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Final DEC 5 year management plan


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But thats what I dont understand. If guys have the tags in their pockets, how is the DEC going to enforce not using them in select areas each year, but still allow them to be used in the rest of the state. Personally, I think it would be less confusing to get rid of the either sex tags and go to a DMP policy for all seasons, not just regular season. As you can see from many post on this site, so many guys have trouble grasping the current regulations, why make them more complicated?

The same thing that stops guys from using their DMPs wherever they feel like it; honesty. The ones who aren't willing to play by the rules probably aren't already so what's one more reg to them?

Don't get me wrong, I do agree that it would be a lot simpler to go with a DMP-type tag.

OT, anyone else get their bowhunter sighting log this year? Mine came on opening day of S/T. I thought that was funny.

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The same thing that stops guys from using their DMPs wherever they feel like it; honesty. The ones who aren't willing to play by the rules probably aren't already so what's one more reg to them?

Don't get me wrong, I do agree that it would be a lot simpler to go with a DMP-type tag.

OT, anyone else get their bowhunter sighting log this year? Mine came on opening day of S/T. I thought that was funny.

they sent me a patch last year but I didn't receive the log this year.

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But thats what I dont understand. If guys have the tags in their pockets, how is the DEC going to enforce not using them in select areas each year, but still allow them to be used in the rest of the state. Personally, I think it would be less confusing to get rid of the either sex tags and go to a DMP policy for all seasons, not just regular season. As you can see from many post on this site, so many guys have trouble grasping the current regulations, why make them more complicated?

They can do it just like they do the doe permits now.....before the seasonwhen they issue the list for available doepermit areas.....the list the areas not open for bow and ml doe take. There are areas no that don't allow doe take with them.....exactly the reason I held off buying that lifetime. How would you like to be a guy that owns property in an area they close....I understand the need but midstream rule changes are hard to swallow

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The same thing that stops guys from using their DMPs wherever they feel like it; honesty. The ones who aren't willing to play by the rules probably aren't already so what's one more reg to them?

Don't get me wrong, I do agree that it would be a lot simpler to go with a DMP-type tag.

OT, anyone else get their bowhunter sighting log this year? Mine came on opening day of S/T. I thought that was funny.

Yeah, I guess I just think simple is better.

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What a pile of crap, most especially with the AR's. Again and again the DEC keeps regurgitating that they don't see any biological benefits to AR's, yet now they have implemented them everywhere in the Catskill region. I simply can't understand nor accept this double talk. As some have mentioned already, exactly what reasons will some of us have to hunt in the Catskill region?? In many of the units it's hard to draw a doe permit and some don't even issue any, so maybe someone could give me a good reason why the f--- should we even bother to go out hunting?? Also, if the bow tags won't be allowed to be used where there are no doe permits issued, hunters will have next to nothing to shoot in any of the seasons! Unbelievable!! I forget what forum member made a post a while back stating that the real reason behind AR's was to curtail deer hunting in the region. I think he was absolutely right! What the hell should we bother wasting our time and money buying a license and going hunting. I sure as hell may not. I will find a place in a southern state somewhere where I can shoot a doe or two and call it a hunting season. I will probably have only a few days out of each year to hunt, but you know what?? Why waste ANY of my time and money in the Catskills to be allowed to shoot next to nothing?

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What a pile of crap, most especially with the AR's. Again and again the DEC keeps regurgitating that they don't see any biological benefits to AR's, yet now they have implemented them everywhere in the Catskill region. I simply can't understand nor accept this double talk. As some have mentioned already, exactly what reasons will some of us have to hunt in the Catskill region?? In many of the units it's hard to draw a doe permit and some don't even issue any, so maybe someone could give me a good reason why the f--- should we even bother to go out hunting?? Also, if the bow tags won't be allowed to be used where there are no doe permits issued, hunters will have next to nothing to shoot in any of the seasons! Unbelievable!! I forget what forum member made a post a while back stating that the real reason behind AR's was to curtail deer hunting in the region. I think he was absolutely right! What the hell should we bother wasting our time and money buying a license and going hunting. I sure as hell may not. I will find a place in a southern state somewhere where I can shoot a doe or two and call it a hunting season. I will probably have only a few days out of each year to hunt, but you know what?? Why waste ANY of my time and money in the Catskills to be allowed to shoot next to nothing?

