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WNYBuckHunter's Outdoor Journal


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Going to try the Montecs this year. Got them for free, this is the second time in 5 years I recieved free archery equipment from a photo shoot we did. They look really good and like you guys are saying they have a good rep. Buck did you keep the heart?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ive been slacking on this lol. Havent been out a ton anyhow, home stuff and work has kept me out of my stand alot.

Last night I got a chance to get in my stand at the farm for a couple of hours. Walked in and discovered a couple of dead fawns in a hedgerow. Texted one of the guys on the farm, apparently they had gotten hit by a car a few days ago and thats where they put the carcasses. Bummer to see, but what are ya gonna do. I got over to my stand and got settled in. 5 minutes after being there, had a basket racked 8 point walk by at 25 - 30 yards. Didnt see much after that until I was looking back into the corner of the cut bean field and had a few doe walk out, feeding on the scattered beans. They were about 100 yards out, so I started keeping an eye on them. About 5 mins later I saw some white moving behing them, and checked it in my binos. I saw a familiar pair of antlers first, and immediately knew it was one of my target bucks, that I call Tommy Tall Tines. He was just calmly feeding near the does, 100 yards away. I kept an eye on him and he started moving in my direction. When he got to 80 yards, still feeding, I grabbed my bow and started getting in position for a shot if he closed the distance. He milled around in the same general spot for 10 minutes, and I knew I was running out of time, so I grabbed my grunt call and gave it a couple of light grunts. He picked his head up and walked toward me, slightly behind my stand. He got to the tractor road and started walking up it toward one of my lanes. He was very cautious and going just 1 or 2 steps at a time. I got in position and came to full draw, as he only needed to take 5 or 6 steps to be right in my lane at 25 yards broadside. That was when I saw him look quickly over his shoulder and turn towards the opposite direction. I let down and looked to see what was up, and there was another buck back in the corner of the field. This one was a bigger deer, and Tommy walked off in his direction. That was the last I saw of either of them.

I ended up bumping a few does on the way out. Oh well, hopefully next time. It was just fun to have that encounter, but aggrivating at the same time.

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I went out last night and got my last set on the farm hung. We figured it would be a good time to do it, as the rain was going to come through today, which should help wash out any scent left behind. This spot looks killer, 3 crossing doe runs, 50 yards from our designated sanctuary/very thick bedding and more scrapes than I have ever seen in one area before. It also sits right behind a large standing corn field. I am very excited about this stand, and cant wait for my first sit in it.

While I was in there, I also hung a cam, pointed at 3 scrapes. Hopefully it should give me a clue as to what bucks are using this area the most.

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Good timing...It's been raining not hard but steady since way before day light and not letting up...all my work from yesterday is filled right back in....but at least not ankle deep...lol...can't wait for the weekend...Good luck...

PS.... maybe this warm weather will give them a chance to thoroughly clean up that combined corn field....it left a lot on the ground...unlike the chopping they did next to us...was going to turkey hunt...but they left my beech and cherry trees for the field

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Yesterday afternoon, I saw on the radar that we were going to get a break in the rain, so I grabbed my gear and headed out to my stand. It was perfectly quiet getting in, and I ran a drag of doe in heat scent on my way in, hoping a buck would run across it while scent checking the field edges or out browsing. I got in my stand and settled in with some freshly made venison jerky and apple cider. The wind was out of the NW, and kept shifting to a N wind, which was concerning me a bit because it was swirling through the woods a bit. I figured it would be OK, since it was headed away from the bedding I expected the deer to be coming from. It was a slow, dull sit as I had zero sightings. At around quarter after 5, I made sure to flip up the seat on my stand, as magic hour was upon me and I figured I would see something then. I was texting with a buddy when I heard a twig snap behind me at about quarter to 6. I quickly put my phone away and turned to see what it was. I saw what looked like a horse in the timber, about 60 yards behind me. I grabbed my binos and looked through them at a very large rack on the head of this big bodied buck. He was headed right from the bedding out to the corn field, but had used a different trail than I was hoping for. I grabbed my grunt tube and gave him a couple of grunts, and his head snapped right toward me. I could see his antlers were well outside his ears and he had very long brows and G2s, with a good amount of mass. Slowly, he turned in my direction and started my way on a trail that I figured would bring him to 30 yards at my 3 oclock, so I grabbed my bow and turned quietly into position. Over the next 10 minutes he worked his way down the trail and came out right where I thought he would, but about 5 yards further away than I was thinking, with a bunch of brush between us. Damn. He then continued past my lane through the thick stuff and I lost sight of him. I knew he was trying to get downwind of my position, but figured if the breeze held out coming from the NW, I should have a shot before being busted, so I hit him with a couple of doe bleats to keep his attention. He started circling in, through our unplanted food plot, just like I was hoping for, and as he stepped into my first lane, I came to full draw. Unfortunately, he stepped in and quartered right to me. He finally stopped at 20 yards, but I couldnt take a shot, as he was quartering hard to me. All I could think was turn turn turn, when I felt the wind hit the back of my neck! Crap! Just after that happened, his nose went up and he backed straight away, turned, and went right back where he came from. I turned, hoping he would go through the lane to my right, and hit him with a grunt as he did, he didnt pay any attention and I watched him walk into the corn field.

I had to sit down for a few minutes, as I was shaking like mad, then I got down and left. I am almost 100% sure the deer was one I had an encounter with last year. I named him Tank last year because of his big body, and he is even bigger this year. He is still an 8 point, but is wider, taller and has more mass than last year, I would say a solid 140 if not more. Here is the best cam pic I have of him from last year. I dont have him yet this year.


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