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Is it unusual?


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turkey and travel the same trails as other wild game animals of any size. coyotes will visit and sniff around any place that's gotten deer activity. studying up on their food. hunted in a spot were baiting was legal. coyote came into the corn pile, sniffed around, and then hid in the bushes downwind of it. blew my mind. would've shot it but didn't have a clear shot by the time the bow was ready. so the answer is yes they will but not for the same reasons or specifically for the scrape itself.

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16 minutes ago, dbHunterNY said:

turkey and travel the same trails as other wild game animals of any size. coyotes will visit and sniff around any place that's gotten deer activity. studying up on their food. hunted in a spot were baiting was legal. coyote came into the corn pile, sniffed around, and then hid in the bushes downwind of it. blew my mind. would've shot it but didn't have a clear shot by the time the bow was ready. so the answer is yes they will but not for the same reasons or specifically for the scrape itself.

That’s interesting about the coyote, makes good argument on not baiting deer. 

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52 minutes ago, rob-c said:

That’s interesting about the coyote, makes good argument on not baiting deer. 

i've hunted Oklahoma and other places were baiting is legal in the past. honestly i've had better luck without hunting over bait. seems in those places they know where it came from. same as a mature buck won't just run out into the middle of a field without being cautious and looking things over first to give him a reason.

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Canines like Dogs, Coyotes and Fox are drawn to urine, it does not make a lot of difference what species laid it down, if they smell it they will inspect it. Urine is popular for trap sets because of this curiosity. As for Turkeys they will inspect any bare patches of dirt especially in the woods where the ground is covered by litter. They will scratch in it for gravel and even dust bath in it.


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2 hours ago, dbHunterNY said:

turkey and travel the same trails as other wild game animals of any size. coyotes will visit and sniff around any place that's gotten deer activity. studying up on their food. hunted in a spot were baiting was legal. coyote came into the corn pile, sniffed around, and then hid in the bushes downwind of it. blew my mind. would've shot it but didn't have a clear shot by the time the bow was ready. so the answer is yes they will but not for the same reasons or specifically for the scrape itself.

That would have been cool to see.

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5 hours ago, nybuckboy said:

Is it unusual to have coyotes and turkeys visit your mock scrapes or any scrapes for that matter?

I use to keep trailcams set on video facing my mock scrapes. I've had both fox and coyotes rolling in my mock scrapes, that were made with my own urine. Go figure!?

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