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The Nuge explodes


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Don't make me look up all those posts on Tresspassers and baiters and spot-light jackers and game law breakers where there was not much "forgiveness and glass houses talk and we've all made mistakes." I remember it like this. " Strip their hunting privledges for life and confiscate all their guns." Double standards are for the Libs...

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Dave.... I'll admit I resemble that remark with some major differences...I just want too see their bank accounts stripped clean....also if ppl around me are baiting which they are...I won't trespass to prove it.... but they are just keep deer in the area and fattening them up...besides if they are dishing out $$$ to bait their land....they aren't bothering as much to trespass on mine... win win to me ...but all that said...I don't recall hearing of Ted trespassing....which to me is the ultimate you need YAK....

People are going after him for his past love life indiscretions which is no ones damn business and has nothing to do with hunting or gun rights...unless you can prove he shot one of them...

Now as far as the draft...well don't get me going on that....there is a huge difference between killing a game animal even for sport than killing another human being and there were thousand of young men that had enough intelligent to see through the political BS that got us into that situation and $$$$$ was the reason not God and Country...... The Vietnamese never brought the fight to our soils as in the Middle East ....I lost someone very close to me there 3 days before he was due to leave...and my cousin was a POW...and even he says it took guts to say no I won't...

Ted.... what ever his thoughts then or now has done a lot of good to atone for things he has done and that can't be taken away from him or the ppl he's touched in a positive way..

The bear shooting was out and out his fault for not doing his own home work and I would hope that he has learned something from that and the bait issue...but if he wants to make a comment on any sitting president for CS that should be his right...the whole point of the founding fathers was to allow open descent in this country...that's what they fought for...should he clean up the vulgarity of it yes...but not the essence of it....As far as I'm concerned he said what many are thinking but too afraid to say out loud

Edited by growalot
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Just thought I'd add this to the fray..


Nugent Headlines New Web Show

IOLA, WI - Longtime hunter, outspoken conservationist and legendary rock star Ted Nugent will be the first guest on Wednesday's inaugural "Deer Talk Now," a live talk show about whitetail deer from Deer & Deer Hunting.

Nugent has hunted for more than 50 years throughout the United States and Canada for whitetail deer, bear, wild boar and other species.

Deer Talk Now will air each Wednesday at 12 p.m. (CST), hosted by Brad Rucks and Dan Schmidt, editor of Deer & Deer Hunting magazine. Deer Talk Now will feature special guests, questions from viewers and discussions about new hunting gear, habitat, hunting tactics, deer biology, hunter ethics, issues and more.

Nugent's deep passion for hunting and the outdoors along with his outspoken nature have combined to place him at the forefront of the hunting public. Some appreciate that and others do not, but Nugent never sways from his strong convictions.

"My critics are mostly jealous because I am my own boss and have created an amazing quality of life for my family and myself through incredible hard work and dedication," Nugent told Deer & Deer Hunting. "You find someone who has a problem with me and your are looking at an ignorant, cheap person.

"My supporters are legion, and the finest Americans there are. I am constantly invited to take terminally ill children on their last hunts, and to host the heroic wounded warriors of the U.S. military on hunting trips around the world. The absolute best of the best are on my side, so my detractors are exposed for the fools that they are. I couldn't feel better about my real reputation and position in life."

Originally from Detroit, Nugent's vivid stage presentation and memorable guitar talents earned him the nickname "Motor City Madman." For more than five decades he's garnered multi-platinum hits and worldwide fame starting with the Amboy Dukes, following on through his successful solo career and then in the 1990s with Damn Yankees.

Nugent has released more than 35 albums since 1967 and sold more than 40 million albums worldwide. He schedules his tour dates for spring and summer, often performing for military personnel, but leaves autumn and winter open for hunting. Nugent currently is beginning his 53rd tour and will be performing throughout the United States this summer.

For more information on "Deer Talk Now," please go to www.deeranddeerhunting.com/deer-talk-now

About Deer & Deer Hunting

Deer and Deer Hunting gives outdoor enthusiasts who hunt whitetail deer must-know information, from deer behavior to rut predictions. The in-house editorial staff and freelance contributors are the nation's top experts, helping both beginning sportsmen and sportswomen and seasoned veterans alike learn more about the wild game they pursue. The brand's success spawned one of the most-watched outdoors shows on television, Deer & Deer Hunting TV, aired on NBC Sports Outdoors. In addition to two new shows, Land of Whitetail aired on The Pursuit Channel and Destination Whitetail airing this June on Sportsman Channel, Deer and Deer Hunting also produces groundbreaking software programs, numerous books and countless educational media.

