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Turkey hunter shot

Steuben Jerry

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I don’t turkey hunt much anymore , but I always wore an orange hat when on my feet , and decoys had orange surveyors tape tied on neck ,when carrying. But then I have a friend who was shot along with his son by another “ turkey hunter .” 


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37 minutes ago, Stay at home Nomad said:

I don’t turkey hunt much anymore , but I always wore an orange hat when on my feet , and decoys had orange surveyors tape tied on neck ,when carrying. But then I have a friend who was shot along with his son by another “ turkey hunter .” 


That is crazy! When did that happen?

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I'm always amazed when I hear these stories.  Considering the relatively short distances on most shots at turkeys, I can't believe you wouldn't notice that you're shooting at a person carrying a decoy instead of a bird walking through the woods.

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32 minutes ago, Paula said:

That is crazy! When did that happen?

Oh gosh 10 or 15 years back . They were changing spots , and kicked up a Tom , which ran and then started to take flight . Another Hunter was down range and shot at the bird, hitting the son in the face and my friend took a couple pellets , I forget where .

DEC investigated , said shooter couldn’t have seen them , no charges .

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