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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by airedale

  1. The California model is what Democrats are going to try and use when it comes to hunting and regulating firearms and ammo. Al
  2. A better more truthful headline would be Democrats and hunting don't mix and the icing on the cake is you yourself a libtard troll on a hunting board certainly don't mix and should be canned. Al
  3. It was a good little film, his and my views on hunting and preparing yourself are much the same. These days there does not seem to be much of what I consider to be actual hunting. When I watch one of the current so called hunting shows with a person sitting as snug as a bug in a heated elevated stand with their rifle resting on a lead sled and shooting a big buck feeding on a pile of corn I can only shake my head. Al
  4. For open sights and my old eyes a ghost ring peep works best for me along with a fine bead fiber optic front, the old eyes don't work as well as they once did but with that combo I can shoot well enough for deer hunting out to 100 yds or so. My main problem is in low light conditions. These days most of my open sight firearms for Deer hunting are my old style sidelock muzzleloaders. Also the 20 mm objectives on low powered scopes have nothing to do with field of view, they in fact most times have a much larger field of view than high powered scopes with large objectives. They do not let in as much light so they are not as bright in dim conditions but they still let in plenty for legal shooting hours so seeing your target and crosshairs is no problem. I am with Buckmaster when it comes to scopes for Deer still hunting and in the woods, I will take compact light weight and field of view for quick handling and ease of carrying. And a low powered scope does not limit your range for most Deer hunting here in NY. Almost all of my woods Deer hunting firearms have low powered scopes with 20 mm objectives and I have never not been able to take the shot because of it. Al
  5. Below is a typical peep-receiver sight, some mount on the side like this one and some will mount on the top of the receiver or barrel replacing the original factory rear sight. A couple of illustrations showing basically how they are used, unscrewing the smaller hole aperture makes for a larger sighting hole which some refer to as a ghost ring resulting in a much larger field of view maker for quicker sight acquisition which is favored for hunting and still with precise accuracy.
  6. Both are two of my all time favorites but I give the edge to the Duke. Al
  7. Most on my small game hunting including Rabbits and Hare when using a shotgun has been with 20 ga and #6 shot which for me has been best for all around. I have to disagree with the fellow's opinion about using Rimfires for hunting when using dogs. When hunting Hare many times I carried just my Colt Woodsman 22 and I killed a lot of Hare with that gun limiting out on numerus occasions. Safety is all about the individual practicing safe gun handling and taking safe shots, I have never even been close to having an incident endangering my Dogs from errant shooting. Al
  8. Go to Ebay and type in a search for reloading equipment used and new, there is plenty of stuff available. The selection and prices will not be as good as they were a few months ago because there are a lot of shooters jumping on the hand loading bandwagon. Al
  9. It is tough to get behind the eight ball when it comes to ammo supply if you are a hand loader. It is not to late to get into hand loading your own ammo. I am an avid shooter and other than rimfire ammo I can count on my fingers the number of boxes of factory centerfire ammo I have purchased in the last 50 years. 99.9% of the ammo I shoot and hunt with has been put up by me and to be honest I believe it to be the equal and in many cases better than the factory stuff. You will never be short if you are a smart shopper and scrounger, you will have good savings to boot. It can come down to even forming your own cases and casting bullets if need be. It can all be done if one gets serious and learns to do it. I have posted here before it does not cost a lot of money to get started, do not be afraid to buy good used equipment and equipment from multiple manufacturers as most reloading equipment is interchangeable and made to work together. Al
  10. Old Bill is taking heed of Thomas Mitchell's quote in the movie Gone With The Wind. Why, land is the only thing in the world worth workin’ for, worth fightin’ for, worth dyin’ for, because it’s the only thing that lasts.” Al
  11. The reality is the powers that be never seem to want folks to be able to defend themselves. Just about every device that can be used for personal defense has some sort of law prohibiting possession. Knives, pepper spray, brass knuckles, a sap or Billy clubs are some examples. Like firearms the criminal elements to not pay much attention to laws having such things that they would gladly use against their victims to carry out their crimes. So unless you are a black belt like our friend Bill or someone like Shaquille O Neal you are to take your mugging, robbery or home invasion like a man or rape in a woman's case and like it. Al
  12. Like Grouse I would be out of NY in a hurry, a place in the Black Hills of South Dakota from April through late Fall and a place somewhere in Texas for the winter, both places would have to be ideal hunting properties with plenty of room for visiting friends and family. Also a nice motorhome to travel between the two places hunting throughout the western states for varmints and birds during those travels. I have made many friends out west through the years being associated with Airedales and other hunting dogs with invites to visit and hunt from many, that big chunk of cash would allow the means to easily do so. As I do today I will donate to places that I feel are important to me like St Jude's children's hospital and the NRA just in much bigger amounts. Al
