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Mt. Lion in Westchester County, NY


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LOL, the two best quotes in the article....

"So far, there's only a blurry photograph of the feline taken by a local resident."

"After fielding calls this week about supposed eagles that really were  pigeons and bears that really were cats, Simon said she thinks the  mountain lion mania may be misplaced."

Sounds like almost every reported sighting you hear about.

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Some people are way to skeptical in regard to mountain lion sightings .

I saw a mountain lion in Dutchess county in 1997 while trout fishing .

I watched it walk along the opposite bank for a good 3 minutes . I really

don't care if anyone doesn't believe me , but when I contacted the DEC in

New Paltz , I was given the standard explanation of a pet released into the wild . Just because you never seen one doesn't mean they don't exist . I have never seen a bobcat and I know that they are around .  I remember hearing of bear and moose sightings in the city of Beacon so why is it so far fetched about mountain lions ? I'm not talking about UFO'S or Sasquatch , but

a legitimate mammal. Just for the record , I know exactly what a mountain lion looks like and have been fishing , trapping and hunting since the late 1970's . Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.

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Some people are way to skeptical in regard to mountain lion sightings .

I saw a mountain lion in Dutchess county in 1997 while trout fishing .

I watched it walk along the opposite bank for a good 3 minutes . I really

don't care if anyone doesn't believe me , but when I contacted the DEC in

New Paltz , I was given the standard explanation of a pet released into the wild . Just because you never seen one doesn't mean they don't exist . I have never seen a bobcat and I know that they are around .  I remember hearing of bear and moose sightings in the city of Beacon so why is it so far fetched about mountain lions ? I'm not talking about UFO'S or Sasquatch , but

a legitimate mammal. Just for the record , I know exactly what a mountain lion looks like and have been fishing , trapping and hunting since the late 1970's . Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.

People are skeptical because with the hundreds of alleged sitings, not one piece of physical evidence or one verified phote ever been offered. Bobcats, bear, moose and even hogs sitings have been verified countless times with all kinds of evidence and photo's. Heck - NY has more "sitings" and rumors then many states where they actually are known to exist.

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It's dead, True but no more. I want to know if it has claws, that will let us know if it was a pet!!!!!


Looks like it didnt take long before it was hit by a car. This is exactly what I would think would happen to 99% of the escaped or released cats, they wouldnt last long outside of captivity. This instance reinforces my belief that if there really is a ML out there, the hard evidence is pretty easy to confirm.

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There have been more sightings since this one was hit. It's probably cognitive bias.


Dead mountain lion found in Connecticut, but reports of sightings continue      11:44 PM, Jun. 13, 2011  |                          alt=gannett.com width=88 height=31http://aka-cdn-ns.adtechus.com/images/usga13_88x31.gif[/img]        persbilde?Avis=BH&ID=2274&maxH=55&maxW=55              Dead cats tell no tails, um, tales, and the mountain lion struck and killed over the weekend on a Connecticut highway is no different.

"We still believe the mountain lion killed was the one seen in Greenwich (and near the Westchester County airport)," Dennis Schain of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection said Monday.

Connecticut authorities are talking with laboratories, federal experts and state officials on both sides of the New York-Connecticut border to try to prove that hypothesis.

They also want to determine if the cat lived in captivity — as is thought — before he began his jaunt.

The 140-pound animal's death early Saturday, though, hasn't put to rest the sightings of mountain lions in New York City's backyard.

Two more reports of mountain lions in Greenwich, not far from Interstate 684 as the crow flies, were called in to the DEP and that town's police Sunday morning.

The first report came from near Exit 31 on the Merritt Parkway; the second was near the Greenwich Audubon Center.

Schain said his agency takes such reports seriously, "but there's not a lot of new hard, fresh evidence to go along with those sightings." A photograph led officials to believe the first mountain lion was possible.

Keeping one as a pet in Connecticut is illegal. In New York, it's permissible with a permit, but none live east of the Hudson River, a state spokeswoman said.

Wildlife experts say the cats can cover long distances, making it possible the one killed near Milford, Conn., was the same one spotted earlier in the King Street area of Greenwich.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service this year declared the eastern mountain lion, sometimes called a cougar, to be extinct.

No evidence existed, the agency said, of a native population of an animal that once roamed from Michigan and eastern Canada south to South Carolina and west across Tennessee.

Regardless, reports of the big cats roll in from time to time.

Patterson residents in 2008 were positive one lived in their Somerset Drive neighborhood.

Jennifer LaValley Hurley of Bedford Hills said she drove several times past a dead mountain lion lying on the edge of the median of Interstate 84 in Dutchess County in the winter.

The carcass was in the steep stretch just past the westbound rest stop, she said.

Hurley said she could see a "big old cat head and a long tail.

"I think skepticism makes sense and people are going to believe what they believe," she said. "I know what I've seen."   

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Why doesn't the Connecticut DEP release some information as to the stomach contents and whether or not the mountain lion was de-clawed ?

Why do they need to confer with New York DEC ?  Sounds like they want to get their story straight.......smells like a cover up to me .

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Why doesn't the Connecticut DEP release some information as to the stomach contents and whether or not the mountain lion was de-clawed ?

Why do they need to confer with New York DEC ?  Sounds like they want to get their story straight.......smells like a cover up to me .

I heard at the coffe shop (from a minister whose son is a trooper) that they are having trouble reading the serial number on the ear tag and want to be sure which one it is.  ;)

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Hey WNYBuckHunter ,

You said " Proof that a captive cat was let loose in Ct ".    WHAT PROOF ??

Do you work for the DEC ?

It was a sarcastic reply to what Clifford and Bubba said. Try following along with the thread.  :)

Keep going with your conspiracy theory though, its great entertainment.  ;D

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Why doesn't the Connecticut DEP release some information as to the stomach contents and whether or not the mountain lion was de-clawed ?

Why do they need to confer with New York DEC ?  Sounds like they want to get their story straight.......smells like a cover up to me .

I heard at the coffe shop (from a minister whose son is a trooper) that they are having trouble reading the serial number on the ear tag and want to be sure which one it is.  :)


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