Steve, totally agree. Whose agenda are they pushing if not the hunting associations and federations who have the ear of the DEC. I hunt in the catskills and my area has DMP only if you have a preference points so no DMP's this year. Plus the AR will totally wipe out any hunting in our area. I see this year the last year to shoot less than a 3pt on one side as a big problem. First these hunters who voulentary pass on these spikes will probable take them this year because they will have nothing to shoot next year. But the trophy hunters will be happy. What makes it even worse there isn't even any small game to hunt anymore.

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Steve, totally agree. Whose agenda are they pushing if not the hunting associations and federations who have the ear of the DEC. I hunt in the catskills and my area has DMP only if you have a preference points so no DMP's this year. Plus the AR will totally wipe out any hunting in our area. I see this year the last year to shoot less than a 3pt on one side as a big problem. First these hunters who voulentary pass on these spikes will probable take them this year because they will have nothing to shoot next year. But the trophy hunters will be happy. What makes it even worse there isn't even any small game to hunt anymore.

Hunting as we once knew it in our region is now GONE. I am sure there are a number of people on this forum who are gloating and couldn't be happier. I can assure them that their day is coming soon also. They may see this as a victory for themselves, but all it really is, is a HUGE loss for anyone who enjoys the simple pleasures of hunting and the overall hunting tradition of the Catskill region.

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I know we are all assuming that everything in this 5-year management plan is now destined to become law, but there is some wording that I keep running across that makes me wonder if they have actually control all that they are proposing. I keep seeing phrases like "DEC recommends" and "DEC supports". I think some of this stuff may be controlled by the legislative bodies of state and local governments.

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Maybe Im totally wrong, but when I think Catskills I think "Oh thats down by NYC". Does anyone think or know if there is above average hunting pressure when compared to the rest of the state in the Catskill area? To me, because I like to think logically, hopefully I am lol, that the Catskills would see more pressure due to the fact that it is well within reach of NYC hunters. With that, I would expect just like the rest of the state, that you would get: people who poach, people who hunt to fill their freezers, people who hunt for that trophy buck, hunters who hunt for the sake of hunting, and people who just plain dont know what they're doing, but because of the Catskills being associated with NYC all that is above average when compared to the rest of the state. So maybe the DEC is putting these restrictions into play because the herd just cant take/handle that type of pressure? Im curious to know what percentage of the annual kill comes from the Catskills area. If DEC is not allowing DMPs because the population is at or below goal, this could be a direct correlation with what I stated about Catskills & NYC if proven true. Maybe ARs is the DEC's way to keep the buck population at a norm since there are no DMPs I would assume that the kill of bucks as a whole would increase, with ARs it likely guarantees the survival of more bucks who do the deed with does who then pop out more deer. This is just an observation I have made given what I have read here and what information I have gathered.


Steve, totally agree. Whose agenda are they pushing if not the hunting associations and federations who have the ear of the DEC. I hunt in the catskills and my area has DMP only if you have a preference points so no DMP's this year. Plus the AR will totally wipe out any hunting in our area. I see this year the last year to shoot less than a 3pt on one side as a big problem. First these hunters who voulentary pass on these spikes will probable take them this year because they will have nothing to shoot next year. But the trophy hunters will be happy. What makes it even worse there isn't even any small game to hunt anymore.

If what you stated is accurate I wonder if the same thing is happening to the deer population and this is what the DEC is doing to combat that?

To me... It makes sense. Im thinking the deer cant reproduce fast enough to maintain what the DEC believes as a population norm because of the increased pressure, so they have had to take these measures to give the furry buggars a fightin chance.

