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Has anyone hunted over a deer decoy

Bow sniper

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Like most things, in my experience with decoys, it can be good once in a while, but often it spooks deer. I remember fondly once I had a bedded decoy, a fork horn buck. A smallish 8 pt. came in and stared and stared at the decoy, finally moving around behind it to see what it was looking at so intently. LOL. I cracked up. Wish I had it on film. But often old does spook in my experience. But it can work at the peak of the rut. But a decoy is a pain to haul around the woods. But under the right conditions, especially in a protected property, fine. One caution if you decide. Make sure you spray paint the ears florescent orange. If you are hunting in an open hunting area somebody might take a shot at your decoy! :stop:And be careful carrying it through the woods if you are in full camo. Somebody might think it is a deer. Stranger things have happened.

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I have and will continue to hunt deer with a decoy. I shot my first deer with a bow over a decoy actually. Key things to remember, if a doe decoy put it facing away from you and if a buck put it facing towards you. Make sure its in a more open area about 15-20 yards in front of you. Try to spray it down with scent free spray to get all of your scent off of it. It will spook some deer and draw others in...just like turkey decoys. 

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One time, I put one out in a big field and had a really nice buck come out stiff legged, snort wheezing, the whole show. I was on the ground and made the mistake of putting the decoy to my right and he came in from there. I drew and held so long when I finally shot I dropped my arm and shot under him. One of my best encounters ever. And I never tried again lol, I don't know why except dragging that deke out there was a pita

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One time two bucks arrived on the scene 2 minutes after I killed a big doe.   The larger one stood right next to the carcass about 75 yards away.  A shot to the shoulder blade flopped him down right there.  Does that count?   It made recovery easy as I only had to drive the tractor to one spot to pick them up.    Since then I have been in no big hurry to get down from the stand and started on the gutting job after killing a doe, and I always aim for their shoulder (with a gun), to keep the "decoy" around for a while.

This is also a lot easier than carrying a plastic decoy around, with the added attraction of "real" scent.

Edited by wolc123
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I've killed a few bucks over a decoy. They work well when the right timing and effort/prep is put in.

My 2014 buck would not have been killed if not for the decoy. He got in behind me and was past shooting lanes on my right before I saw him. A quick hit of the bag and in he came for a 22yd or so heart shot.

Decoys are a lot of prep work and setup. I like using them a time or two each season as it break up the monotony at times if things don't go right. You can be aggressive with rattling and calling.

I find here in NY you can really pull in bucks up to 3.5. Only had a few encounters with older bucks and decoys and they tend to be weary.

You get to Ohio and further Midwest and every hunting truck has a decoy riding in the back. It is a much more common practice and likely the result of increased effectiveness of the herd structure and ratios.

That said it is still very fun here in NY.

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I have used them but find the deer tend to pick up that it's a decoy.  Because I use calls I find that the deer are usually to close to use a decoy in most spots I hunt.  (I tend to be in thick woods.)  If you like to pass deer the decoy can give up your position and spook them a bit.  If I was on the farm in open area it would be a great option to draw them out that's for sure! 

Prep as stated above is key.  Try to also keep it as scent free as possible as ATBuck stated.  I tend to always face the deer away from me so it does not look like it is staring at my position.  Be ready, when they come in you will only have a short window before they figure out something is not right.  Good luck let us know how it works for you if you try it and be safe, I usually put my orange vest over it and wear my orange hat to and from my hunting area.  Stopped doing this due to safety on public land and don't use it on private as they are usually close enough to not need it.

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Last year onSept 28th, I had a visitor to this Full Rut buck that had only been up a few days. I came out in the morning and looked off the deck and thought WTF and sure enough you can see the force he hit this decoy as it turned the legs about 45 degrees to release the body and note the digs in the close up of the replaceable target section.







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