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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/15/25 in all areas

  1. He did real well and nice size dogs!
    6 points
  2. Got a few hours to hunt before the storm hits. Lone female at 208 yards. Came in from over four hundred yards away howling like a male. .243 ended the noise. SJC
    2 points
  3. I'm hoping you have many more healthy, happy deer seasons ahead of you. And, I don’t think you will be alone here.
    2 points
  4. Nice Job. They don't last long when you feed them lead. SJC
    1 point
  5. Unfortunately I’m in Texas and fly back on the 16th.
    1 point
  6. More Ny overreach. Highly doubtful that would ever pass. But again we live in Ny!!
    1 point
  7. Yeah, seems like old times, doesn't it, LOL.
    1 point
  8. Speaking of hunting related content, this photogenic 3.6 yr old 8-point, that I harvested on a food plot on our place on 12/17/24, made one heck of a tasty neck roast. Maybe the best I’ve ever had. I hung the buck in our insulated garage at 40 degrees for 9 days, prior to processing and freezing. The neck roast wouldn’t fit in a quart sized vacuum bag so I froze it in a one gallon ziplock bag. I placed the frozen roast, taters, onions, a packet of Amish powdered beef gravy mix, 12 oz of Genesee black cherry vanilla kellerbier, and 6 oz of tap water, in the slow cooker for 12 hours on low. (30) It was spectacular for dinner last night and so were leftovers for lunch at work today. Now I’m kind of wishing that I hadn’t ground the rest of that buck, except for his back straps and tenderloins. I’ve also got (3) quart packs of his liver and his heart left out in the freezer. I’d try cooking his heart that way, but then my wife wouldn’t know what to do for me for Valentine’s Day tomorrow (she always pickles my previuos year’s deer hearts for me then, along with a beef tongue or two). As far as the site arguing goes, I enjoy both and each has plenty to offer. Fast Eddie is awesome and deserves an all time best moderator award if anyone ever does. I never had any trouble from the absentee owner and even the antler deer rancher is good for an encouraging word, when I really needed it (like the year that I got stranded out west and I missed my only opening day of gun season ).
    1 point
  9. I don’t think people are downgrading the site. They are speaking the truth. Owner is absent, took money for merch and never shipped it or returned money. Plenty of hunting sites. Not sure why someone gets banned for mentioning another site especially when this one isn’t thriving. I give Eddie credit. With an absent owner I wouldn’t care what anyone posted on here. Not sure why you get so butt hurt over it
    1 point
  10. Yeah, and you got to love his comment on an earlier email that "he would throw anyone out on his ass" for promoting another site. I've got some news for him. Obviously the powers to be here seem to tolerate his condescending tone and other general nonsense but if it were up to a real vote of many others here he'd be the first one who'd get thrown out on his ass. I can assure him of that.
    1 point
  11. You must be a real joy at home. Are you always this miserable??
    1 point
  12. Sometimes........even with change. Some things stay the same.
    1 point
  13. No bitterness, no hard feelings for me; just a great bunch of people to communicate with on this site about the same subject matter related to my interest. This is why I stay. It's really, that simple. I hear there's some great hunting in Siberia.
    1 point
  14. I am almost 84 Years old . I don't know how many more years i have abut I am not bailing out on this site . Maybe I will be the lone survivor .
    1 point
  15. Yes , burmjohn had the opportunity to sell the site as he had offers to sell . As long as the site is making money for him , the site will be around . There are those on another site that are hoping for this site's failure especially some whiners how were banned for various reasons . Keep on truckin' ............
    1 point
  16. Dogs have been scarce since taking out the Alpha's, so it was great to see the Beta dogs coming in, but not so great missing. It happens. A friends NocPix S50R scope. Great thermal scope but you still need to put the crosshairs on them to hit them. SJC
    1 point
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