Even this hunting show is looking for Ted to do something outrageous

A quote

"REALLY, who knows what he will say in this LIVE BROADCAST?!

Not just the regular media thinks he is off the wall!

Edited by First-light
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Growalot, Good point and let me just clarify my last post a bit. I'm not accusing Ted of trespassing, I simply was stating that ussually we all are pretty outspoken about what should happen to your average Joe hunter when they break a game law on this site. Clearly Ted has done that and i just think consistancy would be nice. And also for the record, I will state what i said earlier in that I do believe Ted has a role to play in this fight, but I'm just not sure it should be in front of tv camera or radio mic. Firing up our base at conventions or speaking at gun advocate events are great because he certainly motivates the troops like few others can. And I also applaude him for the work he's done for kids and the less fortunate. Just imagine how powerful he could have been if he didn't make so many other poor decisions. Believe me, I take no pleasure in the loss of respect for him. I will be open minded enough to let him try to EARN it back. Unfortunately from his press release that Grouse posted, it doesn't sound like he's interested in my jealous, cheap feelings. LOL

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Everything anyone does is a reflection of their character. To say a public figure is not to be held accountable for repeated and significant personal transgressions is ridiculous! Why would anyone ignore something that speaks so strongly toward what kind of person someone is?

In Teds case these things are just one more item in a laundry list of questionable items of character.


Go to item number 4. No problem with a 30 year old man dating a 17 year old girl right? The girl that he became the legal guardian of to stay "above" the law.

Edited by Scot
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Scot not sure what you liked about my previous post after the above....but no.... none of yours mine or any ones business but the parents the girl.... Ted and any "authority" that gave him guardianship of her...and I was a 17 yr old girl ...back in the seventies and I've work in high schools so...... here's the honest scoop...if that seventeen year old girl had her sights set on being with a thirty year old man...it wouldn't have made a tinkers damn bit of difference whether it was the neighbor next door or Ted...she would have found some one in that age rage with decent looks to try and seduce...Now you may not like it but it is what it is......... would it have been nice if he contained him self as an adult yep...but same can be said for many a high school teachers.....youth group leaders....summer camp worker...and the list goes on....That 16-19 age range for both girls and boys is a parents nightmare if they really knew what is going on...and yes boys just love those "older" girls as well...

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The bottom line is that it speaks to his character or in this case the lack of character. That item alone is enough fo me to exclude him from any serious consideration of being a spokesperson for any thing I value. Then when you add in the Draft Dodging, Game Law violations, the infidelity,the off the wall outbursts etc. Why would anyone with who is concerned with sound values and decency support him?

Edited by Scot
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Scot you should do some research on our elected officials. They are the dirtiest bunch out thier and they represent us all... They make Ted look like a ANGEL!!! Yet people still vote for them...

It is not his character that represents us, it is a voice in the oposition of the 2nd amendment degradation. And as long as he keeps on fighting for my rights as a gun owner I do not need to know the type of person he is, that is irrelevant when compaired to my right as a citizen to own a fire arm... As long as he fights for that cause I do not care how the media portrays him or that I am not a big fan. Untile we get someone to step up to the plate, I will continue to support his effort to keep my guns in my hands...

PS: dont let this get to you, you seem to be harping on this, you will not change anyone's view and I think you have stated your point. Now lets go get a beer!!! Just my 2 cents. :-)

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The bottom line is that it speaks to his character or in this case the lack of character. That item alone is enough fo me to exclude him from any serious consideration of being a spokesperson for any thing I value. Then when you add in the Draft Dodging, Game Law violations, the infidelity,the off the wall outbursts etc. Why would anyone with who is concerned with sound values and decency support him?

We aren't necessarily supporting the man, just his message... which as far as the 2nd Amendment is concerned is... right on.

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Scot you should do some research on our elected officials. They are the dirtiest bunch out thier and they represent us all... They make Ted look like a ANGEL!!! Yet people still vote for them...

