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All Starbucks closed for the day

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1 hour ago, bugsNbows said:

Seeing that I don’t drink coffee, I could care less. 

One does not order just coffee at Starbucks, you need to order something like a vanilla chai, latte with extra turbo shot, with the  extra super special caffeine mocha caramel froth topped off with a cherry and organic skim fat free whipped cream.

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I have only gone to Starbucks a couple times . Nothing great about their coffee . Always folks sitting around reading books or on a computer . Don't care for DD coffee either . I use to have a coffee in my hand most of the day but cut back a couple years ago and only have 2 - 3 cups a day unless we go out for breakfast . 

I sometimes stop at Fastrac for a coffee and it is the best ! 

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i don't drink coffee but on a bad morning i'd get a frozen/frappachino mocha coffee. it tastes more like a milk shake than anything.  Lots of place to get that. Tried starbucks and holy hell they complement you in such an over the top manner you feel like you're at a self help meeting or something. then the orders that some people place are insane. i mean it takes a good verbal run of 15 seconds to get some out.  how the employees keep that stuff straight is commendable.  there's been controversy over Starbucks pandering to anti-gun crowds because of their customer base. here i have yet to see a single cop at a starbucks and many in dunkin on more days than not.  something must have happened to cause that.

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