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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Doc

  1. From the wunderground.com forecast at 11/17/15, 5:35 am, the forecast for opening day 11/21/15, in Honeoye, NY is: Sunrise: 7:08 am Sunset: 4:42 pm Temperature: 34 @ 7:00 am ............40 @ 5:00pm % precipitation: 1% @ 7:00 am ...........4% @ 5:00 pm Wind speed: 4 MPH @ 7:00 am .............8 MPH @ 5:00 pm Wind direction: SE @ 7:00 am ..............SE @ 5:00 pm
  2. This reply has me wondering what effects human farts have on deer. That disgusting, over-powering, stench wafting through the woods has got to stop a deer right in its tracks. On the other hand, the diet you are listing here might work out pretty good. All you will have to do is to go out and pick up the "passed-out" deer bodies. Another thought: Can a deer run & puke at the same time? Just some curious questions and thoughts coming from an idle mind when it really is too early in the morning to do much else. .....lol.
  3. Sounds like he has crossed over from non-hunter to anti-hunter. It is one thing to have a lone ATV motor past, but a whole damned gang of them ripping around through the woods is not going to enhance the hunting. Maybe it will get the deer moving a bit, or it might just send them right out of your hunting area. Of course he has a right to ride on his own property, but knowing there are people trying to hunt there certainly makes his choice of days a bit on the unfriendly side.
  4. I only got laid off once in my entire career. That was when the company I was at decided to let go 2/3 of their employees all at once. It was "last one in 1st one out arrangement. What a kick in the gut that was. But as it turned out, it led me right to the door of a great company that I eventually retired out of after nearly 40 years. Sometimes a lay-off winds up being the best kick in the butt that gets you to make a move you should have made already.
  5. Another freaky thing that I have noticed during the seeking phase of the rut is that many of the buck seem to be moving perpendicular to the trails. It's kind of like they are moving in a direction to cross as many trails as possible. So I am positioned watching a major trail, and the buck comes in behind me ready to cross that trail and assumedly scent check it before moving across the next one. So if I have successfully put the wind in my face, coming from the trail I am watching, it's a 50-50 possibility that the wind is blowing from me right to the buck that is coming from behind me.
  6. Doc


    How things change over the years: Pretty darn primitive at first Deer camp generation 2: Our two-man camp Current deer camp the final version: Roll out of bed, and start walking up good ol' Killer Hill to get on stand
  7. I'm not. I still have my pumpkin suit on, but I did have to remove some of the layers because of the heat that day. So, I simply hang things around to get more red and orange on the stand itself. Hey ... It can't hurt.
  8. Ha-ha-ha ..... He did that on purpose you know.
  9. It will look exactly like this except that the Ithaca 12 Ga will be replaced by my .270 Ruger American:
  10. Interesting. When does a weapon become considered so hard to effectively use that it is unethical to use for hunting deer? I suppose that argument could get real interesting and perhaps have quite a ripple effect back through our versions of so-called "primitive weapons". Should that even have an effect on our thinking or is it a viable concern when legalizing hunting weapons? Does the fact that there are a few individuals who might become adequately proficient automatically make it eligible for legalization?
  11. Doc


    Ha-ha-ha ...... share the grief and make everybody miserable by shrinking their season.
  12. You made a point of mentioning that you moved your leg. Are you sure that was not the reason that the doe blew and ran off? Perhaps it had nothing to do with the scent at all.
  13. Doc


    Or you can look at the threat that he DEC currently has hanging over our heads that they will implement an early muzzleloader season in certain WMUs if bowhunters don't behave and somehow figure out how to turn around the doe take with bows. Or you might want to look at the existing youth gun hunt that the DEC insisted be placed in bowseason. Or you can look back at 2004 when the only thing that kept the DEC from implementing a muzzleloader season then was the organized uprising of the bowhunters. Never say never. The fact is that I would say the odds are that it will be happening. And how far beyond muzzleloaders they will ever go, remains to be seen.
  14. I guess it has something to do with upbringing. I was raised to recognize that we are a nation of laws and as such proper citizen behavior is to respect the law, obey the law, and to have respect for those that enforce the law. That's just the guidelines that I was raised with. I still believe in all that. I also believe that you can have a disagreement with a law and the proper response to that kid of disagreement is to follow the system to get that law changed. I was also raised to despise law breakers. With very few exceptions, that principle of my upbringing is still engrained too. I am a hard-line law and order proponent.
  15. Who says that opinions don't get changed on internet forums? .... lol. I have always been a proponent of the old argument that if you pay attention to your wind direction, that act alone will take care of any scent problems. And I have experienced situations that seemed to prove that. But the problem is all the swirling, ever changing wind directions would have you dashing all over the woods trying to chase wind direction. So, all you people who have been highlighting the fact that wind direction is not always something you can successfully handle, and all those who swear by scent prevention activities, now have changed my mind. That doesn't mean that I am running out and spending my last dime buying every scent control product. It also doesn't mean that I will not be questioning how people determine what products work and which don't, or how on earth you determine whether or not a product is really doing anything but draining your wallet. But now I will have to admit that when I don't buy all the soaps and clothing that is designed to minimize your scent, and get all goofy and paranoid about scent removal, there definitely is a risk that goes along with that especially when hunting hill/valley country.
  16. I have always made the assumption that our membership is not reading-challenged. Perhaps that isn't true in all cases.
  17. Doc


