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On 12/13/2021 at 9:32 AM, Chef said:

Don’t bite this fool will just make another name and keep on going… he has done it before

Hey fool, I need to address all these posts prior to getting to the meat.

I've been here since 2012.  I lost interest pretty quick and fell off. Got back on again in 2016 when Trump was running and people here were trashing him.  Got active again in 2020 when people were trashing Trump again.

Check my activity prior to making ignorant comments.

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On 12/13/2021 at 10:33 AM, left field said:

Just so I understand your challenge: you stop posting in this sub and I stop posting on the entire forum? Now changed to everyone else who wants this shut down stops posting here?

I offer you a fair man-to-man race, but you want a head start? Honestly, dude, that's a little weak. 

Think this through. You and I are stubborn enough to stay off this sub so it will be a wash as to who wins or loses. And frankly, who gives a shit? However, I contend that the entire forum will benefit which is the point of shutting this down. So the individual sacrifices for the benefit of the whole.

Hell, they'll write stories about us.

Not what I propose at all.  Try again.  First I said we both stop posting all together, that's man to man, then I revised it.

"I'll revise my challenge.

I'll stop posting in the political forum, if everyone in this thread who asked for the political forum to be deleted, stops posting in it.  How's that?  Think you can get all of the other members to agree to that? 

Anybody who asked to eliminate the political forum can not post in it again, or I can start posting in it again.  That fair enough?"

How is equality for all a head start for me?  You want the sub eliminated and I want people who don't like it to stay out of it?  I don't see why you are opposed to that.  You guys will never see another post from me in the political forum, not even humor, as long as you all stay completely out of it too.

We make up a list of everyone who is in the game and we start.  Anyone on the list post in the political forum and all bets are off.  I'm good to go with it.  Are you guys?

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21 hours ago, BowmanMike said:

the challenge isn't equal because you hardly post anything outside of the political forum.  

You say because you don't want to brag about hunting,but have no problem bragging about your superior debate skills and mental capacity.

I don't brag about anything, I just point out how many of you can't hold a civil debate and don't seem to have an analytical mind.  That's not bragging, that's just observation.

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21 hours ago, DirtTime said:

Wouldn't one have to actually go hunting to talk ( brag ) about it? Grouse has pictures of a vacation, at work, but can't seem to have a picture of him hunting. Just like a few of the other political loud mouths that used to troll the boards.

Maybe you should check my activity also.  I don't post just any hunting stuff I do.  I hunt a lot and I've been at this for 50 years and taken every type of small game in NY, turkey, duck, geese, a few bobcat, coyotes, bear and at least 100 deer.  If I have a noteworthy hunt, I may post it on here, otherwise to me it seems mundane.  I post trail cam photos if they are interesting and hunting info when I think others may like it, but I hunt alone 99% of the time and I don't do selfies.  

Your perception is not reality.

My hunting is relaxing and productive, but IMHO not impressive on average, so I see no need to share it all the time.  

Let's stop with all of this drama and misdirection and get to the game.  Posting or no posting?  That is the question.

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1 hour ago, Grouse said:

Hey fool, I need to address all these posts prior to getting to the meat.

I've been here since 2012.  I lost interest pretty quick and fell off. Got back on again in 2016 when Trump was running and people here were trashing him.  Got active again in 2020 when people were trashing Trump again.

Check my activity prior to making ignorant comments.

So you base your activity on this HUNTING forum based on the election cycle....makes sense.....lol.  Wow.  

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23 hours ago, DirtTime said:

Wouldn't one have to actually go hunting to talk ( brag ) about it? Grouse has pictures of a vacation, at work, but can't seem to have a picture of him hunting. Just like a few of the other political loud mouths that used to troll the boards.

Also has a picture of him wearing a mask outdoors. 

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1 minute ago, Grouse said:

Not what I said Rob.  I lost interest in the hunting posts on this site.  Then people here started spewing hate about Trump and I decided that needed a response.

Now are you going to accept the challenge or not?  Same question to you Dip.

Ill accept.  Hows about we all get our licks in until midnight.   Then tomorrow the hiatus begins.  Yeah or no?

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8 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Not what I said Rob.  I lost interest in the hunting posts on this site.  Then people here started spewing hate about Trump and I decided that needed a response.

Now are you going to accept the challenge or not?  Same question to you Dip.

What a crock.  Grouse is just a troll that should be ignored.  Eight consecutive posts on this thread until he finally got the attention he so desperately craves.

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4 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Not what I said Rob.  I lost interest in the hunting posts on this site.  Then people here started spewing hate about Trump and I decided that needed a response.

Now are you going to accept the challenge or not?  Same question to you Dip.

Ok gotcha.you lost interest in the hunting posts on a hunting site...I can't believe you can't see how that doesnt make much sense. 

As I said before you and I agree politically and philosophically quite a bit.  My issue is and has always been the arguing and bickering and general nastiness of these political threads doesn't belong on a hunting site. As it doesn't belong on all the rest of the hobby forums. And they Always go bad every damn time. And it's the fault of a very few and most don't want it here. 