It is not his character that represents us, it is a voice in the oposition of the 2nd amendment degradation. And as long as he keeps on fighting for my rights as a gun owner I do not need to know the type of person he is, that is irrelevant when compaired to my right as a citizen to own a fire arm... As long as he fights for that cause I do not care how the media portrays him or that I am not a big fan. Untile we get someone to step up to the plate, I will continue to support his effort to keep my guns in my hands...

PS: dont let this get to you, you seem to be harping on this, you will not change anyone's view and I think you have stated your point. Now lets go get a beer!!! Just my 2 cents. :-)

I have repeatedly said that it is not the issues that I disagree with. It is who is advocating for them on our behalf that I really take exception to. If you don't respect someone and they are trying to sell you some thing or influence you what do the vast majority of people do? In my opinion they turn off, they are not listening and not receptive because of who is delivering the message. So how can inroads be made with non hunters when you have a "Ted" like dude delivering the message? The answer is that they can't. So how is he helping us? The answer to that is he is not. You cannot separate the message from who is delivering it and hope to have it be received in a favorable way.

Now about that beer! Any time and the first one's on me!

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My answer is this: While he is not converting many people, he is making it a point that WE as owners of fire arms will NOT let our rights be taken away or degraded in any way. And that is a message we can all agree on I hope...

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  • 2 months later...

He's definitely entertaining, and crazy like a fox. He's also a walking, talking contradiction. Anyone with his influence & audience who publicly advocates harming a standing president (I don't care if it's Obama or Bush or Romney if he wins) has gone over the top. While I applaud his standing up for my gun rights, he doesn't represent me.

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Ha-ha ..... Nobody is supposed to be that sure of themselves. And everybody loves to hate those that are. They sure do make great targets for those looking for someone to bash (especially among the anti-gun crowd). he may be awful harsh and abrasive to those that are soft on gun control, but I seldom hear him speak when I come away disagreeing with what he is saying. When I see someone putting themselves "out there" as often as the Nuge does, I guess I will allow a bit for an occasional over-statement. I don't see any other celebrity or public figure speaking positively and publicly about hunting and gun ownership. Even those public figures that are gun owners and hunters generally lack the spine to defend those things in public. So, I tend to cut Nugent a bit more slack than most are willing to. I kind of put myself in his position and realize that it would be pretty hard to be absolutely perfect, especially when there are so many people and organizations out there bent on silencing you.

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Ha-ha ..... Nobody is supposed to be that sure of themselves. And everybody loves to hate those that are. They sure do make great targets for those looking for someone to bash (especially among the anti-gun crowd). he may be awful harsh and abrasive to those that are soft on gun control, but I seldom hear him speak when I come away disagreeing with what he is saying. When I see someone putting themselves "out there" as often as the Nuge does, I guess I will allow a bit for an occasional over-statement. I don't see any other celebrity or public figure speaking positively and publicly about hunting and gun ownership. Even those public figures that are gun owners and hunters generally lack the spine to defend those things in public. So, I tend to cut Nugent a bit more slack than most are willing to. I kind of put myself in his position and realize that it would be pretty hard to be absolutely perfect, especially when there are so many people and organizations out there bent on silencing you.

My thoughts exactly! Over the top? Maybe... but I still agree with what he has to say.. and he's even entertaining to watch while he's saying it.

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Besides his baiting there isnt much I can find that I dont agree with about the guy. Though I was watching a recent concert on TV with him and his music is much lamer than I remember. :biggrin:

Ha-ha .... probably a generational thing. I skipped right over that electronic squealy stuff and went straight to country & western. That acid rock stuff never did a lot for me. Doesn't matter. There's a lot of what I listen to that turns other people off ..... lol.

All that aside, that has nothing to do with the Nuge's views on guns and hunting. And even though there is occasionally some practice that he does that I personally don't like (you mentioned one), the general message that he brings is basically things that I strongly agree with. I have a hard time going out of my way to criticize anyone who is putting up such a strong public defence of those things that I hold dear..... bad music and all .... lol.

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Besides his baiting there isnt much I can find that I dont agree with about the guy. Though I was watching a recent concert on TV with him and his music is much lamer than I remember. :biggrin:

Funny thing for me is I don't care much at all for his style of hunting... but i love the way he defends hunting and firearms.

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