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My daughter (8)started taking karate ,and is really enjoying it. Tonight she moved up from her beginners belt to the yellow stripe. I figure ,at this rate she will have her black belt before she gets to high school . Between her black belt and me being big ,hairy and mean we should be ok. lol. Won't even have to break out the backhoe and gun.

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Got two,both away at college. One graduates in a couple weeks, but is staying for her masters. Thats why I don't own a hunting camp....but at least they don't owe on loans.

If ya raise 'em right you don't have to scare off boys, as they pick good ones.

But then being a saved head,gun nut,weight lifter, fireman does'nt hurt either.

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My ten yr old daughter had one of the boys in her class room smack her butt and my wife, his parents and the principle had a come to jesus meetin in the principles office the next day. My wife looked like a rabid dog yelling at his parents and by the time we left the mom and the kid were bawling. Apperently word got around because the boys dont bother her anymore. And a few of them got moved to other classes. You can get things done when you threaten to kill and bury peoples kids where they will never find them if they even look at your daughter again. :devil:

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Haha...yep.My little girls man friend was given the "talk" one day.Told him if he ever hit her in any way,that I would beat him so bad that his own mother would'nt know him ever again.He was really shaking by the time I was done talking.He and I have a good relationship and I also think my little girl could kick his ass anyway. :spiteful: I only have 1 girl and 2 boys...the boys can defend themselves,but don't mess with my girl.They are all mid 20s so life is good.

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ERUSSELL.... Good for you and your wife!!!! If any kid did that to one of my girls I'd go NUTS!!!!..

If you guys ever read in the paper, about some guy who went off because some punk mess'ed with his little girl......... That's me!!...Names Fred..

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ERUSSELL.... Good for you and your wife!!!! If any kid did that to one of my girls I'd go NUTS!!!!..

If you guys ever read in the paper, about some guy who went off because some punk mess'ed with his little girl......... That's me!!...Names Fred..

I agree and I would probably end up being your nextdoor cell mate.

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My 2 daughters are 24 and 21. My oldest has a double bachelors degree in music and english education. She is working on her masters and plans to teach. My youngest will graduate with an associates in nursing later this month. My oldest works full time and my youngest part time. Well I went with my youngest daughter on saturday so she could purchase a new vehicle. She was tired of her blazer. I went in case she needed a co-signer. Anyway after being there 5 minutes she was approved for a 14 thousand dollar loan with a part time job and a 742 credit rating. Both of them are capable of shooting. and my oldest has her ccp and my youngest has her paperwork turned in. I am proud of both of them.

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I have full custody of my 9 year old daughter, thank god. Scares me just thinking what woud happen to her if she stayed with her mom. Very unfit, and only cares about herself. Calls me one day saying she cant handle her behavior...(she was 5 at the time) I said Id take her, and she was at my door less than 24 hours. Now, she gets straight a's, has good manners, and is being brought up the proper way. She plays soccer and volley ball, and loves to go with me hunting and fishing, where as before, she didnt have the stability and the attention to do anything but watch nickolodean. I'm a happy dad.

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thanks. just recently, she was suppose to go to her mothes for a visit, no call no show. she drve to orleans prison to see her bf. pathetic. needless to say, hes in there for something i wont post on this forum, but ill give a hint. free candy van. sickening.

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When our daughter was young she wanted to date an older boy...Well being a Mom one needs to tred carefully as to not turn out a rebellious teen...so I said well I'll give you a chance...I need to meet him...no car dates...... I drive if he's willing to do that we'll talk...Ohhh but he was a cocky son of a gun...sure...next she's wanting to know what I'll be asking...well do you smoke?...drink?...do drugs?...and have sex?...OMG you can't ask that!!...Your choice....she comes back with a meet time...Ohh but he was just full of him self...So we are at a local pizza place....she was on pins and needles...I ask the questions...and on the sex one he said yes but only once...I came out of my chair and leaned over the table pointing my figure...in a low voice I said See her...my daughter...if you EVER want to have sex 2x's you'll never lay a hand on her....I bow hunt and you will never hear or see it before you hit the ground!...under stand? They went on 2 dates...I think to save his pride....she declared him a jerk and that was the end of I want to date an older boy....when she got older she.... a junior..... him a freshman in college she turned him down a few times :)

She still tells her friends of the day Mom embarrassed her in the pizza parlor...then says....but she was right....

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