I am very glad it has been put back into a sub forum as it was ruining this site. Like it or not it's a hunting forum first.  Some great folks here and most I would be glad to pour beers with. 

I haven't read all the challenge stuff. Not sure what to tell you there as I think it's ridiculousness. So your saying you won't post in the political section if the people that don't like it won't ? So basically your saying get rid of it then cause no one is using it. Ok I'm all for that. Only reason I responded to this was because it was about getting rid of it and I think it would be a huge upgrade and relief to this site and 99% of it members. 

Good luck on your game or challenge or whatever it is. Carry on. Will leave you 7 folks to continue your argument. 

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2 minutes ago, virgil said:

What a crock.  Grouse is just a troll that should be ignored.  Eight consecutive posts on this thread until he finally got the attention he so desperately craves.

LOL!  I'm just replying to posts pal.  It's like playing chess with a pigeon.  It gets up on the board, knocks over all the pieces, craps on the board and then struts around like it won.  (I think Putin said that about Obama.)

You guys decide to play and put your names on the list and all the attention stops, for ALL of us.

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14 minutes ago, Grouse said:

LOL!  I'm just replying to posts pal.  It's like playing chess with a pigeon.  It gets up on the board, knocks over all the pieces, craps on the board and then struts around like it won.  (I think Putin said that about Obama.)

You guys decide to play and put your names on the list and all the attention stops, for ALL of us.

You're trolling.  As usual.

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So you guys want the political forum gone, but won't agree to stop posting in it?

That proves you are just antagonizing those who do.  Let's all agree to stop posting in it and see what happens.  It's just a game.  What are you all afraid of?  What is there to lose?  


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I'd gladly not post anything to political threads to get Grouse to shut the hell up once and for all.  Would be no problem at all.  The problem here is are only the guys who he considers "liberals" supposed to agree to this no political posting challenge or does this apply to everyone here?  I could see some of his cohorts like Airdale and Northcountryman post something political and then he'd jump in claiming that folks didn't keep to the challenge.  That would be BS.  Surely something Grouse would be capable of doing. 


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1 hour ago, Grouse said:

So you guys want the political forum gone, but won't agree to stop posting in it?

That proves you are just antagonizing those who do.  Let's all agree to stop posting in it and see what happens.  It's just a game.  What are you all afraid of?  What is there to lose?  


again not being facetious here Grouse.  But a couple of questions that just came to me...... So if you dont enjoy the hunting posts in a hunting forum then your here for the political section only?  and do you enjoy the continued arguements with the same 3-4 people that disagree with you ? and do you think they will ever change their minds?  Kinda seems counter productive or spinng your wheels for very little reward. Also if a person from Antifa were to join and didnt also enjoy any of the hunting posts but just blasted away their agenda on the political forum, do you think it would also be a good idea?  or would you think that this stuff belongs at politcal discussion site instead?  

Also i guess if you dont enjoy hunting posts but enjoy politics so much and have so much insight and opinion (and you do obviously) then why on a hunting site that just happens to have a political section? Its like if your super power was invisibility but it only works if no one is looking at you. Kinda wasted isnt it when your trying to change the minds of 3-4 people that just argue with you. I mean even your couple of staunch defenders here must question why a guy that doesnt enjoy hunting posts is on a hunting site.  Are you paid to do this by a political group?  which i am doubting cause they wouldnt choose a hunting site.  I guess i am missing where your enjoyment of this is. 

I guess i just dont see it.  And for the record i am not for you leaving or anyone else. My issue is with the political section all together. If you leave the arguements and nastiness will just continue i am sure. But again i am thankful it has been fenced back in to the section at least, thanks to WNY.    

Edited by Robhuntandfish
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2 hours ago, Grouse said:

Not what I propose at all.  Try again.  First I said we both stop posting all together, that's man to man, then I revised it.

"I'll revise my challenge.

I'll stop posting in the political forum, if everyone in this thread who asked for the political forum to be deleted, stops posting in it.  How's that?  Think you can get all of the other members to agree to that? 

Anybody who asked to eliminate the political forum can not post in it again, or I can start posting in it again.  That fair enough?"

How is equality for all a head start for me?  You want the sub eliminated and I want people who don't like it to stay out of it?  I don't see why you are opposed to that.  You guys will never see another post from me in the political forum, not even humor, as long as you all stay completely out of it too.

We make up a list of everyone who is in the game and we start.  Anyone on the list post in the political forum and all bets are off.  I'm good to go with it.  Are you guys?

It's a little sad that you can't handle a straight-up challenge and have to skew it in your favour.

What you're suggesting is a foot race with you on one side and a group of people on the other. Winning isn't determined by who crosses the finish line first, but rather decided by which side crosses the finish line last. As a singleton, I'd take those odds all day long. I'm always going to beat the slowest guy or bet on someone tripping in a group of people.

The challenge is simple - you and I'll stop posting in this sub. No socks or political bullshit in the rest of the forum. My guess is that if you and I stop posting here, the sub will get better. Maybe it won't need to be removed. 

On another note, Rob is right - what the hell are you doing here?

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