  13. May your family's strong faith carry you through this most difficult of time. Al
  14. I been around long enough to know that without the NRA gun ownership as we know it today in this country would not exist. No cut and run for me, a lifetime member here and I will stick with and proudly support the NRA till the end. Another check will be sent out them this week. The leadership problem will be taken care of and fixed! Al
  15. I hate diagnosing problems without actually looking at what is going on, that being said if you believe the bolt is too long a simple fix would be a properly fitted washer or you could grind the end of bolt itself the taking off a couple of threads to shorten it up, make sure to polish off any burrs. Al
  16. Good varmint bait stations especially a Deer carcass is very effective in bringing in a variety of varmints. The first thing I do before setting any bait station up is to wrap the bait I am using in a piece large square welded wire fencing and tie the whole works down, this will prevent it from being dismembered into smaller pieces that can be dragged away giving many more days of use and opportunity. In cold weather another good method is the so called bait popsicle, get a large plastic tub, cut up the bait into small enough pieces to pack in to tub and fill with water and let it freeze solid. The varmints have to work hard at getting at the meat and it too can last for many days if the cold weather cooperates. I like placing the bait in a spot that provides several different shooting positions to play the wind and so I can check how it is holding up with binoculars at a good distance keeping scent contamination to a minimum. I would wait for the bait to start being hit before I hunted it, once it does it is like sitting in any other stand, a waiting game and can be utilized both day and night. Al
  17. Coons cans be hunted successfully without a dog, daytime calling is highly effective and in some cases even too easy. A good hand Coon squaller or an electronic caller works well. In a nutshell you want to find denning areas, look for large trees that have big holes in them, big old Beech trees produced well for me, also old abandoned buildings might be a gold mine. Go to youtube and type in daytime coon calling and there will be many videos giving tips on how to go about it. Al
  18. Does not surprise me a bit, you are basically in the same category as the Versatile one when it comes to your posts, the difference between me and you two knuckleheads is most times when I post something I try to contribute something useful to this board's main theme which is hunting shooting and the outdoors. Carry on with your libtard political hacking, it is what you are good at. Al
  19. I can tell you a Republican who is compelled, I am going to denounce, "you" Talk about a nut! You are a first class pot stirring internet political hack TROLL who has not added one bit of useful information to this hunting board!!! Al
  20. I do not consider myself any kind of expert Varmint hunter but I do have pretty fair luck. When I first started dabbling in Varmint calling many years ago daytime hunting was the only way it was done. I have stuck with that method so all of my predator hunting has always been during daylight hours, I like mornings up to about 10 am best but have had decent luck in the hour just before dark. I have found a hungry varmint comes to the call just about any time. Al
  21. Along with Jimmy Kimmel, Alec Baldwin, Stephen Colbert, Merrill Streep etc etc along with the rest of the Hollywood hacks. About the last advice I will take is from that bunch of morons who have absolutely nothing in common with my lifestyle. Old Arnold should stick with what he does best, piss poor acting, shooting steroids into his body and screwing his housekeepers. Al
  22. Congratulations, you own a couple of first class rifles right there chambered in one of my favorite cartridges. I have a connection with the model 61, my Dad purchased one in 22 mag when they first came out, that is the rifle I cut my teeth on for Woodchuck hunting and I have fond memories of that 61. I have a couple of maggies myself, one in a nice Ruger 77-22 Mag bolt action varmint and the other is a Remington 597 autoloader, they both shoot very well and surprisingly the Remington hangs right in there with the Ruger accuracy wise and is a favorite of mine. 22 mag ammo has been seriously upgraded through the years with both accuracy and high quality bullets. I have some pretty high end varmint rifles but most times that Remington 597 is my go to rifle for woods varmint hunting and has proven to be up to the task on both Coyotes and Fox. Al
  23. I went on one Elk hunt in Colorado 50 years ago with my Dad. It was an outfitted old fashioned pack train hunt 20 miles into the mountains on horseback and equipment carried in on pack mules, the ride in took a whole day. The tent camps were already setup days earlier by the outfitter so when we got in all we had to do was unpack our gear into a tent. You have to be in decent shape and back then I was a young buck and physically gnarly so I had no problems in that respect getting around in the mountains. Another thing is if you are going to be riding horses it is best to get some riding in to get your ass in shape because you will get saddle sore. My Dad and I both took small bulls but I was not disappointed as the whole experience of the pack in trip itself for me was a blast. Made a friend with one of the Horse wranglers about my age who went by the name of Buffalo McCarthy, after I shot my Elk he and I did a lot of fishing and some small game hunting with his sawed off shotgun, along with some mountain horseback riding. Met Ralph Bone a custom knife maker who was an original knife guild member and he taught me the proper way how to sharpen a knife, a skill I still use today. All and all a great bunch of memories. Al
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