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New York Crossbow Hunters..

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Stiffling complete... Again because you can not disprove my facts you give up the conversation...

Again disprove what is in red, otherwise it is just another gun... pull the trigger is all that is needed...

this guy is your A typical anti crossbow, hunt the way i hunt guy, who spews facts by the boat load with no backing and basically makes thing up as he goes along. he has this grandiose vision in his small closed mind of how sacred his compound bow is with all the gadjits, release mechanisms, sights, carbon arrows flying at 350 fps, ohhhh how grand, and i suppose he does all this while wearing buckskins.
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Now that would be a comforting thought..seeing they are here ...stick them there only :D

judging by your grammar your obviously a foreigner, probably a country that had 1/10th the freedoms we have here?

i just love it how some foriegner who still speaks with some heavy eastern euro brogue comes here and has all these opinions on how we should hunt in America?

yea most of us come from immigrant roots but our ancestors were smart enough to keep their mouths shut when they first came here unlike grows who wont pass the chance to spew her opinions on just about anything.

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Hey ..... Mr. personality is back. Slipped off that medication regimen again eh? Well, these things happen. It's always a treat to see you and your ugly personality on display again. You really have a knack for making a real a$$ of yourself. Some things never change.

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We are all missing the point here!

What is most important is the management of the deer herd, the habitat and the recruitment of new hunters and the retention of hunters.

Should the full inclusion of crossbows positively impact the efforts of the NYSDEC at managing the deer herd to include protecting/preserving habitat,recruit and retain more hunters one should support full inclusion.

Finally someone that gets it... good post... It's really just that simple!!

Edited by nyantler
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I give up. You seem to think I hate cross bows, guese what I Might buying one. Just because I use a weapon does not change the fact that the bolt is locked into position.

In so far as the dec, they do not care about the deer or the herd IMO. All they care about is culling the population, so guese what they will advocate anything that will get more money for the state and kill more deer. And yes I know this is availible for special people with permits, I have a friend who uses one arm to shoot so you are not telling me anything I dont know about using this... Guese what it is still illegal for anyone else without a permit to use. Might have something to do with it being LOCKED and Loaded...

Again you all see me as attacking Xbows, Im sorry but this is not a bow IMO. THe DEC will classify it as one and you will all get to use it so all this argument is pointless. Again it is just a opinion but based on 2 factors of holding the bow and having it locked in place.

You people need to figure out what a OPINION is. IMO = Im My Opinion. If I wanted to say a bow is safer than a Xbow because you have to pull back to be loaded is this a false statement, NO. It is just stating if you have a loaded weapon it is much more dangerous than one that is not, fact. Fact you can not get killed with a unloaded weapon, making any weapon that is not loaded while hunting a safer weapon no matter what it is. If we were all required to "load" our weapon only when ready to shoot we would be safer plain and simple. This information seems to go over most of your heads so be it. Again this is my opinion based on the FACT that just like a gun you only have to take off the safety to shoot.

I do not need to post up facts for a opinion...

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When you are touting your opinion as fact, you should back it up or shut up. Over and over you state that there are safety issues, and yet you have no proof to back it up. The fact is, its no more dangerous or less safe than a bow or gun. If a crossbow isnt a bow, then back it up, because by definition of the dictionary, most of the major archery associations, etc it is a form of archery equipment.

I never said you hate crossbows, Im just saying that the statements and assumptions you are making about them are incorrect.

BTW, your opinion on what the DEC cares about is pretty telling, at least to me, about your line of reasoning when it comes to this stuff. You seem to draw conclusions based on your emotional response rather than look at the facts and draw a conclusion from there. Just sayin.

Have a great day.

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A crossbow cocked and no bolt on it isnt dangerous. And Everyone seems to forget, the game in this state is not yours!! it belongs to the state! We would not have this dicussion if most bowhunters(myself included) killed deer! not just wait for a buck, the state wants does killed. we may not agree with it but thats what they want. So crossbows will be included in regular season and the take will go up(at least that what the state wants). A few new hunters may take some deer, but in my experiance i try as i get older to make it harder on myself to get deer. i started with A gun, bought a compound bow, went to pistol, went to muzzloader(inline),then to a side hammer percussion, to percussion blk powder pistol. to flintlock rifle. i now am learning on an english long bow i hope to use one season in the near future. All this will do is create another stringed weapon to be used in a stringed season. One i hope will bring more women,kids, new hunters in general into the sport of hunting. Some i'm sure will develop skills and eventually try other implements as their knowledge and experiance progresses.

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Hey ..... Mr. personality is back. Slipped off that medication regimen again eh? Well, these things happen. It's always a treat to see you and your ugly personality on display again. You really have a knack for making a real a$$ of yourself. Some things never change.

good morning old man, i see it took you a whole day to rush over to another topic with the word crossbow in the heading. kinda funny how you have all this interest in crossbows ole Doctuer. i think you should finally come out of the closet Doc, ha thats funny! your an old piece of fruit rotting in a closet, LOL, !!!
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Doc...don't let him bother you...I don't ...I read the nasty things he writes and feel sorry....One can see through his words the black hole his massive ego made and know that once created black holes are not escapable ...so I won't venture into his "event horizon" to feed his density

feed his density???? Need i say more?
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feed his density???? Need i say more?

No apparently NOT........


   [den-si-tee] Show IPA

noun, plural -ties.


the state or quality of being dense; compactness; closely set or crowded condition.


stupidity; slow-wittedness; obtuseness.


the number of inhabitants, dwellings, or the like, per unit area: The commissioner noted that the population density of certain city blocks had fallen dramatically.


Physics . mass per unit volume.


Electricity .


the quantity of electricity per unit of volume at a point in space, or the quantity per unit of area at a point on a surface.


current density.

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No apparently NOT........


   [den-si-tee] set or crowded condition.


stupidity; slow-wittedness; obtuseness.


the number of inhabitants, dwellings, or the like, per unit area: The commissioner noted that the population density of certain city blocks had fallen dramatically.


Physics . mass per unit volume.


Electricity .


the quantity of electricity per unit of volume at a point in space, or the quantity per unit of area at a point on a surface.


current density.

your a regular Einstein. you sound as if your very inept on physics, lol, funny how when you spew crossbow vs vertical bow ballistics your theories are all wet. ohhh nice copy and paste job.
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getting back to constructive crossbow talk, yes trying to cock a crossbow from a ladder or climning stand is next to impossible. if you are the type of hunter who takes multible shots while up in a treestand you would be best served with a wider 2 man stand where you can comfortably put your foot thru the stirrup on the much wider stand base. or use a ground blind...

all that said if you shoot and miss with a crossbow a second shot is unlikely because of the noise a crossbow makes when shot.

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