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Corona Virus Thread

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The president has access to emergency powers contained in 123 statutory provisions, as recently calculated by the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law, where I work. These laws address a broad range of matters, from military composition to agricultural exports to public contracts. For the most part, the president is free to use any of them; the National Emergencies Act doesn’t require that the powers invoked relate to the nature of the emergency. Even if the crisis at hand is, say, a nationwide crop blight, the president may activate the law that allows the secretary of transportation to requisition any privately owned vessel at sea. Many other laws permit the executive branch to take extraordinary action under specified conditions, such as war and domestic upheaval, regardless of whether a national emergency has been declared.

This legal regime for emergencies—ambiguous constitutional limits combined with a rich well of statutory emergency powers—would seem to provide the ingredients for a dangerous encroachment on American civil liberties. Yet so far, even though presidents have often advanced dubious claims of constitutional authority, egregious abuses on the scale of the Japanese American internment or the post-9/11 torture program have been rare, and most of the statutory powers available during a national emergency have never been used.

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Presented with this ambiguity, presidents have explored the outer limits of their constitutional emergency authority in a series of directives known as Presidential Emergency Action Documents, or peads. peads, which originated as part of the Eisenhower administration’s plans to ensure continuity of government in the wake of a Soviet nuclear attack, are draft executive orders, proclamations, and messages to Congress that are prepared in advance of anticipated emergencies. peads are closely guarded within the government; none has ever been publicly released or leaked. But their contents have occasionally been described in public sources, including FBI memorandums that were obtained through the Freedom of Information Act as well as agency manuals and court records. According to these sources, peads drafted from the 1950s through the 1970s would authorize not only martial law but the suspension of habeas corpus by the executive branch, the revocation of Americans’ passports, and the roundup and detention of “subversives” identified in an FBI “Security Index” that contained more than 10,000 names.

Less is known about the contents of more recent peads and equivalent planning documents. 

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Agreed. “Ultimately” it IS his decision. 

You do know what the 10th amendment is it’s not his decision. Btw it’s funny watching republicans who are supposed to support small government and who have said throughout this whole ordeal it’s not the responsibility of the fed all of a sudden say he as the ultimate power.

Fricken idiots don’t even understand the ideals of their own party they just regurgitate what ever the orange idiot says

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1 minute ago, Chef said:

You do know what the 10th amendment is it’s not his decision. Btw it’s funny watching republicans who are supposed to support small government and who have said throughout this whole ordeal it’s not the responsibility of the fed all of a sudden say he as the ultimate power.

Fricken idiots don’t even understand the ideals of their own party they just regurgitate what ever the orange idiot says

Perhaps you were typing that response the whole time the last couple of posts were put up.  Please, go back and read up on the reality of the situation for your own edification.   Nobody is debating the merit of the situation at this point, only the facts as they are.

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Perhaps you were typing that response the whole time the last couple of posts were put up.  Please, go back and read up on the reality of the situation for your own edification.   Nobody is debating the merit of the situation at this point, only the facts as they are.

And the fact is this retard does not have the authority to force governors to re open states. He does not have the authority to force Americans to go back to work in unsafe situations.

How about this if he forces the country to reopen and we see a spike in cases you vote for Biden. If he forces it to open and we don’t see that spike I vote for trump

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30 minutes ago, Rattler said:

The president has access to emergency powers contained in 123 statutory provisions, as recently calculated by the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law, where I work. These laws address a broad range of matters, from military composition to agricultural exports to public contracts. For the most part, the president is free to use any of them; the National Emergencies Act doesn’t require that the powers invoked relate to the nature of the emergency. Even if the crisis at hand is, say, a nationwide crop blight, the president may activate the law that allows the secretary of transportation to requisition any privately owned vessel at sea. Many other laws permit the executive branch to take extraordinary action under specified conditions, such as war and domestic upheaval, regardless of whether a national emergency has been declared.

This legal regime for emergencies—ambiguous constitutional limits combined with a rich well of statutory emergency powers—would seem to provide the ingredients for a dangerous encroachment on American civil liberties. Yet so far, even though presidents have often advanced dubious claims of constitutional authority, egregious abuses on the scale of the Japanese American internment or the post-9/11 torture program have been rare, and most of the statutory powers available during a national emergency have never been used.

Shoot, I didn't know that you worked at NYU School of Law Rattler, I guess I need to be giving you a bit more credit....

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4 minutes ago, Chef said:

You do know what the 10th amendment is it’s not his decision. Btw it’s funny watching republicans who are supposed to support small government and who have said throughout this whole ordeal it’s not the responsibility of the fed all of a sudden say he as the ultimate power.

Fricken idiots don’t even understand the ideals of their own party they just regurgitate what ever the orange idiot says

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So I guess you are calling me an idiot. Personal attacks and vulgarities are a true sign of a lack of intelligence. 

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Damn, dude. You literally made the mountain come to Mohammed and now this entire thread - where there was some good info - has been moved to assuage your hurt feelings and become your personal little political shit show. 

You have out papisted Papist.  

Congratulations, I guess. Enjoy your echo. 

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Sore loser.  Don't change the subject.  LOL!

I'm not the one who caused it to be moved here, but I do relish the opportunity to address politics on an even field.

How about this.  Start a Corona Virus II thread in General Chit Chat again and keep the political crap out of it.

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US and South Korea both got their first case at the same day.  South Korea went aggressive immediately.

Death per million population

US - 77.55

South Korea - 4.33

Positive cases per test administered per million population

US - 64.37

South Korea - 1.03

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Reports are that the death toll is being inflated. I wonder why. 

NY is 6.1 billion in the hole according to this article from last November. The fed is also paying $32k for every Covid death. 


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1 hour ago, NonTypical said:

Why is Fredo outside if he has the virus?


But then Cuomo directly responded.

“He said, ‘Who the hell are you?! I can do what I want!' He just ranted, screaming, ‘I’ll find out who you are!’" David recalled. “I said to him, ‘Your brother is the coronavirus czar, and you’re not even following his rules — unnecessary travel.'"

David alleged, "He said, ‘This is not the end of this. You’ll deal with this later. We will meet again.’ If that’s not a threat, I don’t know what is.”


This hothead a vicious bully. I'm not a violent man but I would love to see someone knock him on his ass!!!!.

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