    I believe that the early deer hunting bow season is being jealously eye-balled by all kinds of hunters. I have heard the comments (right or wrong) about how the bowhunters are getting the first crack at all the best bucks and how the buck population is being thinned before the gunners even get a chance at them. The warmer temperatures make that particular time of the year a much more pleasant time to hunt. And then there is the rut component of the bow seasons that makes everyone want some involvement in hunting that time of year. And now we have the eager accomplices, the DEC, who can't stand that the population thinning activities are being wasted on a weapon of challenge. Some of this has moved from simple grumbling to actual official plans for implementation in some WMUs. There is no doubt that the DEC has definitely had a change of attitude toward bow hunters from neutral to hostile. So there is definitely going to be some more action at some point where bowhunters will be forced to take on what will appear (and what really is) an exclusionary stance that will once again be branded as selfish and elitist. You can take that to the bank. And so I have to ask, is fighting for the integrity of these special seasons really selfish or elitist? Seriously, when the shrill cries of selfish and elitist begin, is there really any basis in fact for those allegations? I thought a discussion of that without the heat of being actually engaged in an actual live bitter controversy is a worthwhile thing to establish. Perhaps the whole notion of "special seasons" is in question. That whole idea seems to generally incite discord and bitter disputes among hunters who would otherwise get along quite reasonably. Maybe special seasons are selfish and promoting of self-serving attitudes. It just might be that the hunting population cannot tolerate set-aside time segments for minority special weapons uses. Maybe the whole idea was a bad one.
  18. Ha-ha .... now there is something you're not likely to ever witness .... lol.
  19. The potential for this becoming a hatchet job on hunting or even meat eating is significant. This hunter will not be participating.
  20. I had one a bunch of years ago for a stroke. I was so preoccupied with the stroke crap that was scaring me to death, that I really can't remember a whole lot about it.
  21. Desperation can be a very pathetic thing.
  22. Ha-ha ..... Isn't that the truth? It seems that every year there is a different excuse for disappointing harvests. I don't think they have used too warm weather in a bunch of years.....lol. I wonder if they have a book of excuses filed away on a shelf somewhere.
  23. I came across this hunter standing about 50 yards from my house, leaning on the butt of his shotgun with the muzzle resting on top of his boot. The guy was drunker than a skunk. his eyes were blood red, and he was having a hell of a time standing upright. I talked with him a bit just to let him know that the house was there and to remind him of the setback requirements for discharging his gun. He apologized and went staggering off toward the road. I have to admit that I really didn't know what to do. I was a bit concerned for this guy's safety, but didn't realize that I probably should have called the cops or something. This guy was heading back to his car, and he really shouldn't have been anywhere near the road in his condition. I found out later that drunken hunting is illegal too (for good reasons). That experience was probably a lot more scary than strange, and I believe I handled it all wrong. I just never encountered anything like that, and got caught completely off-guard.
  24. No, the NYS Environmental Conservation Laws say nothing about "common sense". There are explicit starting and stopping times and that is a good thing. At least it keeps all those shots in the dark down to a dull roar. Those idiots are using their version of common sense too. The problem is that contrary to their own beliefs, they really don't have any. I get a kick out of those who try to justify ignoring or thumbing their noses at the laws based on inconvenience. It really sounds like the bigger the rack, the more laws it justifies breaking. Hey .... these are the armed people we have out there in the woods with us. And then there are those who are struggling to get everyone to admit that they break the law so they can feel good about doing it themselves. You drive 5 MPH over the speed limit? Well great, let's all go out jack-lighting tonight. Damn ..... what on earth is wrong with you people? You are not talking about accidently or inadvertently or mistakenly breaking the law. You are bragging about or admittedly planning on willful illegal action. And sadly you don't even see anything wrong with that.
  25. As a matter of fact, all through hunting season, it is a daily routine to check the sunset and sunrise times for each day. It's not really that much of an imposition .... lol. I have the weather site bookmarked in the computer, and wham-bam.... it is the easiest thing I will probably do that day. It almost happens automatically since I am in there daily getting the latest read on the wind and weather forecast so I can plan the hunt.
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