking cigars, me and Pygmy met some Cougars. His was a big girl, mine was only 125lbs.


Yes, this happened in NY. Case closed. Lock up the thread! Go Red Sox, Go Chiefs, summer for another 6 months! Eff the fall!

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2 minutes ago, Biz-R-OWorld said:

One night I went to western NY. I met up with Pygmy and Larry. While Larry was smoking cigars, me and Pygmy met some Cougars. His was a big girl, mine was only 125lbs.


Yes, this happened in NY. Case closed. Lock up the thread! Go Red Sox, Go Chiefs, summer for another 6 months! Eff the fall!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


2 minutes ago, Larry302 said:

Oh goodie a mountain lion thread .......we haven't had one in at least a couple weeks 

Personally  I don care for 200 pound Cougars , I'd say 135 at most ,if they are tall .

Lol....I knew it was only a matter of time before this "cougar" thread went in a whole other direction.

I should've stuck to using "mountain lion," to avoid the confusion.  

All the same, never take your eyes off a cougar...when they latch onto you, it's hard to shake them off.

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3 minutes ago, growalot said:

seriously? There's not enough good "smoke" around to take the edge off reading some of these threads...

Sounds like you have tried growie. You sure you are just growing "hemp"? You have been known to blur out the background on some trail cam pics. Just sayin'. LOL

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There's the point....... did you know that there were no blk. Bears in Letchworth park 36 yrs ago? Yet while on a date with M B .. my Samoyed got loose and chased one through the woods...We both heard it and he held me back from running after Strider. I called and called,until he showed up. His white fur slicked down in a geasy green / blk shite that smelled like pig dung. It was a long miserable ride home. We stopped and reported it at the station...Must be deer,there are no bear here...sure there weren't

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Have you ever dealt with a 200lb cougar? Dont judge a book by its cover lol

200lbs is a whole lot of woman! 150lbs is a big girl. I believe the term is snowpig in western NY for those slobs

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Well here is about the best comparison you can do to mountain lions arriving in nys,, moose next to us from vermont crossed into ny decades ago and wandered back, it  took years before we had residents that didnt return to vermont. now 50 years later we have almost 700 moose in ny, yet 99% of new york doesnt have them. this is from a state right next to us.  cougars have a long way to get here and it will be an even longer time to establish a breeding resident population.  i would bet my life will be long over before that happens.  even with escaped pets bolstering the migrants..

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Black bears are indigenous to the area. With proper management they should thrive and expand their range.

When your taking about introducing a Nonindigenous species like the western mountain lion it's a totally different set of considerations. Think of the chaos and variables its introduces into the ecosystem. It's a ridiculous notion and as much as I am a critic of the DEC I won't go as far as them being that stupid and reckless.
Hell why stop at mountain lions? Why not big African cats as well? Let's introduced several non indigenous apex predators and see what takes off...

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