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Finally, a big boy at the branch


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34 minutes ago, Huntscreek said:

Buckstop, is that a mock branch/scrape? just wondering. Orbital Gland Lure ?

Yes, it is a mock scrape. I set one up there years ago and it is the gift that keeps giving.   The only lure I use is licking branches off other scrapes that I stumble on when I am scouting or hunting other properties. I snip them and hang them with zip ties. I call it my "licking branch bouquet." Lots of different buck and doe scent there... all natural. Got quite a bunch there as you can see in the photos. I've got a stand there 20 yards upwind,  when the wind is right. Truly the gift that keeps giving. :rolleyes:

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27 minutes ago, TreeGuy said:

Same I think, but you can only tag one with the bow, so tag him, or one of them.....

It is killing me to sit inside today, but it is raining here and I refuse to bow hunt in the rain. I know it would be good...but washed away blood trails can break your heart.

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45 minutes ago, dmandoes said:

do u think he is one of the twin 8s  from last year?

Good question. It could be. You remember those deer? :rolleyes: I keep all my trail cam photos and vid clips on a hard drive, I will try to dig back in the archives and see. But it is hard to say for sure it is the same buck as their masks (coloration around the eyes and mouth) do change with age. Also, the genes on that hill seem to create a large percentage of classic 8's. So it could be a close cousin.

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