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New addition to our family


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Back at the beginning of deer season, my fiancée and I had to make a very tough decision. Our 5 year old Chocolate Lab had developed some pretty bad behavioral problems ever since my son was born. We had done some reading and talked to our vet, but nothing was helping her, and it kept getting worse. We ended up having to let her go, and another family ended up adopting her. Our other dog in the meantime, had become obviously lonely without the playmate and companion she had known since she was 8 weeks old. We decided that we would get a puppy that would grow up with both the kids, hopefully avoiding the jealousy issues with our last dog. After researching breeds, temperaments, etc, we decided on a Boxer. Yesterday, after a few weeks of searching, I brought home a 10 week old female that I got from an Amish couple.

Things are going as expected so far, but for the life of me, I can't think of a name for our new little girl. Here are a few pics, if anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them!




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O My that dog is soooo CUTE!!! It took me a few min but I think she is a Meshee or Mesha I usually ask the dog and see which one she responds to best and then that is her name. Good luck with her she looks like a real beauty and a keeper what ever you name her!!!

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