Speaking of hunting related content, this photogenic 3.6 yr old 8-point, that I harvested on a food plot on our place on 12/17/24, made one heck of a tasty neck roast. Maybe the best I’ve ever had.
I hung the buck in our insulated garage at 40 degrees for 9 days, prior to processing and freezing. The neck roast wouldn’t fit in a quart sized vacuum bag so I froze it in a one gallon ziplock bag. I placed the frozen roast, taters, onions, a packet of Amish powdered beef gravy mix, 12 oz of Genesee black cherry vanilla kellerbier, and 6 oz of tap water, in the slow cooker for 12 hours on low.
It was spectacular for dinner last night and so were leftovers for lunch at work today. Now I’m kind of wishing that I hadn’t ground the rest of that buck, except for his back straps and tenderloins. I’ve also got (3) quart packs of his liver and his heart left out in the freezer.
I’d try cooking his heart that way, but then my wife wouldn’t know what to do for me for Valentine’s Day tomorrow (she always pickles my previuos year’s deer hearts for me then, along with a beef tongue or two).
As far as the site arguing goes, I enjoy both and each has plenty to offer. Fast Eddie is awesome and deserves an all time best moderator award if anyone ever does.
I never had any trouble from the absentee owner and even the antler deer rancher is good for an encouraging word, when I really needed it (like the year that I got stranded out west and I missed my only opening day of gun season ).