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Garden 2022


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59 minutes ago, REDNECK4LIFE32 said:

Nice looking. I don't think I've ever had anything eat my zucchini or any squash plants.

I meant to keep them upright and less infringing on each other with tomato cages.

59 minutes ago, corydd7 said:

I caged squash last year and found it made harvesting easy. Also saved space but you might break branches if they get to heavy. 

Yea, I did it last year. It was neater, but I think I got less harvest? I'm still undecided.

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Yea, I did it last year. It was neater, but I think I got less harvest? I'm still undecided.

You can also prune squash which is very helpful with harvest and prevents mildew and other issues

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Well went and checked out my garden today. Radishes popped green beans and okra. Jinxed myself with saying deer havent bothered it.  Broccoli cauliflower cabbage and brussel sprouts got nibbled on. Tomatoes peppers and eggplant survived the heavy storms and wind a plus. Hopefully I'll be able to manage it and get some reward. Weeds aren't any watch I say it they'll come.

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That's interesting brussel sprouts were one of the few things the deer wouldn't eat in garden last year. Are you already getting okra pods or it just sprouted for you?

Okra is slow so far but it wasn't in great shape when i planted it. Same with tomatoes. 

Harvested about 85 scapes today. Elephant scapes are huge. I don't think my bulbs will be as large as last year. I tried some new varieties this year that I probably won't do again unless they taste amazing. Just not getting the stalk size I'm looking for. 

Going to make some scape butter and a cream scape sauce tonight to top some grilled salmon.


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34 minutes ago, corydd7 said:

That's interesting brussel sprouts were one of the few things the deer wouldn't eat in garden last year. Are you already getting okra pods or it just sprouted for you?

Okra is slow so far but it wasn't in great shape when i planted it. Same with tomatoes. 

Harvested about 85 scapes today. Elephant scapes are huge. I don't think my bulbs will be as large as last year. I tried some new varieties this year that I probably won't do again unless they taste amazing. Just not getting the stalk size I'm looking for. 

Going to make some scape butter and a cream scape sauce tonight to top some grilled salmon.


The okra is just breaking ground from seeds. Yes the deer nibbled on brussel sprouts and broccoli and cauliflower and cabbage.

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Checked garden today beers and swiss chard are breaking ground. Collards too and cucumbers. Waiting on lettuce zucchini and squash butternut squash. Deer came through again but doesn't seem to have bothered anything since first couple of days after planting.

High Life's I hope!

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I'm on the board as far as eggplant goes. Same as last year asian eggplant is early and plentiful.  Two different types, I'm interested to see if there is a difference in taste. 

Zinnias and marigolds are abundant. First year doing lots of flowers and I will do even more next year. 

Lots and lots of Jalapeños but gonna wait till my God daughter comes on Saturday to pick them. 

Cukes didn't germinate so I replanted yesterday before a good rain.


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Checked garden today. Gotta plant more beets and swiss chard in areas they didn't come. Pickling cukes finally broke ground. Gotta plant more zucchini and yellow squash haven't had many seeds planted pop ground yet. Corn is sparse too wondering if garden was too wet on that end or not. Got seven more hierloom tomatoes planted around my place in flower beds that once held hostas and we have them away they should produce nicely in that black dirt. Tilled down in between rows cuz weeds are starting to pop. Now gotta go between started plants and weed.

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I'm on the board as far as eggplant goes. Same as last year asian eggplant is early and plentiful.  Two different types, I'm interested to see if there is a difference in taste. 
Zinnias and marigolds are abundant. First year doing lots of flowers and I will do even more next year. 
Lots and lots of Jalapeños but gonna wait till my God daughter comes on Saturday to pick them. 
Cukes didn't germinate so I replanted yesterday before a good rain.

Someone needs to figure out why the cucumbers are not germinating this year. I have a terrible/never came up ceopmif cucumber and so does my father in law in the Boston area: if that guys garden fails something is wrong.

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Someone needs to figure out why the cucumbers are not germinating this year. I have a terrible/never came up ceopmif cucumber and so does my father in law in the Boston area: if that guys garden fails something is wrong.

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First year I’m not growing them so I can’t help. But they usually produce a ton for

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Someone needs to figure out why the cucumbers are not germinating this year. I have a terrible/never came up ceopmif cucumber and so does my father in law in the Boston area: if that guys garden fails something is wrong.

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Just go buy a starter cuke at Home Depot and call it a day

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I just wrapped up planting our garden this morning.  (2) more rows of candy corn (89 day), and (2) rows of silver queen (92 day).  I planted (4) rows of cappuccino (72 day) and (2) rows of candy corn on the weekend before Memorial Day.  That is about a foot tall now and I cultivated and hoed it, after I finished planting this morning.  

That makes about a half acre total of sweetcorn for us, in addition to the (2) acre field corn  “deer/turkey garden” farther out back.  I hope to get that cultivated and sprayed next weekend, because it looks  like the grass and weeds are growing faster than the corn back there. 

Usually, the coons start hitting the sweetcorn, just after it starts making ears.  I start trapping them at that time (late July).  NY state allows landowners to trap and kill “damaging” coons before the October start of regular trapping season, but the carcasses need to be burried or burned, prior to the trapping season opener.  After that, they can be tossed out in the fields to feed the buzzards.  The furs have not been worth the effort to remove for going on 20 years now.  

A couple deer came out, in the adjacent clover plot, as I was hoeing this morning.  It looks like they chewed a few corn plants down to the ground the last few days.  I thinned it out a little further today with the cultivator and hoe. 

Hopefully, we will have plenty of fresh sweetcorn throughout the months of August and September.  I can’t wait to start taking out the coons.  I don’t get them all, because that’s impossible and because field corn that has been knocked down by coons is more attractive to deer (and much more attractive to turkeys), than standing corn.   With only (2) acres of field corn planted this year, I’ve got to get most of them or it won’t last thru the Holiday ML season. 





Edited by wolc123
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That's cool John. What do they taste like? I need to do this or make more butter tomorrow before mine go bad.

On a side note my garden needs some heat!  It's hard not to pick what i have but another week and the heat coming this weekend should make the garden pop. 

Also cucumber crisis 2022 has been avoided. After a second planting I have some healthy seedlings. 

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