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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. So your assertion is it was picked becasue he is black? Could have been becasue he is a douchebag.
  2. It is probably either Utility owned or a Right Of Way (ROW) granted to the utility and privately owned. Either way it is private property. A trip to the tax map section of the county you are in should tell you who holds it.
  3. I don't think that would be illegal unless he was selling. Perfectly legal to give it away.
  4. I believe it is targeting purchases. I don't think the thought is limiting sales. They would be just fine with all of us selling everything we had, preferably out of state or country
  5. I had an early deadline for my daughters since she started her summer Gross Anatomy session yesterday. Oh did I mention that the tuition for a 5 day a week, 6 week session with no room or board was $14,000. And the corporations are the evil greedy ones....SMFH
  6. I get a kick out of how so many of the participants are touted as having these great survivalist skills and they you see them doing something that 1st year Boy Scouts was taught not to do. A couple minutes before that lady cut her had chopping kindling I said to my wife she was gonna do just that.
  7. Well lets just say in my much younger days there were a few occasions that some local ones developed lime green painted feet. and were released unharmed otherwise.
  8. I said the same exact thing. I also get a chuckle that with all the bears around not one has done any fortification of their shelter or area. I also wonder what type of game laws they must abide by. Many of them have video footage that has a mess of seagulls in the frames. They are one of the easiest bids to trap. smash up some of those mussels they can't eat to use for bait and I would be roasting some gulls....lol.
  9. Hate to hear these stories, losing a member of the fraternity. My Condolences.
  10. Not to add a wrinkle to the thread but if any of the firearms are now classified as "Assault Weapons" in NY not all the options listed above are applicable.
  11. I have the perfect idea to make it all better. have ham for Thanksgiving. All will be forgiven
  12. using a dog to hunt them isn't legal in the spring. I wouldn't have a gun but if I had access to a dog I sure would be going for a walk with it.
  13. That's what I meant. if the dog take the scent for quite a ways and no bird it's probably good to go.
  14. Sorry to hear it Belo, It happens. Know anyone with a good bird dog?
  15. I've walked into tow butcher shops in the past and they each had a guy with a skillet frying backstraps and steaks. Whether it was the customers meat or not I didn't leave my deer at their places.
  16. Greys? Rate traps are a bit undersized if they are greys
  17. I am in favor of the rat trap. Peanut butter works great but I have had them be gentle enough to lick it off and not set the trap off. I take a peanut and score a small ring around it with a file or a knife. then wire the peanut on the trigger through that little bait holder slot. Bread ties work great. Then slather a bit of peanut butter on it. even if they get the peanut butter off, at that point their wrestling to get the peanut always trips the trap
  18. TC Encore. 15" barrel in .308 Win. I share the frame between my 223 and the 50 cal ML Target at 100 yards.
  19. You are welcome, Mike. Looking forward to the day I can pop some doves in the smoker here in NY
  20. The Passed poaching Bill A7171 on the Assembly side and the Senate version now match in wording, it is known as S4727-B. It now needs to be put on the calendar for the Senate Environmental Committee. Call, email Tom O’Mara’s office. He is the chair of the Senate Env. Com. [email protected] His EMAIL His Albany Office phone 518-455-2091 When you call, I would suggest you ask to speak to someone on the legislative staff, then simply state you are a voting deer hunter, you support S4727-B and urge Senator O’Mara to get this Bill on the Senate Env Com calendar!!!!!!! His office address below Albany Office Legislative Office Building Room 307 Albany , NY 12247 Phone: 518-455-2091 If it clears his committee, then onto regular Senate for a vote, then to Cuomo to either sign or veto.
  21. I didn't take your comments as discounting. Was only adding to them. I was only pointing out as a first step. There needs to be united support and effort to make anything work and as you pointed out NY couldn't get it done after the safe act.
  22. We are SOOOOO far behind the other states in the Game protection laws and fines. There are states that fine based on a sliding scale of the "value" of the animal to the people of the state. and the bigger the deer the bigger the fine. I get that these judges see all kinds of cases, some of our other laws may be inadequate as well. But just like so many other professions or offices, they weren't "drafted" into them. THEY CHOOSE to take the position. administer to law or get out of the way for someone that will. I have an issue, like you, with all the illegal taking of game. The reality of it though is the whitetail the most popular game species bay far in the state. I believe it is number one in it's entire range. Just as I said in some other DEC threads about other topics, I see this as a positive. We are far behind where we should be, do we spout all negatives about a positive step becasue it doesn't go "far enough" or do we take the step as a first step and keep pushing?
  23. Seems like the next move should be listing these judges and targeting them during their elections.
  24. It was higher but would have lost support. This is basically a 100% increase over the outdated fines that were in place.
  25. It's a waste of time. When his assertions are challenged and he feels like he is in a corner, he just quits the conversation.
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