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WNYBuckHunter's Outdoor Journal


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Thanks guys. Once I get around to putting all of them on my PC, Ill share some more. I have a few videos of that red yote being harassed by a bunch of crows, and another of the two foxes fighting a bit. I was kicking myself for pulling the cams after I saw how much good stuff I got. I might just get them updated quick and put them back this week or weekend.

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  • 2 months later...

Got started on work the last few weeks down at one of the farms. We ended up frost and over seeding all of our trails with clover. Its been a couple of years since we did some of the areas, and it was the first year for a couple of newer trails. We went through a tad over 300lbs of seed in total. We still have another 150lbs of high quality white clover seed that will be used for a couple of plots. This weekend I want to get down there and start mowing down a couple of spots where new plots will be going in. We typically mow them as short as we can before starting to spray and till.


Last weekend we found some good turkey sign. The bird numbers are up by quite a bit on the two farms I hunt, Ive seen more birds last fall and this spring than I ever have at both of them. Hopefully I can get on them in a couple of weeks!

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Got started on work the last few weeks down at one of the farms. We ended up frost and over seeding all of our trails with clover. Its been a couple of years since we did some of the areas, and it was the first year for a couple of newer trails. We went through a tad over 300lbs of seed in total. We still have another 150lbs of high quality white clover seed that will be used for a couple of plots. This weekend I want to get down there and start mowing down a couple of spots where new plots will be going in. We typically mow them as short as we can before starting to spray and till.


Last weekend we found some good turkey sign. The bird numbers are up by quite a bit on the two farms I hunt, Ive seen more birds last fall and this spring than I ever have at both of them. Hopefully I can get on them in a couple of weeks!


I thought you were out of the country.........nice to see you back.  :)


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  • 3 weeks later...

I got out this past weekend and made a quick run around both farms to clean up falldowns on the trails. We also got the first plot tilled up, and started formulating our plans for each plot this year. We are going to venture into a couple of new things for us. Corn and Sugar Beets. That will be in addition to other plots with our usual plantings of PTTs/Rape/clover/WR, etc. We are also going to do one plot with buckwheat for a soil builder. 3 new plots going in this year. As soon as we get the existing ones tilled, the new ones will be going in. One of them needs alot of brush pushed out. That will be the last one on the list. Other two need sprayed and tilled a couple of times. I was hoping to get some spraying done this weekend, but its looking like rain so far, so that will probably be out of the question.


Pic of some fresh tillage...




I took the day off on Tuesday for my son's nursery school "graduation", and decided it was a perfect day to go fishing with him. We headed down to the farm to try or luck in one of the ponds. He ended up catching about 20 fish, all largemouth and sunfish. I didnt have time to do much myself, but managed to nail a few largemouth of my own when he wanted to take breaks. It was his first time out fishing, and hes hooked now. Hasnt stopped telling me we need to buy a boat lol. Heres a few pics of him having a blast...











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Heck yea!


Great job dad.  Priceless doesn't describe it good enough, IMO.


Pre-school graduation huh?  Blink your eyes my friend and it'll be high school graduation.......I promise.


You absolutely will not believe how fast the next 12 years will go.......


What grade is the little princess now, 4th?


(nice to see you around here!)

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Great first catch pic's! You have a fishing partner for life! Enjoy every minute of these younger days,they grow so fast!


Good luck with the new food plots. The ones you have now look really nice!

Edited by grampy
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This weekend I started on a project Ive been meaning to do for a while. Last summer, I tore an old shed down at my fathers place, and hauled the wood home with the intentions of building a shooting house with it. I finally had some time to get started on it. Figured out what I needed to grab from Lowes and got it going. Saturday I tore all the wood down from the shed and removed nails. Sunday I started building. I got most of the framing done, just need to get the roof done, then it will be time to figure out exactly how Im gonna do the windows and add a door. This one will be elevated, somewhere between 10 and 14 feet up. The dimensions of the shooting house are 7 feet wide by 4 feet deep, 6 feet tall at the back and 7 feet at the front. It will have carpet, insulation and shelves in the corners. Should make for a nice place to take the kids on a cold, rainy or windy day.





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I took a couple of days off this week, so I headed out to do a little turkey hunting this morning, no birds for me. Headed home and loaded up my stuff and went down to the farm to work on food plots. I stopped at the local feed/supply store and grabbed 300lbs of 15-15-15 and 30 lbs of buckwheat. Next I headed to my buddys house to load up a few more things, then went to the farm. We ended up getting one plot fertilized and planted with corn, one plot tilled and planted in buckwheat, and then we started brush hogging a new plot. Here are a few pics from the day...

New to us harrow...


Gorgeous day!




Yesterday, i won a drone quadcopter in a raffle. Image quality isnt great, but its good enough to make it fun to mess with..Took a bunch of pics at the farm today. Heres a few...




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  • 2 weeks later...

Had some time tonight, so I built and put up the roof framing for the shooting house. This weekend Im going to put the plywood on the roof, shingle it, add some bracing and get it ready to transport. The door, windows and the rest of the plywood will go on once its at the farm. Its already plenty heavy, and loading and unloading it from my trailer is going to require some effort. It ended up being 8 foot wide and 8 1/2 feet to the peek. I already cant wait to hunt in it with the kids. Ill probably do a couple of photo hunts in it with them before the season starts.

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Had a guy come down the road with the led light bar on in the middle of the afternoon. That shit should not be allowed on a vehicle, so bright and distracting. Why do you need that anyway???? I can imagine what its like at night.

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Shouldnt be allowed on a vehicle? Why not? Its illegal to turn them on while on the road, so the guy will end up with a ticket if he has it on and a cop sees him. I have mine on there for when I am off road after dark, which is pretty often. Not that I need any reason other than I want it on there. Its no different than guys that have had KC Daylighters and other off road lights since the 60s.

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