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NY map with member dots on it

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Steve and I toured the country with our singing group back in the day, before that we grew up in the same tribe hunting bongo's with bamboo spears. Here is a clip of us on tour, im the one in the purple shirt and steve is the shorter one to my left.


After the tour ended we remained friends and all these years later are now business partners, we just hooked abunch of new business for our newest endeavor. We came up with an app that tells dim witted hunters what way the wind is blowing when they are out side in the wind. Next we are working on one that tells you when you are wet in a rain storm.

We are not actual brothers or lovers as that dirty stinking pygmy suggested, just good friends from the home land. Steve is back there now sharing the wealth, we made $1.99 off of WNY today and that goes a long way back home.

Edited by Doewhacker
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Steve and I toured the country with our singing group back in the day, before that we grew up in the same tribe hunting bongo's with bamboo spears. Here is a clip of us on tour, im the one in the purple shirt and steve is the shorter one to my left.

After the tour ended we remained friends and all these years later are now business partners, we just hooked abunch of new business for our newest endeavor. We came up with an app that tells dim witted hunters what way the wind is blowing when they are out side in the wind. Next we are working on one that tells you when you are wet in a rain storm.

We are not actual brothers or lovers as that dirty stinking pygmy suggested, just good friends from the home land. Steve is back there now sharing the wealth, we made $1.99 off of WNY today and that goes a long way back home.

I just got into Kennedy airport, Doe. On my way up to Burt's place for the weekend, since he was kind enough to tell us that he won't be up there this weekend on his hunting thread. Maybe we can meet up on Pygmy's hunting land afterwards? Maybe we will find him sound asleep again under a pine tree like we did last time with that whiskey flask in his hand? LOL

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I just got into Kennedy airport, Doe. On my way up to Burt's place for the weekend, since he was kind enough to tell us that he won't be up there this weekend on his hunting thread. Maybe we can meet up on Pygmy's hunting land afterwards? Maybe we will find him sound asleep again under a pine tree like we did last time with that whiskey flask in his hand? LOL

Nice map selection Steve, very funny. I may not be up there but my neighbor next door patrols like a hawk, in fact 20 years in the Army served him well.

He catches you and makes you stand for a picture holding you tag under your chin, no chit man.

Enjoy yourselves!

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hehe, Technically I would have to come down to you, I am a northwoods hill billy so yer kind ain't gonna suprise me at all.

And the Banjo music might just be playing in my truck. ;)

Alright then, .... Come on DOWN, y'all...

Actually, DELIVERANCE is my favorite LOVE story...

I can just imagine the dialog .....

" Looks like we got us a SOW ".....

" Take down them PANTIES, Boy..."

Actually I never saw the movie..Those quotes were from the last pig roast at our local Legion post... :spiteful:

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