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No Freaking way.I mean freak because...


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this is so freaky you will not believe it...So you guys that know my general area confirm this:

I have to run errands, trunks full of shavings ...I left house with keys and phone in hand...unload trunk, hop in car back out, 2pt. turn ,pull out and up to mail box. Need phone . No phone in seat next to me...Get out look, retrace EVERY step...even trunk..give up and leave..OK guys...drive down my hill to a stop, turn hit another, now on Canadice Rd take to Strutt all the way to Wayland CVS...park ...pull out hit 63 to Dansville...hit every light through that town turn down to tractor supply go in parking. Lot is busy...come out to load trunk ...pop trunk look down and there it is! My phone is...wait for it...sitting face up on my BUMPER... For you guys that do not know...bumpy, winding roads for what 12-15 miles?

Today I saw the laws of physics shot....lol I know I will not get a deer this season,why?...Because I drained any bank of luck I had when I reached down and picked up that G4...hard plastic case,on a hard plastic bumper ...that slants down slightly, Grand Marquis

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Glad you didn't lose it. I once noticed a wallet sitting on the back bumper of a car, doing about 70 down Rt 81 North. My wife was driving so I had her pull along side of the guy. He looked at me like I was nuts as I tried to motion to him, about his wallet. Finally I held up my wallet, pointed to it and slowly mouthed  W A L L E T--B U M P E R. His eyes popped right out of his head. He pulled over… LOL!!

Edited by ants
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On 9/13/2016 at 11:00 AM, The_Real_TCIII said:

My buddy was towing his boat down 81, guy pulls up next to him with a sign that says "You lost your boat seat 1 mile back (crossed out) 5 miles back (crossed out) 10 miles back!" lol the guy had been trying to get his attention all that time! He went back and never found the seat

Coming home from camping a few years ago, a minivan pulled up next me on the left and the girl in the front seat held up a sign that said "Got Cheese"? and then drove off. We didn't lose anything but our sanity wondering WTH just happened  but we have a memorable story to tell.

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I no pulled up behind a olean police officer at a stoplight in town last summer. Noticed his keys sitting on trunk lid so of course I started waving and honked one time to get his attn. He got out of car and was very very cautious hamd on gun walking toward me. Window was down so I had hand on wheel and 1 out window pointed at his keys and yelled to him. He came over shook my hand and thanked me...I bet his heart was pumping lol

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Wish I could count the number of times I have done that with various objects.  Was on house phone and drove 12 miles the last of it on a bumpy dirt road and seen the phone on the bumper only after I drove those roads all the way back home.  One time stopped at a gas station towing the boat to the lake, grabbed a soda, checked trailer connections, get on the road and I cant remember if I even bought the soda cause its no where to be found.  Back the boat down the ramp, get out and yep there it is sitting on the bumper.  I do believe its the force of air that rolls around the back of the vehicle that holds the stuff there.  Did same thine with a flashlight loading boat back on trailer and there it was still on when I got home. 

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5 hours ago, BaldguyLee said:

Me too. Buddy left a glass tumbler of Koolaid on my p/u bumper at his house. I drove home -through subdivision, onramp, highway 10mi, curvy offramp, hill, three turns, home. Koolaid still on bumper. 

the craziest thing about that is someone drinking Koolaid.........I haven't seen anyone drink that in about 30 years.

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