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Ted on the backlash on CNN


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Yeah... His grandmother was a "typical white person" who crossed the street when she saw a black person walking her way. This whole Racist thing is nothing but PU- - Y!!! An easy out.. (Another word for cat...Incase anyone was wondring)

Best wishes ..Blind Squirrel

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No people attack him because he is a draft dodging wuss who hunts nearly exclusively in a pen. Remember he got busted in Cali? What about his son whom he denied was his for years, yup thats a real fantastic person to represent us hunters.

Stay on point Doe.. we are only talking about gun control here... everyone has skeletons in their closet if you dig deep enough... we're only talking about his stance on the 2nd Amendment here... and how well he defends it without backing down... which has nothing to do with race, who he's sleeping with, where he hunts, or how many times he got busted. You don't have to like him to be smart enough to realize he's right about this one.

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I'm so sick of the race card. Obama is quite racist himself, at least to the white side.

Currently I am enrolled in college. The college has many organized "clubs" such as ski club, save the animal club and foreign language club, among many others that I wouldn't be caught dead in. Anyways my school has several "clubs" such as African american, Spanish and Muslim club were the said ethnic groups can go and meet several times a month. Next week I will go to the dean and ask if I could organize a new club. It will be called the "White Pride" club where white kids can go and talk about their traditions. Just like the other groups, we are all equal, right?. How do you think I'll make out? I'm sure I'll be the racist one.
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You got that right. CNN was hoping to make their point by inviting Ted, but he knew his facts and gave it right back at them. They could have invited John Lott, but that would not helped their ratings and he would have also shot them down when it came to statistics.

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I'm definitely not a fan of Ted Nugent ..................BUT ................... I really do wish I could defend the 2nd amendment half as well as he did in that interview. I wish I could instantly quote the stats as quickly as he did. I also like the fact that he did not allow Morgan to speak over him as is so often the technique of the anti-gun crowd. Apparently there was some language that may not have been appropriate or necessary, but in general I believe he stated our case very well and this time it was done in a fashion that might open a few eyes about what gunowners have been saying. I would say that he picked up a lot of stock in my mind with this interview and basically put Morgan in his place.

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