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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by JJBat150

  1. Didn't they try that in Seattle with the CHAZ thing ? Seemed to be a successful endeavor. Sent from my SM-G981U using Tapatalk
  2. Got the same - camo paint has chipped and scratched, but oh well it's not a show piece. I've pulled a lot of mud and junk out of it over the years, and it's never failed to function. Only used 3" shells.
  3. Any idea how long ago the injury happened ?
  4. "They just want this torture to stop." Cuomo staffers have stopped showing up to work, sources say (nypost.com)
  5. SATURDAY MARCH 13TH @ 1PM - What is going to be the big news ? BREAKING NOW: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to Make an Announcement at 1PM | Sean Hannity
  6. I LOL'ed at this, then I puked a bit in my mouth thinking about the video. Me & my daughters had to explain the video to my wife a few nights ago; she'd never heard of it before.
  7. There's so many now, I get confused. From what I can tell : #7 is a reporter that was touched inappropriately - "Jessica Bakeman" #8 was an employee hired for her looks - "Kaitlin"
  8. And Number eight is heading out of the starting gate.... Ex-Cuomo staffer says he verbally, mentally abused her (nypost.com)
  9. In my neighborhood the wood peckers have done a number on all the ash trees going after the emerald ash borers. Surprised there were any bugs in the plywood they'd be interested in.
  10. Had to google it myself... interesting reading. GOP Congresswoman Blamed Wildfires on Jewish Space Laser (nymag.com)
  11. Maybe all forum member could collect their home-grown lint and mail it to Moog to help him build up his supply. Moog - could you provide your mailing address ? please and thank you. ** I take no responsibility for any non-lint items that maybe received.
  12. My first thoughts were that Melissa DeRosa would be sacrificed by Cuomo to save his a$$. Now that more democrats are on board, I hope she'll become the prosecution's best witness.
  13. It's also necessary for the left because they know that this impeachment will split the Republican party into 2 factions - the pro Trumper and and Anti Trumper. Much easier to defeat Republican when they are divided.
  14. Here's the summer version of the wardrobe....
  15. Toilet paper is a life necessity. Ammo - not as much so. That's what the left wants us to believe. Sent from my SM-G981U using Tapatalk
  16. 20 Gauge Shells are claimed. The 12 guages are still looking for a loving forever home.
  17. Prefer face to face to avoid shipping issues - Looking for ammo to feed 22 LR or 22-250 rifles or .45 ACP handgun.
  18. My Wife did as well, her family is part of the OH family (uncle owned the farm) her sister married into HEAD farms. From what I've deduced from your posts, your wife is part of BB family. Some nice properties over there on CR 30, but I've never actually done any serious hunting there - always stuck to my back yard.
  19. In the process of doing some housekeeping and found these artifacts that I no longer have use for. Thinking that they at least 30+ years old and have been stored in a dry climate controlled environment. I've shot some other shells from the same collection without any issue. These are all NON sabot with lead projectiles. 7 Boxes Remington Slugger 20 2 3/4" 5/8 ounce 1 Box Winchester Super-X 20 GA 2 3/4" 3/4 ounce 2 Boxes Remington Slugger 12 2 3/4" 1 ounce 3 4/5 Boxes Federal Hi-Shok 12 GA 2 3/4" 1 ounce Looking to see if anyone's interested in trades. or can find a good home for these lonely boxes.
  20. Wonder if there's already a big game lease signed for the property, and the owner is looking to "double-dip" by adding a small game lease. If that's the case, I'd walk away.
  21. Night time, I walk the edges of corn fields / woods with a red head lamp. Amazing how many sets of eyes I see looking back at me. Never tried daytime calling for em. Gonna look at the you tube videos and give it a try this weekend.
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