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Everything posted by SportsmanNH

  1. The CEO of CrackPipe Inc and 10 percent of the profit goes to The Big Guy for his investment
  2. How about " MoneyPit " Thats what my buddy called his old boat . A hole in the water that he was constantly pouring money into LOL
  3. One funds the illegals to and across the border and the other funds their legal team and living expenses with our tax dollars . https://conservativedailywire.com/outrage-as-biden-gives-soros-nonprofit-164-million-to-help-criminal-migrants-escape-punishment/
  4. Very nice Grampy ! These are the things that makes a deer a trophy regardless of the size of the rack. Its the friendship and memories of the day that counts the most . They are Priceless !
  5. Absolutely AWESOME ! A Big Thumbs Up and congrats to your daughter on a very bright future !
  6. As I mentioned in my 1st post , I thought that Rem 750 243 would go between $1,000 and $1,100 . Right on the money . https://www.gunbroker.com/item/922046340
  7. Here is one that recently sold on 1/21/2022 Same gun with a Nikon 3x9 Prostaff scope $1,250 https://www.gunbroker.com/item/921575191 This one sold for 850 with no scope . I think this one was actually a good deal and only had one bidder. This one sold on 12/08/2021 . You just never know . https://www.gunbroker.com/item/917051315
  8. I think you will be surprised . The pump action 7600 243's are going for well over 1,000 up to 1,500 . There are 7 different bidders on this gun right now . My guess it might go for 1000 to 1,100 only because its not a wood stock . Guns with synthetic stocks go for less . Still a nice gun though. Good Luck ! I hope you get it !
  9. Is this the one you are looking at ? Nice looking gun . If not you will know what its worth tomorrow when the auction ends . https://www.gunbroker.com/item/922046340
  10. Thats the SUV YOU will be driving soon and your wife will be driving the CORVETTE !
  11. Let Em Grow has some good points but I will be the contrarian and use the well known statement that " Blood Is Thicker Than Water ". So I would tend to favor the family . It is your brother and niece here which you will have to deal with at every family get together . But we aren't selling a car here . You are selling your house that will affect your life and your future plans . There is plenty of time involved that your plan is to move in September. However the cards and show of hands plotting the timeline need to be thrown on the table by your niece , fiance , and brother . They must expose the plan on what , when and where everything will fall in place to accomplish the purchase . It cant be some " Bark In The Dark " plan with no teeth . If your brother and niece cant come up with a solid plan , then just sell it to your friend .
  12. If this keeps up National Geographic can start a NYS series of " Life Below Zero " just like the one for Alaska and Canada . You will be famous TV stars ! LOL
  13. That wont even get you a box of ammo . You better go UP in the price before someone puts a deposit down on them ! LOL
  14. Whats there to be concerned about ? Do it the old fashioned way with some sweat equity ! Happy digging !
  15. That might be outdoorstom at the airport heading out for vacation ! https://huntingny.com/forums/topic/95289-tattoo-touch-up/
  16. Long Island buck needs a trim to look good for the rut ? At least he used the door on the way out LOL
  17. I cook a neck roast just like a beef pot roast . Rub or spray the roast with olive oil rub your preferred spices in , and sear it on all sides . Lightly mix some beef bouillon in hot water enough to cover half the roast in the pot . Heat oven to 375 and add onions and some minced garlic . Cook for an hour and 15 min . Take it out and turn roast over and add the veggies and potatoes . Drop the heat down to 275 and cook for another 2 hours . Take it out and let it sit for 15 -30 min before cutting it . Falls apart with your fork . I never liked the crock pot for venison roasts . Seams to always suck the flavor out of the meat . Tastes like cardboard spiced with straw . LOL
  18. A friend of the family moved to Tenn a couple years ago in a rural area . Bought a new house for 235K that would cost over 500K up here . It was a newer subdivision and his back lot line backs up to a farm field. Deer out there all the time . He bought the lots on both sides of his house also . Paid less than 23K for each. Loves it there and says the people are great .
  19. Better to ask how these toxin got into the furniture and childrens products and matrasses in the 1st place . Another save the world moment courtesy from the good ole Lib State of California . And this stupid law that didn't stop fires but instead poisoned you swept through the nation . 1975 Why are flame retardants in furniture? A 1975 California furniture flammability standard called Technical Bulletin 117 (TB 117) led to the use of harmful and ineffective flame retardant chemicals in furniture and children's product foam. This California regulation was followed across all of North America.
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