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I know we are all assuming that everything in this 5-year management plan is now destined to become law, but there is some wording that I keep running across that makes me wonder if they have actually control all that they are proposing. I keep seeing phrases like "DEC recommends" and "DEC supports". I think some of this stuff may be controlled by the legislative bodies of state and local governments.

You are correct, certain things are going to need to go through the legislative process.

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I actually had some yahoo on Archerytalk try to tell me the deer hunting in NY is better than its ever been! Some people need to wake up and get a clue!

Thats not what I or anyone else there said. If you are going to carry that conversation over to this site, you might want to tell the truth about what was said.

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If what you stated is accurate I wonder if the same thing is happening to the deer population and this is what the DEC is doing to combat that? To me... It makes sense. Im thinking the deer cant reproduce fast enough to maintain what the DEC believes as a population norm because of the increased pressure, so they have had to take these measures to give the furry buggars a fightin chance.

That is what some other member of the forum was driving at recently in another thread. He said that a DEC official told him that the real reasons behind AR's are simply to reduce the deer kill in the area along with giving out very few doe permits. Now I could accept this, but my problem is why doesn't the DEC come out and actually tell us the truth?? Why all the talking from both sides of their mouth saying that AR's aren't biologically needed and then also expanding them throughout the Catskills? Just tell us the bloody truth. I think in their own convoluted way of thinking the DEC probably thinks that many hunters would be giving it up and not buying licenses anymore if they somehow came out and said that the deer population in the area simply isn't big enough to be hunted the way it used to be. They might be right, I bet plenty would be giving it up, and of course that would cost the DEC a good chunk of change since their are a good many hunters in the area, but I also think many hunters can accept the truth far better than they could the constant double talk.

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I wasn't talking about you. And how the heck do you know what someone else told me? You sure do think you're god don't you?

Nope, but I can read what was said on the other site. I didnt just say you were talking about me, I said others as well. He also never said that things were getting better in the whole state, or area even, he was talking about what he had experienced in his small part of the area. YOU took it and tried turning it into something it wasnt.

Now bring on your latest slew of personal shots and name calling like you have done here and on the other site in the last couple of days. :rolleyes:

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Heres exactly what he said

I hunted there for 12 and saw nothing but better hunting year after year. Harvested deer every year without fail.

I hunted 4O last year for five days and saw more deer than ever before.

So, to me, things are just getting better.

Sounds to me like he thinks the deer hunting is better than its ever been in NY!

Are you seriously argueing that a fellows opinion isn't right, and talking about something from another site? Who gives a rat's patoo.

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If you read the whole thread what I said pertained to this conversation. I never argue that someones opinion isn't right, I'll leave that for WNY BuckHunter. After all , that seems to be what he's best at! He likes to tell everyone that their opinions are wrong and his are right. If you read many of the threads here you would see that. He's already driven alot of people away from this forum! I think I'll be next. Have fun dealing with Hitler everyone, I'm out!

You hit the nail on the head.
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If you read the whole thread what I said pertained to this conversation. I never argue that someones opinion isn't right, I'll leave that for WNY BuckHunter. After all , that seems to be what he's best at! He likes to tell everyone that their opinions are wrong and his are right. If you read many of the threads here you would see that. He's already driven alot of people away from this forum! I think I'll be next. Have fun dealing with Hitler everyone, I'm out!

LMAO. So Im not allowed to have an opinion if it differs from yours? I never said your opinion was wrong, just said that I dont agree with it. Not my problem you cant handle someone disagreeing with you. Its not like I never admit when Im wrong, which is more than I can say for some. :rolleyes:

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If you read the whole thread what I said pertained to this conversation. I never argue that someones opinion isn't right, I'll leave that for WNY BuckHunter. After all , that seems to be what he's best at! He likes to tell everyone that their opinions are wrong and his are right. If you read many of the threads here you would see that. He's already driven alot of people away from this forum! I think I'll be next. Have fun dealing with Hitler everyone, I'm out!

Mom...wny kicked my blocks over...waaa waaa waaaa.

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