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Antler King Products

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Im not impressed with their products at all. I tried them a few years in a row.. years ago,  with crap results. The brassica blends went to bolt in 4 weeks, and the clovers never did well, if they grew at all. It may have been partially my fault for not reading seed labels then, and buying them from a dept store that sold old seed. IMO its my poor choice, but thats as much of the seed companies fault as it is the Stores fault as well.. I will not support business that sells old seed, whether its been re tested or not.. Its bad business. Buy it fresh from the people who care about their product and customers. And will give you real advise, if you ever need it.. 

Ordering online? 

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I planted some antler king throw and grow last year in 2 different spots. Neither took, maybe it was my fault, I don't know, but I will not buy it again.

I have better results with bulk seed. 

My spots I used white and ladino clover, buckwheat,  and winter rye did very well.


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only seed from Antler King I've used in Honey Hole. it's a blend of brassica, turnip, and filler rape seed.  it was a pull plot to get deer along a particular path in front of my cam to survey what was going through the creek bottom. didn't hunt it really. deer didn't touch it until the very end of and mostly after the season. then they hammered it.  it worked but haven't used it again. DeerAg seed is pretty good. Not sure if George is still kicking around on here.

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