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Broken arm


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I went ice skating with my girl on Monday night and I fell on my elbow and broke my arm. I'm happy it happened after bow season but I'm really worried about how it's going to affect my shooting in the future. I go for surgery on Monday morning then will be in a cast for 4 weeks. Hopefully I'll be able to get out shed hunting soon after also. Been sitting home and starting to go crazy!!! Anybody ever deal with a broken arm and bowhunting afterwards???


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Sorry...is it the drawing arm or your holding arm?....

No brakes BUT...Dr's always tell me when I sprain.... dislocate.... rip tendons...ect ect...They wish I'd just broken what ever...for breaks usually heal completely...all others....not so much...Now this year I dislocated pulling arm(shoulder) 6wks in sling and had my bow let down to 40#'s to be able to build back up to close to shooting weight by season...it worked well with one exception...also arm that the elbow years ago had been hyper extended...when hands at my side...the palm of my hand faced out away from body....that hurt...well the shoulder injury aggravated the old elbow injury causing a lot of nerve pain...ask about possible nerve damage and what can be done to relieve it...best of luck

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I know you say you fell on your elbow but not sure where on your arm you sustained the break. If its midway between elbow and wrist it should heal pretty well and stronger than before. Why are you having surgery? Was it a displaced fracture? Usually arm breaks are treated with closed reduction (casting) unless it was close to the wrist or close to the elbow area. Sucks either way.

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Had broken arm, 2 fingers, 2 toes & leg all on left side & still at it . Listen to md. & pt & all will work out for you, Good luck ! My wife broke both arms at once, try that, it was a very humbiling experiance for both of us she was in 2 casts above both elbows for 8 weeks!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just got back from the doctor. Got staples removed and i no longer need to wear the sling which is a hugeeee relief. Gonna take a while to fully heal but i am def making some progress. Hopefully ill be able to shoot the bow by summer. I told the doc that i was going to go to the range today joking around and he was like are you crazyyy lol.


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