Try it locally in your County first. You can start part time in most cases and see if it's for you. It's the same criminals that the State gets, they're just not sentenced yet. You'll develop a sick sense of humor and meet a lot of bizarre people.
I tried a buck decoy last year. Every deer that saw it investigated. Two small bucks came in and fought in front of me. I was in a pop up blind and they never looked my way, they concentrated on the decoy. Looking foward to using it this year.
It amazes me whenever I hunt public land that someone always pulls up by my truck and get out and start calling. If I see another vehicle I just keep on driving. It's called respect!
My neighbor always brings me a loaf of bread from Addeo's bakery in the Bronx. Awesome bread! About a dozen loaves a year. He is happy that I look after his place and keep his road clear for him.