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Double Down on Connecticut Opener


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Went back to my homeland of CT for the bow opener last thursday the 15th. Saw 4 total bucks and managed to tag 2 of them. Both nice 8 pts. The velvet one won't quite make P&Y, but the other one should. Despite not having a lot of antler inches by NY standards, I'm pretty sure the hard-horned buck is 4yrs. His ears are all torn up from a previous rut or 2. These guys are my 3rd and 4th biggest bow kills and a full velvet doesn't come by every day!

No acorns in the woods this year, but lots of apples. I intercepted these guys on their way to an abandoned orchard 21 minutes apart. (Yes, CT does issue 2 antlerless and 2 either sex tags for bow). I can't imagine a better start to my season; no pressure whatsoever.



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