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Can anyone recommend an honest shop near Rochester/Webster?  Tried the snowblower this morning and forgot that last year, the starter electric stopped engaging the flywheel.  Can't get it to pull start.  I am sure I could fix it if I had the time, but would rather just get it fixed without being robbed.  Should have kept the 30yr old arans.  That thing always started even if it looked like a pile of junk.  Thanks

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Did you try a shot of starter fluid in the carb with choke on when pulling? Wish you were closer as there are a couple very good small engine repair guys in this area. Hope you find someone close. And those old beat up looking machines, are usually much better than these new shiny ones. 

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Didn't have any starter fluid grampy so no but good idea.  I am lazy when it comes to snow blowing and just wanted to push the starter button.  The big debate is whether I just pay a plow guy for this season and fix it myself over the summer.  Snow isn't too bad and supposed to warm up so no immediate rush I guess.

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Moog ll text you two guys one in Webster ( has my snow blower now) and one in Fairport both are great, and cheap .

just talked to Randy , he's awaiting your call anytime. A friend of mine is a friend of his. 

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12 minutes ago, fasteddie said:

I would NOT go to those a-holes on 250 in Webster ( Precision ) . I have heard nothing but bad reports on them . I stopped in there once to get some parts and left furious . 

What about Titus mower ? 

Both my guys work out of their homes , 30 plus years . I agree though I don't use any " shops" for car repairs either .

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Moog .... You have money . Drive over to Lowes and buy a new one . 

I did my driveway a bit ago . Some of that bottom snow was heavy . I had a TroyBuilt  for about 8 years and had to replace it with another one . The associate said they only build them to last so many run hours . Anyway I have one of those hoods on the blower to keep you from getting covered with snow . It's the same one I bought in 2006 and it works like a charm . I was blowing the snow East down at the mailbox and the wind was coming from the west . The wind picked up and I thought it was going to rip the hood off and blow it to Williamson . 

Jim Doyle in  Ontario does good work but he is usually buried with repair work . 905 Ridge Road 315-524-5966

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Isn't that typical any more, most snow plowing services requiring seasonal contracts? If we get another mild winter with below average snowfall, might seem like robbery. But... If we have a record breaking snowfall, $350 would seem like a bargain. If you should go for the contract, check out the plowing service & the individual involved. Last couple of years there have been scams local to W Wayne/E Monroe COs concerning failure to provide services after collecting the contract fees.

Still remember working from dawn to dark, coming home and having to clear the driveway! Ugh...!! Last thing I wanted to do after a physically or mentally stressful day at work! Move south, dude! LOL

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Yes seasonal contacts are the norm, however my neighbors pay $170 to $200 , that's what I also,paid a couple years ago .

Moogs driveway is no bigger and maybe smaller then mine as I have a two car parking  area off to the side as well.( same town ) 

The key here is pricing tends to reflect the value of the homes for some contractors ..... I know tons of contractors of all manor , nice house and nice cars  some will throw a higher price just to,see who'll bite.


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Good luck with it. We got about 18 inches the other day and I was totally unprepared..didnt have the plow blade and base on the ATV so now the blade is buried behind the shed, the new snowblower wouldn't start (even tho I winterized it last year) I got the old one started, but it crapped out half way through. Eventually got the new one started………..2 hours on whats usually a 1 hour job. Called the local repair guy and he is swamped…..My own fault I guess…….

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