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Everything posted by JJBat150

  1. If temps are cool, I may sit on a field edge or two; biggest concern is I don't have a deer fridge, so if I do harvest something, will have to de-bone break it down pretty quickly and get it into the 2nd family fridge to age for a few days. 8J hunter - Early season allows firearms, bow and crossbow; most likely will carry the bow or muzzleloader can't see changing anything up from how I normally hunt.
  2. Sounds like the State's argument to defend the poorly written law is the main source of confusion. Can only hold for an injunction and outright overturning of the NYS concealed carry "improvement" act.
  3. Not exactly, the Mall's rules state no firearms, but Indiana law only allows a violator of these rules to be removed from the property and trespassed. Basically, the same rules currently for New York State. After September 1st, however it will be a felony...
  4. I have dozens of pictures from trail cams over the years where deer and coyote have walked the same path within minutes / hours of each other.
  5. Is this the beginning of the end for the SAFE act ? Is FPC more effective than the NRA ? How many members support the FPC ? - if not should we ? FPC Files Lawsuit Challenging New York “Assault Weapons’ Ban as Unconstitutional - Firearms Policy Coalition
  6. There's a bunch of these in the woods where I hunt. Definitely wouldn't want to eat out of them...
  7. I would make a comment, but as a holder of a NYS Pistol Permit for almost 30 years, I can no longer use my 1st Amendment right of Free Speech, as it will be used against me when my Permit is renewed...
  8. Have 2 boxes of 50 rounds each. Both are unopened. Wife bought these, she thought they were 17HMR. After bringing them home, she found out they can't be returned. Told her if I can't sell / trade them away, she'll have to go out and purchase me my 1st. 17HM2 rifle. Open to offers / trades / or give away to a good home that will give these things the attention I can't.
  9. My office at the facility has a stand-up desk. At home it's only a regular sit down desk. That's the only materialistic thing I miss working from home. The face to face interaction with humams other than my family, that's another conversation... https://theoatmeal.com/comics/working_home Sent from my SM-G981U using Tapatalk
  10. I have a lot of co-workers that have re-located while tele-working; most are down-sizing getting ready for retirement. One benefit of being a federal employee is the locality pay. Folks are moving to areas with high locality pay but saving money due to no commuting costs. Locality pay also affects your pension computation...
  11. I work for the Federal Government as a Supervisory IT Specialist- Have been able to telework ad-hoc the past 15 years or so but choose to work from a facility as much as possible. Was required (forced) to go 100% telework when the pandemic started. For us, telework / Work from Home (WFH) is normal - put a computer in front of me, and with the remote access technology, most IT work on systems can be done this way. As a higher-level supervisor, most of my day is spent on MS Teams doing scheduled tele-conferences and ad-hoc calls. I feel that I am just a productive from the home office as I would be in a facility. Most of my work is remote; my 5 subordinate employees are spread out across the East Coast, and we provide support Nation-wide, so calling folks on a phone / Teams Call is a normal thing, and we actually have very little face to face interaction with each other or the folks we support. Fully admit that I take a morning walk with the dog most every morning and walk the property, but it's usually 20-30 minutes; about the same amount of time I would be away from the desk if I took a walk at the facility. Working from home, I do find myself working some few extra hours, especially when dealing with the west coast, but it's still a good balance between home and work life. One thing engrained into us as feds and working for the taxpayer is that telework is authorized if it's a benefit to the agency, not the employee. Teleworking I am also required to work my normal tour of duty (40 Hrs/week) - not "flex" my time and work a few hours, do personal stuff, then work again for a few hours. Have also always been told that telework is not a replacement for childcare - basically if the kids had a snow day or the babysitter was a no-show, I wasn't allowed to ad-hoc telework to be at home to keep an eye on them. Granted the pandemic lightened up some of this. I hate it when I see people posting things on social media about "tough day working from home as a sit with my feet in the pool reading email". Stupid posts like this prolificated when the pandemic first hit, now I ignore them. This is my home office - it's not the kitchen table, the couch watching daytime talk shows, or sitting on the deck watching the family in the pool.... it's a dedicated work area.
  12. Got an ugly fox running around the yard eating cherries - My guess is mange - other thoughts ?
  13. "The course should take you no more than (5) five hours to complete." So for folks outside of Albany County, can we take it 3 times in order to meet the new 15 hour course for recertification of our permits ? Sent from my SM-G981U using Tapatalk
  14. 8 AA batteries per camera - I've been using run of the mill Alkaline batteries with good resuls
  15. Started a few years ago using the cell-links that use a ribbon cable to connect to the SD card of existing camera; ended up getting 4 of them and used on various model of cameras with relatively good results - biggest issue was 2 sets of batteries per camera (1 set in camera, 1 set in Cell-link device). The link device only allows still pics, no video from your current camera. Never had issues with cell signal - I'm in 8J with good coverage. Usually get notifications of pictures within a minute or 2 of them being tripped. Did have 1 camera that died, customer service made me jump through hoops (replace batteries, do a long format on a PC of the SD card, use another SD card, reboot, wait 24 hours for it to find a cell signal, stand on your head) before sending out a replacement device. Switched to the LINK-MICRO-LTE-V model that's self-contained and for 2 years been happy with them. Batteries were swapped out around 1st of the year, and a few cameras were still showing 20% battery life last few weeks. You get low-res photos via the app (either mobile app or website) and then have the option to download a high-res image. When you pull the SD card on the camera - all the images as saved as hi-res. I'm currently running 4 links and 6 full cameras - the plan to increase the # of photos is per camera, not per account. I usually pay monthly, and only bump up a plan if the camera is getting a lot of pictures. Free plan is 100 pic a month, and like 5 hi-res downloads. Basic is 250 ($4/month) Standard is 1000 ($7) and unlimited is $10. Here's examples of a low-res and high-res picture from the same camera...
  16. Fully boosted. Tested positive 2X (14 months apart - last time was 3/22). Both times it was basically flu/cold symptoms for a few days. Slowed me down a bit physically, but no lasting issues.
  17. From the text of the bill - looks like semiautomatic rifles do not get recorded. The law was specifically updated to call out recording on the pistol permit, and NOT the semiautomatic permit. (The underline text is added to the law by this bill) The bill also says that the license is only needed to "to purchase or take possession of such a firearm when such transfer of ownership occurs on or after the effective date". So, it's not a carry permit, just a purchase permit. No matter how you slice and dice it, it's just a feel-good law that's only going to affect legal gun owners, and do little to curb the criminal violence. https://legislation.nysenate.gov/pdf/bills/2021/s9458
  18. Here's the actual text of the bill... basically it adds "take possession of a semiautomatic rifle" to every mention of a "licensed to carry or possess a pistol or revolver" - it's passing the creation and issuing of the new license to the County Sheriff / County Clerk (or whoever is technically licensing officer) with absolutely no requirements of what is required to obtain said license, other that "approved as to form by the superintendent of state police." Waiting for county Sheriffs and County Clerks to push back at the extra work that it's going to create. Or hopefully, they'll simply said "if you have a pistol permit already, it's now also considered a semiautomatic rifle license" Only good thing I see is that manufacturer, caliber, action and serial # isn't recorded like it is on a pistol permit. https://legislation.nysenate.gov/pdf/bills/2021/s9458
  19. This just came in the mail today. Rather than following my Governor and elected officials' suggestion, and use it to pay my property taxes, I will be investing it into precious metals like brass casings and copper plated bullets...
  20. Haven't been out yet, but I suspect most gun shops are busier today than January 2013 right before the UNsafe act was pushed through....
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