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Good choke for a Remington 870?

Steuben Jerry

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So admittedly I’m not much of a Turkey hunter, but I would like to get a bit more serious about it. I would classify myself more as a deer hunter who likes to take early walks on Spring mornings with a gun and some calls. I usually carry my old Remington 870 with a 28 inch vent rib and a full choke screwed in. Takes 3 inch shells. Kind of sentimental, one of my first guns, and I pretty much only use it for that any more. I’m amazed at the array of chokes on the market and would like to give the old girl a bit of a more modern performance boost. 

And then there’s all the extended chokes.

Looking for some quick schooling. What do I buy?

Edited by Steuben Jerry
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I have an 870 express w the extra full choke that came w it and I have killed a handful of turkeys out to 55-60. But as far as other chokes, a friend of mine raves about the “jellyhead”

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Pattern the gun with several different types of ammo. Some loads pattern tighter than others. You may not need another choke. If you do try a tighter choke, again try different and ammo and see which is best. Extended or flush, your choice.

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My nephew's 870 had the original x full tube. He killed a bird every year till he passed in '98.   I still have his 870, and use it every few yrs.  Killed a few birds at 40 yrds.  

His same choke in my NWTF 1100 wouldn't kill a ostrich at 30 yrds. 

So, ask 10 people the best choke, you'll get 11 answers. 

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My 1187 SPT has a .660 Rhino tube and super tight pattern.  Daughters youth 20 now has a Trulock tube designed for TSS 7’s. Going to put it on paper soon but all folk over on OG like this combo.  Did have a Jellyhead in hers and it was excellent. 

Other chokes with great reviews are 

sumtoy / patternmaster/ truglo 

what shells are you shooting ? There’s some tubes designed for certain loads and even shot sizes to optimize the pattern 

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I assume you have to buy the choke before you can test it and what works in 1 gun may not perform the same in another gun. But whatever choke you go with you also need to try a lot of different shot sizes and shells. I don't remember what xx-full choke I have in my 870 but it won the NWTF Turkey shoot a lot of years ago. I'm sure a lot has changed since but I get a great pattern out to 40 and with hevi shot #5 i can shoot out to 60 if absolutely necessary. Jerry the best thing to do would be to get together with a few guys and swap ammo and chokes if you can and pattern your gun. Once you decide on a choke and match up the shells that give you the best pattern you are good to go. And you will have all the confidence when a shot presents itself. JMHO.

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As Avg. Joe said, you really need to test the chokes in combination with loads you might be using.  Personally in my 870 turkey barrel with the extra full choke the 3" Winchester Long Beards in number 5 shot pattern extremely well.  These shells are affordable as compared to the high density shells.  When you find a combination that works well in your gun buy up a bunch of that ammo.


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  On 3/30/2019 at 5:42 PM, TACC said:
It can become a very costly and time consuming experience going through choke tubes and ammo choices.

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Ain’t that the truth, I was in my shotgun stuff “cabinet” tonight and I have 11 turkey chokes for my 20ga 870 and another 7 for my 12ga 870’s not counting another 20 or so turkey chokes for other various shotguns! With chokes being 30-100$ a pop I have a small fortune in chokes! That’s not even talking about the 2 filing cabinet drawers I have of turkey shells that I’ve tried over the years!

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  On 4/1/2019 at 1:16 AM, The_Real_TCIII said:



This may help



That's the way you have to test/pattern your turkey gun. Although I would be shooting at 40 yds. I don't think shooting 60 yds for a turkey is practical? It's too easy to miss judge the yardage that a 50 yd shot can be almost 60! Plus the knock down power drops so much at that distance especially with #7 shot. I would have liked to see his patterns at 40 yds and then at 60 yds. that would be very educational!

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  On 4/1/2019 at 3:25 PM, 2012_taco said:

That's the way you have to test/pattern your turkey gun. Although I would be shooting at 40 yds. I don't think shooting 60 yds for a turkey is practical? It's too easy to miss judge the yardage that a 50 yd shot can be almost 60! Plus the knock down power drops so much at that distance especially with #7 shot. I would have liked to see his patterns at 40 yds and then at 60 yds. that would be very educational!


I've shot XR #5's at 60 yards on paper to test their claim.  Turkey splatter target taped to a sheet of plywood. Had 93 pellets in 10" circle around the head and neck. The sheet of plywood got smacked down  Gping to pattern guns soon    I'll take another long poke and post pic

Edited by turkeyfeathers
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